What is the term for Dilute & Non-Dilute Solutions ?
Very Dilute → Hypotonic
Very Concentrated → Hypertonic
What is the formula of Carbohydrate ?
What does ORS Contain ?
Water and Electrolytes ( NaCl and Other Chlorides too)
Concept of Diffusion
Diffusion is movement of particle from High Concentration of Salt to Low Concentration
For Example :
- when we mix salt and water
- Exchange of O2 and CO2 in Lungs in Blood is due to Diffusion
Breathe In - Oxygen && Hamari Nas Bring in De Oxygenated Blood from the Body
Concept of Osmosis
- It is a Special Case of Diffusion only in case of Liquids
- Hence Diffusion of Liquid is Osmosis
- Diffusion is a Generic Term and Osmosis is a Specific Terms
- In Osmosis, Water from Higher Concentration moves to Water from Lower Concentration
- Here Having a Membrane is a must
- Example:
- Bloating in fingers when bathes for too much time or when immersed in water
- Bloating of Raisins when immersed in water
- Movement of Water from Soil to Roots of Plants
Concept of Osmoregulation
- Osmoregulation is the process by which organisms regulate water or electrolyte level in the body.
- Electrolytic Balance in its body to maintain Homeostasis Balance
- Osmoregulation in Animals is carried out by well developed excretory system
In Human Kidney is the Principal Organ to Maintain Water and Electrolyte Balance in the Body
- Osmoregulation in Plants is carried out by Vacuoles
- Dry / Arid Environment →Store More Water in Vacuoles
- Wet Environment→ More Transpiration
Concept of Transpiration
- Transpiration of Evaporation of Water from Leaves. Some times also called Evapotranspiration
- the process of water passing out from the surface of a plant or leaf
Concept of Homeostasis
- the process by which the body reacts to changes in order to keep conditions inside the body, for example temperature; the same
- Homeostasis is the response to keep the condition inside the body same
- Homeostasis Balance is a Biological Equilibrium State
- Examples
- When we feel heat we perspire
- In Winter We Shiver due to Contraction of muscles for maintaining heat
What is Xylem & Phloems
They are Tissues and NOT Cells
Concept of Steroid
Steroids are medicines that quickly fight Inflamation in body by slowing down the immune system.
There are two main types of Steroids
- Cortico Steroids derived from Cortisol Hormone which is produced in Adrenal Gland
- Anabolics help in building muscles so they mimic Testtesterone
Why should Gym Goers not take Steroids
Gym Goes generally take Steroids in order to Build Muscles Easily and in a more Flaunting way. These Steroids contain testerone, when given from outside like this steroid, after a specific time the body thinks that it does not need to produce testestorne and the body stops producing it thus leading to a case of Muscle Atrophy
Meaning of Zoonotic
From Animals to Humans
Living Being, Plants & Animals
What is a Living Being ?
G - Growth
R - Reproduce
R - Respire
M - Metabolism
Cells - Animals Cells and Plant Cells
Cell is Fundamental Unit of Life. The Term was coined by Robert Hook in 1665. Human Body is composed of Trillions of Cells. They provide Structure to Body, take in Nutrients from food and converts nutrients into energy
These cells can make copies of themselves. Cells have many parts, each with different functions. Some are called as Organelles. They are specialised structure that perform certain tasks
Structure of Animal Cell
Plasma Membrane
- Provides Structure to Cell
- Helps in Transportation of Materials in and out of cell (generally by Osmosis)
- It is the Brain or Control Centre of the Cell
- It also has DNA or Chromosomes
- DNA is De Oxy Ribose Nucleic Acid
Liquid in Cell
- Inside Nucleus - Nucleoplasm
- Outside Nucleus - Cytoplasm
Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Provides Skeletal Support to Cells
- It helps in distribution of material
- Also Helps in Membrane Genesis
- There are two types of ER
- Smooth ER
- Rough ER - Contains Ribosomes on the Surface
Synthesis of Lipids
Ribosomes could be present in free state in Cytoplasm also
- They are called as Protein Factories of the Cell. They Synthesise Protein
- Proteins are chain of Amino Acids
- Proteins are Essentially Macro Molecules
- Proteins that are
- Taken from Outside - Essential Proteins
- Taken from Inside - Non Essential Proteins
- Power House of Cell
- Helps in Synthesising Energy from food that cells can use
- Mitochondria also contains some DNA and this is known as Mitochondrial DNA. It is different from what is found inside the Nucleus.
