Defence Tech

Defence Tech

Assets of Army
Missiles are unmanned Aerial Vehicle with objective to destroy Targets
There are two main types of Missiles
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  1. Cruise Missiles
    1. Trajectory just like an Aircraft. Never leaves Earth’s Atmosphere and is called as Hyperbolic Trajectory.
  1. Ballistic Missiles
    1. Leaves Earth’s Atmosphere and then hits the Target. Called as Parabolic or Ballistic Trajectory
Difference Between Cruise and Ballistic Missiles
Cruise Missiles
Ballistic Missile
Remains in Earth’s Atmosphere
Leaves Atmosphere
Uses Jet, Ramjet & Scramjet Engine
Uses Rocket Engine
Range is 500 to 600 KM
Range is as high as 12,000 KM
Less Payload Capacity
Higher Payload Capacity
Brahmos, Nirbhay - India Tom Hawk - USA
Agni - India
BrahMos → From Handout
Range of Brahmos 1 was limited until 300 KM
MECR - Multilateral Export Chemical Regime
When we started with MECR, Russia was member of MECR
The 4 MECR was
  1. NSG (Nuclear Supplier Group) → for the control of nuclear related technology
    1. India is not a Part of NSG Group.
  1. AG (Australia Group) → for control of chemical and biological technology that could be weaponized
  1. MTCR (Missile Technology Control Regime) → for the control of rockets and other aerial vehicles capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction
  1. Wassenaar Group → Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies
Missile Defence System
IGMDP: Integrated Guided Missile Development Program
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SAM → Surface to Air Missiles
WAM → Water to Air Missiles
ASM → Air to Surface Missiles
Assets of Navy
Aircraft Carriers
Assets of Air Force
LCA ( Light Combat Aircraft)