
Extra Details & Facts

Fun Fact: Magnet Distance Charge
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Oceans of the World
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Reading of Physical Maps
  1. Green Part - Flat Region
  1. Brown Part - Risen Part
  1. Blue Part - Deeper Part

Types of Volcano
Active Volcano
Erupts Fairly and Frequently
Dormant Volcano
Barren Island - Initially Dormant now Active
Extinct Volcano
Not showing any signs of eruption since long time, not records of when it erupts
90% chances it would erupt
Mt Kilimanjaro / Mt Kibo / Snow Capped Mountain

Concept of Tillites
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Concept of Gradation
  1. Process of Levelling of Land. Mainly Seen where Transportation & Deposition are almost Equal
  1. Achieved by Two Processes
    1. Degradation - To Reduce Height = Denudation
    2. Aggradation - To Increase Height = Deposition
    3. Diagram of Degradation and Aggradation
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      Example of Gradation (Agent of Erosion = River)
      Same Agent - Different Roles
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ggradation + Degradation
Concept of Base Level
  1. The Region or Area upto which river can perform Erosional Activities
  1. Two Types
    1. Permanent - Global Base Level - Sea Level
      1. Mainly All Rivers Drain in Sea called Mouth of River
    2. Temporary
      1. If River Flows in Arid Area (Erratic Monsoon, Less Rainfall)
      2. Might Drain into a Near By lake or Drain
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Concept of Sea Level
It is a Region where slope becomes almost Zero & Erosional Activities Stop.

Difference Between Tributary & Distributary
River Tributing Wtare to Main Riover
Example - Ganga = Ram Ganga, Gandak, Kosi, Son
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Difference Between Magma & Lava
Magma - Outside Earth - Semi Solid
Lava - Inside Earth - Liquid

Cycle of Process
Concept By James Powell, used by American Geologist William Morris Davis (To Explain his Cycle of Erosion) -
  1. Present is the Key to Past - Uniformism
  1. Something that has happened now, might have happened in past with varied intensities
  1. Ex : Now Aravali is Old Fold Mountain - Earlier it might be like Himalaya
ThreeFold Work of River

CDT - Doubt
Assumption 1 - SiAl SiMa - Criticism 1 - BIGGGG DOUBT
SiAl - Lighter Solid Continent - Earth Crust - Hard
SiMa - Weak Mobile Denser - Oceanic Crust - Soft
Example - Hard & Water - Continent & Water -
Like Wood Floats Over Water
SiAl Moves over SiMa w/o any resistance
resistance only when sima also was solid
Mechanism of Earth Quake & Volcano
How are Fold Mountain Himalaya, Andes and Rockey Formed
Self Contradiction of Statement
For Formation of Fold Mt & Occurrences of EQ & Volcano
SiAl - Lighter Denser Solid - Earth Crust
SiMa - Hard Denser Solid - Ocean Crust
Couldn't Explain
If SiMa is Weak Mobile Denser - Then Sial Can Float Over it
If SiMa is hard Dener Solid - Then Movement cannot be there
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Sial Continental Crust floating over siam oceanic crust wihoty any friction or resistance
for movement of conetinets after drfiting he considered continets i.e conetinetal crust as solid and ocean crust as weak denser sima thus sima wouldnt offer any resistance
wegner htrated contients as loghter solif sial which float on heavier liquid sima
it is very starnage that sima whom he considered weak could float on sial becaem so rigid that at the tome of mounatin formatoon that sial striking against it rose in the form of mountain
if we take sima riigd, the continents cannot float in it and if we take ti as weak and mobile the mountain cannot be formed