- DNA is passed from both parents to child. Human have 23 Sets of Chromosomes or total 46 chromosomes. 23 Chromosomes from Mother and 23 from Father
But this Mitochondrial DNA is inherited by Child only from the Mother
Golgi Body
- Golgi Bodies are Packaging Bodies.
- They store, process and package material to be transported out of the cell
- They also help in combining sugar and protein to form GlycoProteins
- They are called as Suicidal Bags of the cell
- They contain enzymes which can digest parts of cells
- In case of lysosome rupture. The Enzyme can kill the whole cell itself. Hence called Suicidal Bags
Animal Cells also have Vacuoles. They are smaller in size and many in number wrt to
Structure of Plant Cell
Cell Walls
- Cell walls are made up of Cellulose
- Cellulose : in the most complex from of Carbohydrate
- To Give Structure, Rigidity & Shape to the cell
- It permits the cells of Plants Fungi and Bacteria to withstand very dilute external media from Bursting
- Hence it has a Protection Mechanism too
Protoplasm is Cytoplasm and Nucleoplasm
- In Mature Plants Generally there is one Vacuoles
- It helps in Osmoregulation by means of Diffusion
- Occupies the Peripheral Position
They are of two types
- Chloroplast / Chromoplast - When it contains some coloured pigment like Chlorophyll. It is known as Chloroplast
Pigment is any chemical that exist within a cell
- Leucoplasts - They contains transparent pigment
Difference Between Plant & Animal Cell
Animal Cell | Plant Cell |
No Cell Wall Present | Cell Wall is only in Plants |
No Plastids Present | Plastids is only in Plants |
Smaller than Plant Cells | Plant Cells are Larger |
Has Small Vacuole | Mature Plant Cell has Generally one Large Vacuole |
Centrosome is present outside the Nucleus and helps in cell Division | Centrosome Not Present |
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
- Not All Living Organism have Well Defined Organelles. Some living organisms do not have a nucleus & They are called as Prokaryotes
Life on Earth is said to have evolved from Pro Karyotes
Pro - Before or Primitive & Karyotes - Nucleus
- Pro Karyotes Evolved to from Eu Karyotes
Eu - With & Karyotes - Nucleus
- Examples
- Pro Karyotes - Amoeba, Bacteria
- Eu Karyotes - Plant & Animal Cell
Difference Between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Theme | Prokaryotes | Eukaryotes |
Size | Smaller | Larger |
Nucleus | Absent | Present |
Organelles | Absent | Present |
Chromosomes | 1 Chromosome | More than 1 Chromosome like Humans have 23 Sets of Chromosomes |
Cell Division |
Concept of Fission in Prokaryotic Cells
Fission offsprings are born using a single parent, the DNA Splits or duplicates and then eventually the cell fissions to form two Daughter Cells.
These 2 daughter cells are exact copy of the parent
Eukaryotes - Human Body Cell
Types of Cells in a Human Body
Human Body has two types of cells
- Sex Cells → They present in Sexual Organs
- Somatic Cells → Every Cell which is not a Sex Cell is a Somatic Cells
Difference Between Mitosis and Meiosis
Mitosis | Meiosis |
When Somatic Cells Multiply it is called as Mitosis. It is needed for a Normal Growth | Formation of
Eggs in Women
Sperm in Men
is called as Meiosis |
It is cell division for normal growth and development | It Happens during formation of Egg Cells or Sperm Cells. They are also called Gametes |
The Number of Chromosomes in Mitosis in Daughter Cell Remains Same | The Number of Chromosomes in Meiosis Reduces to Half |
From Unicellular to Multicellular - Including Meiosis and Mitosis
Until Formation of Zygote → Meiosis
From Zygote to Foetus → Mitosis
Prokaryotes - Bacteria
Structure of Bacteria
- Bacteria has been derived from a Greek word which means “Rod”
- Outer Covering of Bacteria has three Layers ( In Sequence from Outside to Inside it is)
- Part 1 : Cell Capsule
- Part 2 : Cell Wall
- Part 3 : Cell Membrane
To Protect the Bacteria from Harsh Condition and provides it protection mechanism to survive in harsh conditions
Made up of Unique Combination of Peptidoglycan (Combination of Sugar and Protein)
- Part 4 : Flagellum: Helps in Movement
- Part 5 : Pilus: Hair Like Structure in Bacteria which sticks to the host and transfers the genetic material causing disease
- Part 6 : DNA is Scattered in the Cytoplasm
- Part 7 : Plasmids
Some DNA Ends Could Join, looking in a circular shape called Circular DNA called Plasmid
DNA whose ends are joined are called as Plasmids
- Bacteria does not have Mitochondria
Types of Bacteria on the Basis of Shape Are
- Rod Shaped → Anthrax
- Spherical Shaped → Streptococcus
- Spiral Shaped → Sexual Diseases like Lyme & Syphilis
Types of Bacteria on the Basis of Feeding Are
- Heterotroph
- All Diseases Causing Bacteria
- Example : Anthrax
- Autotroph
- Food by Photosynthesis →
- By Process of Photosynthesis
- Example : Cyanobacteria
- Food by Chemosynthesis →
- By Making food from Synthesis of Chemicals
- Example : Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria in the Roots of Leguminous Plants
Uses of Bacteria
- Human Survival
- It is present in Digestive System which produce enzymes to digest carbs, proteins and fats
- Some even help in fighting pathogens
- Agriculture
- Nitrogen Fixation.
- N2 is freely available in Atm. Plants use Nitrogen by means of Nitrogen Fixation done by Bacteria
- Used in Making Genetically Modified Crops
- Food Industry
- In Making Fermented Products like Curd, Cheese, Yogurt, Yakut
- Pharma Industry
- Bacterias are used to make antibiotics, vaccines
Diseases Caused by Bacteria
- Tetanus
- Cholera
- Typhoid
- TB
- Diphtheria
- Pneumonia
- Leprosy
- Plague
- Lyme
- Syphilis
What Are AntiBiotics ?
They are chemicals which help to kill bacteria
First Anti Biotic Developed was by Alexander Fleming called Penicillin
Causes of Anti Biotic Resistance
Bacteria Develop Resistance Against Medicines Meant to kill them. Bacterias Evolve Naturally and in due to course of time they become resistant to AntiBiotics but human actions is increasing the rate of this resistance
More the Bacteria is exposed to AntiBiotics, More they will evolve and become resistant
Causes of Anti-Biotic Resistance
- Over Prescription by Doctors
- Not finishing the entire course
- Use of Antibiotics in Fish Farming and Livestock like Chicken
- Nexus Between Pharma Companies and Doctors to Prescribe AntiBiotics
- Affluents from Pharma Companies if not treated can lead to Antibiotics Resistance
- Chola Chaap Doctors are called as Quacks. Giving Medicine without Knowledge
- Poor Health and Hygiene Conditions
- Over the Counter Sale of Antibiotics without the Prescription of Doctors
- New Inventions in Antibiotics has slowed down as Pharma companies believe that return on investments will be less
- FDC : Fix Dose Combination (Combining Two Drugs Together Like)
This is being misused by pharma companies for brandin and selling
Example : Cheston Cold etc
- GM Crops can sometimes be reasons like BT Brinjal can be cause of Anti Biotic Resistance
- Use of Sanitisers and Disinfectants is also becoming a cause of Anti Biotic Resistance
Example of Anti Biotics Resistance
Klebsiella Penumonia is a major cause of Hospital Acquired Infection. It infects the blood stream and it also infects new borns. Carbapenum is an Anti Biotic used to treat this Pneumonia, but this bacteria has now become resistant to Carbapenum. Hence Collestin is now the last resort
Mains PYQP Practise Question
Can Overuse and Availability of Anti Biotics without Doctors Prescriptions are contributers to emergence of Drug Resistant Diseases in India. What are the availaible options to monitor and control. Discuss the various issue involved.
Reports on Anti Biotic Resistance
- WHO Report : “The World is Moving Towards a Post Anti Biotic Era in which common Infections minor Injuries which have been rrateble for decades can once again kill”
It estimates that 350 Million People will die because of Anti Biotic Resistance by 2050
- UN Report : By 2050 world will observe 10 Million Deaths Annulay because of Anti Biotic Resistance
- GRAM Report : Global Research on Anti Microbial Resistance
Anti Microbial is a Generic Terms which means Resistance Against Bacteria, Virus, Fungi, Protozoas
Direct Deaths because because of AMR (Anti Microbial Resistance) is 12.17 Lacs in 2019 and Indriect Deaths 49.3 lakhs in 2019
- ICMR : Indian Council for Medical Research
studied 10 Hospitals and found that covid patients have acquired drug resistance infections in hospitals
Steps to Encourage Development of new lines of Anti Bioitcs
- Push Model
- To Do Research and Dveelopment by Giving Capital
- Carb X is a start up in health sector. it was given 350 Million Dollars to develop new lines of Anti Biotics
- Pull Model
- When Companies Do Develop New Lines of Anti Biotics, Huge Orders are given by Govt
- Pasteue Act in USA, assures sale of these medicines
Steps taken to Fight AMR
- WHO has started Global Action Plan (GAP) in 2015. In this WHO along with UN will help develop & implement, national action plan for Countries
- GLASS - Global Anti Microbial Use and Surveliance System
- World Anti Microbial Awareness Week (WAMAW) in 2015 and every year it is celebrated in third week of November.
- UN has started Intra Agency Co Ordination Group in 2016
- Global Anti Biotic Research and Development Partnership (GARDP)
- Stewardship Program
It is an Initiative by ICMR for controlled use of Anti Biotics in Hospitals
- Scheduling of Drugs
Lilsting of Drugs so that they are not availaible without doctors prescription
- Red Line Campaign
There is a Red Line in the Packagin of the Scheduled Medicines
- Govt has capped the Maximum Level of Drugs that can be used in Meat Industry
- National Action Plan to fight AMR derives from the Global Action Plan by WHO
WHO Suggestions
- Use Anti Biotics only when Prescribed
- Complete the Full Course
- Never Share Anti Biotics
- Prevent Infections by Washing Hands
Prokaryotes - Fungi
- Fungi is a chlorophylless plant.
- The cell wall is made up of a type of sugar called Chitin (Complex Sugar)
Examples of Fungus
- Yeast
- Moulds
- Mushroom
These Fungi can cause Serious Diseases like
- Asthma
Net Like Structure is formed in the Lungs which obstrcuts the Diffusion of Oxygen
- Ring Worm
It is also a Fungal Infection
- Black Fungus
It was in news during Covid. It is a rare infection which infects especially the brain, nose and ear. It infects specially those patients who are diabetic and who were goven streoids to treat covid
Because of use of Steroids, the Immune System got weakend and this fungus grows. in Some cases the eye had to be removed so that the infection could not reach the brain
- Athletes Foot
- Scabies
Prokaryotes - Virus
- Virus is an Infectious Microbe consisting of a Segment of DNA or RNA ( Nucleic Acid ) surrounded by a Protien Coat
- It was first Discovered by Ivanvosky in 1892
- They are known to be on the border of Living and Non Living
- They Become Active only inside a Living Host
- They are the most deadliest Virus and they can infect everything like Bacteria, Fungi, Plants and Animals
Baltimores Classification of Virus
- Virus can be
- DNA or RNA based
- Double Stranded (ds) or Single Stranded (ss)
- Baltimores Classification of Viruses
- ds DNA + ss DNA
- ds RNA + ss RNA
Types of Virus on the Basis of Attack
- Plants - Viruses which infect Plants are Generally RNA Type Only
- Animals - Viruses which infect Animals are Generally RNA and DNA based
- Bacteria - Viruses which infect Bacteria are called as Bacteriophages
- Fungi - Viruses which infect Fungi are called Mycoviruses
Origin of Virus
- Co Evolution Theory
It says that just when first cells were formed, viruses might also have been formed
- Cellular Origin Theory
Bits of DNA or RNA might have jumped out of cells
- Regressive Theory
Extension of Celllular Theory. Cells might have Degenerated or broken down to form a Virus
Different Diseases Causes by Viruses
Diseases | Details |
AIDS, HIV | Retro Viruses are RNA based |
Hepatitis A B C D E | Inflammation of Liver |
Poxes | Chicekn Poxl, Small Pox |
Flu | Common Flu - Adeno Virus
Bird Flu (H5N1)
Swine Flu (H1N1)
Covid | Corona Virus |
Diarrohea | Rota Virus |
Viruses in News
- Monkey Pox
It is a Zoonotic Virus. Which can Jump from Animals to Humans. It was first found in Monkeys in 1958 in Africa, In Humans it was first found in 1970’s in Africa
Geprgaphical Spread is Africa and Travellers in & out of Africa
Tranmission is only with Close Contact
Monkey Pox is not deadly
Small Pox Vaccine works well fro Monkey Pox as well
- Yara Virus
- It does not affect humans i
- It affects Amoeba
- Mudcrab Virus or Reo Virus
- If affects Wild Crab
- In Andhra Pradesh it had led to Mass Mortality of Crabas and infects the pancreas and intetsines
- Lassa Fever
It was discovered in Africa in Lassa Region of Nigeria and it is Zoonotic. It spreads from Rats to Humans
PYQP Prelims
- Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy
- PYQP 2020 Pland and Animal Cells
Carl Linnaeus’s Classification
- Carl Lennaeus is a Swedish Scientist who had given Classification as Plants and Animals.
- He is the one coined the Term Homo Sapiens
R H Whittaker’s Five Fold Classification of Living Organisms
The Chronology and Sequence
Traits - Characteristics. Diversion Occurs due to Change in Patterns of ADCG
- Chromosomes contain information coded in the form of Base Pairs (A,T,C,G). Chromosome was named by H Waldeyar
It Transmits Coded Information from One Generation to Another. A Particular Species have a definite number of Chromosomes.
- Human have 46 Chromosomes or 23 Pairs. Hence we are Diploids. Diploid is Presence of Two Sets of Chromosomes in an Organism cells one from each parent.
- Chimpanzees have 24 Sets or 48 Chromosomes. In Chimpanzees - 12 Ch and 13 Ch have fused together
- Pigeons have 40 Sets of Ch
- Wheat has 21 Sets of Ch
Other Examples
- Numering of Chromosomes
1st Chromosome to 22nd Chromosomes → Autosomal Chromosomes
Determines Somatic Characteristics i.e Body Features & Colors
23rd Chromosome → Sex Cells Chromosomes
Determines Gender
XX → Female
XY → Male
- Difference Between Autosomal Chromosomes and Sex Chromosomes
Autosomal CH | Sex CH |
1 to 22nd Pair | 23rd Pair |
Determines Somatic Characteristics such as Color, Height, Stature, Gender | Determines Gender |
5. Structure of Chromosomes
- DNA → De-Oxy Ribose Nucleic Acid
- DNA was discovered by Fredrick Meischer but the Helical Structure was given by Watson and Crick
- DNA is made up of Three Components
- Sugar - Sugar is De Oxy Ribose
- Phosphate
- Nitrogen Bases → ATCG
- Here
- A - Adenine
- T - Thymine
- C - Cytosine
- G - Guanine
- U - Urasil (It is not present in DNA but is present RNA)
- Base Pairing Rule
- A Pairs only with T ( Apples on Tree)
- C Pairs only with G (Car in Garage)
- Here A, T Together is called as a Base Pair
- Bases are joined by a Hydrogen Bond
- DNA is found in Nucelus and also in Mitochondria
Nuclear DNA | Mitochondrial DNA |
It is inherited from both the parents | Inherited only from Mothers Side |
In Total, we have Three Billion Base Pairs | 16,000 Base Pairs Only |
20,000 - 25,000 Genes | Only 37 Genes |
Not Applicable | It is replicated independently of Nuclear DNA |
Genes are Segments of DNA which control a particular Characteristic.
Example : One Gene could control a Eye Color, Skin Color or Production of Insulin in our Body
Concept of Genotype and Phenotype
Genotype - It is the Gene Inside You
Phenotype - Physical Expression of that Gene
- RNA is Ribose Nucleic Acid
- Most of RNA is Single Stranded
- It consists of
- Sugar
- Phosphate
- Nitrogen Base Pairs
- A - Adenine
- U - Uracial
- C - Cytosine
- G - Guanine
- There are 3 different types of RNA
- Messenger RNA (m-RNA)
- Ribosomal RNA (r-RNA)
- Tranfer RNA (t-RNA)
Transfers Message from DNA found in the Nucleus to Cytoplasm
It is the actual site of Protein Synthesis
Carries the Amino Acid and Trasnfers it to Ribosomes
Difference between RNA & DNA
Generally Double Stranded | Generally Single Stranded |
Mostly in Nucleus but also in Mitochondria | RNA can be found in Cytoplasm other than in the inside the Nucleus |
It has A,T,C,G | It has A,U,C,G |
Sugar here is De Oxy Ribose | Sugar here is Ribose |
What is an Amino Acid & Protein
Amino Acid is an Organic Molecule that contains an Amino Group
Protein is a Long Chain of Amino Acida (NH2). Which is folded in a specific 3 D Pattern
Our Body needs 20 Types of Amino Groups. Our Body can synthesise 12 Types of Amino Acids
- Mutation is Sudden Change in Gene. It is the Raw Material for Evolution
- Term Mutation was given by Hugo De Vries in his book “Theory of Mutation, 1909”
Methods by Which Mutation can Occur (Insertion, Substitution and Deletion)
Types of Mutation on the Basis of Size and Quantity
- Point Mutation
Point Mutation is Change in Just One Base Pair of Gene. by Substitution or Deletion
- Gross Mutation
Gross Mutation is Change in More than One Base Pair of Gene
Type of Mutation Based on Cell
- Mutation in Somatic Cell
Here the Mutation cannot be passed to Next Generation
- Mutation in Germ / Sex Cell
Here the Mutation can be passed to Next Generation
Types of Mutation Based on Cause
- Natural Causes
These are Random Mutations
- Induced Causes
By Means of Some Agents called as Mutagens like Chemicals or Radiations
Impact of Mutation
- Positive Examples
Fox P2 Gene in Chimpanzee which led to development of Hyoid Bone
- Neutral Examples
Change in Development of Hair and Skin
- Neagtive Examples
Cancer and Allied Mutations, Sickle Cells Anaemia
Organisms Mutate and Develope Different Strains
Protein Synthesis
Information Regarding Protein Synthesis is contained in DNA
It is creation of Protein that allow the functions and structures of cells. The Information regarding protein synthesis is contained in the DNA, Inside the Nucleus DNA acts Template to form m-RNA
This Process of Formation of mRNA from DNA is called as Transcription
This mRNA moves out of the Nucleus and attaches to Ribosomes or r-RNA
t-RNA brings in Amino Acids
r-RNA makes a chain of Amino Acids which folds in 3D to form Proteins
Protin Synthesis is Essentialy Two Steps
- Transcription
Inside Nucleus, DNA to mRNA
- Translation
Outside Nucleus, mRNA to r-RNA && then t-RNA
Significance of Transcription Term →
RTPCR → Reverse Transcription Polymarase Chain Reaction
Covid is a Single Stranded RNA Virus
Transcription is DNA to RNA
Here, Reverse Transcription is RNA to DNA
Polymerase Chain Reaction is like Photocopy of this DNA formed
Gene is a Segment of DNA which codes a particular characteristic or Trait
Example : Color of Eye, Insulin Production in Body
The Complete Set of Genes in a cell or Living Things. The Term Genome was coined by Hans Winkler. Genome Means Complete Set of Genetic Material of a Particular Species. It is essentially the genetic blueprint of a species
Gene Sequencing
Knowing the exact orders of the base pairs in a DNA Segment.
Timeline of HGP
1990 - HGP - Read Started - Francis Collins
1995 - Celera Pvt Co Joined
2001 - Interim Report
2003 - Final Report (92%)
2016 - HGP Write Started
2018 - Earth Bio Genome Project
2022 - Complete and Final Finding of HGP (R)
Human Genome Project - HGP Read
This Project started in 1990. it is one of the greatest scientific projects ever taken in human history. the objectives of this project was
- Sequencing of All Genes
- To Find the Location of the Genes (To Find Where in Chromosome Gene is Present)
- To Track Inherited Traits to a Particular Genes (Color of Eye, Color of Skin, Propensity of Disease)
- To Store all this information or findings in the data base
Findings of HGP Read
- 99.7% of Genes of Humans are same i.e only 0.3% of Genome Differs Between People
- There are Three Billion Base Pairs and we were able to sequence this
- 97% of this is repetitive in nature and 3% of it code for protein.
- Largest Number of Genes was found on Chromosome No 1 CH#1 (2968) && Least Number of Genes were found in Last Chromosomes i.e Chromosome#Y - 231
We have about 20,000 to 25,000 Genes
- We were able to find some diseases which tracked to a particular gene. For Example : Huntington Diseases was because of some effect due to chromosomal gene no 3
Significance of HGP
Running Notes
- Genotype (Genetic) and Phenotype (External Appearence)
- DNA Fingerprinting
- Computational Genetic
- Baby Swapping and Paternity Issues
Socio Cultural Significance
- Busted Myth of Racism as 99.7% of Genes of Humans are Same
- Humans have 98% similarity with Genes
Medical Significance
- In Health and Disease, Identifying Genes responsible for a Disease
Huntingtons Disease CH#3 → Brain Disease
Cystic Fibrosis CH#7 → Lungs Issue of Mucus. Excessive production of Mucus in the Lungs which blocks exchange or transfer of Oxygen
- For Identifying Mutations and also for treatment
- DNA Fingerprinting is used to solve paternity issues to identify criminals to identify dead bodies in accidents or disasters
- to resolve child swapping issues
- Dermatoglyphics - Studying the Pattern of Skin
- It helps in understanding the evolutionary process
Terms HGP Read
- 8% of human genome was not deciphered by 2022. It was by march 2022 that scientists have deciphered the rest 8%
- Term “Junk DNA” → Junk DNA is the DNA doesn't give coded instructions → Means it does not Transcript into RNA
- India was not part of this project
HGP Write
- Here Write means we can re write the code.
- This Project Started in 2016
- The Objective of this Project is to create a Synthetic Genome
- India is also a member of this project and 15 countries are part of this project
Benefits of HGP Write
- Ultra Safe Humans can be made
- Improvement in Efficacy of Vaccines
- Customised Drugs could be made
- Growing Human Organs in the Lab for undergoing Transplantation
- Genetic Disorders could be eradicated
Concerns / Fallout of HGP Write
- Bio Warfare & Bio Terrorism & Super Soldiers
- It could change the entire course of evolution
- Concerns of Designers Babies. Thus, it will lead to Genetic and Economic Divide
- Commodification of Humans like Denial of Insurance to Disease Prone Humans.
- NTD - Neglected Tropical Diseases → Ignored Tropical Diseases → Technology is Value Agnostics
- Designer Babies
- Will Increase the Divide between Rich and poor
- Could also lead to Genetic Divide or it could lead to Neo Racism.
- Can lead to Gender Specific Sequencing
- Privacy and Confidentiality Issues
- Off Target Mutations could lead to Unintended Consequences
- This could change the course of natural evolution
Earth Bio Genome Project
- Sequencing of all plants and animals and fungi in 10 Years.