
Fission in Totality

It is essentially called as “Nuclear Science & Technology”
Basics of an Atom
  1. Electron
    1. An electron is a negatively charged subatomic particle that can be either bound to an atom or free (not bound)
  1. Proton
    1. Protons are the positively charged particles that are inside the nucleus of an atom
  1. Neutron
    1. Neutrons, along with protons, are subatomic particles found inside the nucleus of every atom. The only exception is hydrogen, where the nucleus contains only a single proton. They are Neutral in charge
  1. Basic Rule
    1. The number of electrons in a neutral atom is equal to the number of protons.
  1. Atomic Number
    1. The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
      Atomic Number is the Identity of that Element - On the Lower Side of H
  1. Mass Number
    1. The mass number of the atom (M) is equal to the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
      Mass Number can be changed by changing the number of Neutrons inside the Nucleus → on the Upper Side of H
  1. Method of Writing an Element
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  1. Isotopes are different forms of the same element having the same atomic number but different mass number. In Isotopes the number of Neutrons changes while the number of Proton and Electrons Remains same
  1. Isotopes of Hydrogen are Deuterium and Tritium
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  1. Here, Protium and Deuterium is Stable where as Tritium is Radioactive
  1. If a Nucleus has too many neutrons then its becomes unstable. An Unstable Nucleus or Large Nucleus will try to Stabilise itself, it will either emit particle or energy to stabilise itself
This Process of an unstable Nucleus trying to stabilise itself is called as Radioactivity or Radioactive Decay
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Isotopes which have large nucleus and which decays are called as Radio Isotopes. Tritium is a Radio Isotope of Hydrogen, A Large Nucleus is the one which has n/p (ratio of number of neutrons to that of number of protons) ration greater than 1
All Elements which have atomic number > 83 and Mass Number > 209 have their Nucleuses only as RadioNucleids
In Hydrogen, One Isotope i.e Deuterium is NOT Radioactive but in the upper case all isotopes will be radioactive
Types of Release
  1. Particulate Emission - A Particle is Released
  1. Electromagnetic Radiation - Wave of Energy
Important Radioactive Materials
  1. Plutonium → All Forms are Not Naturally Found
  1. Uranium
    1. → Not Naturally Occuring
  1. Thorium
There are Three Ways in which an Unstable Atom Stabilises Itself
Alpha Decay / Alpha Emission (Particulate Emission)
  1. It is Doubley Charged Proton & Neutron. Its nucleus is same as that of a Helium Atom
  1. Alpha Particle is Something which has 2 Neutron and 2 Proton
  1. Helium - Electron = Alpha Particle
  1. In Alpha Emission, the Atomic Number Decreases by Two whereas the Mass Number Decreases by Four
    1. Amongst All Radioactive Emission, Alpha Particle is Least Penetrative, Alpha Particle could be stopped by a Sheet of Paper
  1. The Equations of Alpha Decay
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Beta Decay / Beta Emission (Particulate Emission)
  1. Beta Particle is an Electron but this Electron comes from Breaking up of a Neutron
    1. n = p+ (+) e-
  1. In Beta Decay, The Atomic Number Increases by One while the Mass Number Reamains the Same
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  1. Beta Particles are more pentrating than alpha particle, a sheet of metal can stop beta particle
Gamma Radiation (Release of Electromagnetic Release)
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  1. In a Gamma Radiation, the Unstable Nucleus Releases Energy and becomes Stable
  1. However, there is no Change in Atomic Number of Mass Number
  1. Gamma Radiation is most penetrating of all types of Radioactivity. A Block of Lead can only stop Gamma Radiation
One of the Most Important Formula for “Indias 3 Stage Nuclear Program”
Case 1 → How to Convert

Case 2 → How to Convert
Difference Between Alpha, Beta & Gamma Decay
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Measure of Radioactivity
  1. Half Life Method
    1. Half Life is the time period in which Half the Number of Radioactive Atoms in a Sample Decays
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      Half Life of C14 is 5500 Years
  1. Half Life of Other Elements Are
    1. U - 3 Billion Years
      C - 5500 Years
      Polonium - Micro Seconds → Polonium is much more unstable than Uranium
  1. Other Units to Meaasure Radiactivity Are
    1. Bq - Becquerel - He was the first person to study Radioactivity called Antonie Henry
    2. Ci - Curie - Named After Madam Marie Curie
  1. Fission is Breaking up of Larger Atoms into Smaller Atoms and Releasing Additional Neutrons
  1. During this Process there is a Loss of Mass and this is converted into Energy
  1. Example : Fission of Uranium
    1. is unstable and when we hit it with a Neutron, it breaks into Barium and Krypton and it releases three extra neutrons
      These Neutrons further causes Fission of . This is a Chain Reaction
Fission is of Two Types
  1. Uncontrolled Chain Reaction - Bomb
    1. Uncontrolled Chain Reaction
      Uncontrolled Chain Reaction
      The Additional Neutrons are produced in a Geometric Fashion and a Lot of Energy is Released in a very short span of time
      This is Utilised in Building Nuclear Weapons
  1. Controlled Chain Reaction - For Generation of Energy
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      In Controlled Chain Reaction, we absorb the Excess Neutrons. This Type of Reaction is Utilised in Nuclear Reactors
Difference Between Fissile () and Fertile Material ()
Fissile Material
Fertile Material
Are those Materials which produces more neutrons when hit by a Neutron
Those Nucleus when hit by Neutron does not produce additional Neutron
It will sustain the chain reaction
It does not lead to chain reaction
Examples: →(Artificial)
They act as Fuel for Nuclear Reactors
A Fertile Material can be converted into fissile material and this process is known as Trans Mutation
Example of Transmutation
Trans Mutation is the Process of converting atom of one element into atom of another element by using Nuclear Reactions
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Natural Uranium & Enrichment
  1. Percentage of Uranium
    1. U 238 - 99.3%
    2. U 235 - 00.7%
  1. Enrichment
    1. Naturally Mined Uranium has 99.3% of U 238 and 0.7% of U 235
      U 235 is the fuel / fissile but the concentration in the ore is less for it to be used in reactors we need to increase the concentration from 0.6% to 3 to 5%.
      This Process is known as Enrichment. To make a nuclear bomb we need 90% to 95% of Pure Uranium is needed
      JCPOA is putting sanctions on Iran to enrich uranium
Occurs in Sun, Done in Space Tech
Fission v/s Fusion
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Common Design of Nuclear Reactors
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Components of a Nuclear Reactor
  1. Fuel Rods
    1. It is made up of mined Uranium, They are compacted to form Rods
  1. Control Rods
    1. There function is to control chain reactions. They are made up of Neutron Absorbing Materials like Cadmium, Hafnium and Boron
      Control Rods can be moved Up and Down in the core. When Control Rod is completely down in water there is no chain reaction. When it is pulled up or in the top position the chain reaction occurs and rate of reaction increases rapidly. It can even become uncontrolled.
  1. Moderator
    1. Moderator Slows down the Neutron so that we Increase the Probability of it, hitting another U 235.
      Examples of Moderator are : Normal Water , Deuterium Heavy Water & Graphite
  1. Coolant
    1. The Purpose of the Coolant is Two Fold
      1. To Extract Heat from Cold & Transfer it to Steam Generator
      1. To Maintain Optimum Temperature in the Core
      There are Two Cooling Circuits
      1. Primary Cooling Circuit - To Extract Heat
      1. Secondary Cooling Circuit - Absorb Excess Temperature
      The Moderator and Coolant can be same or different
      The Coolant can be , ,
  1. Steam Generator
    1. To Generate Steam
  1. Pump or Pressurise
    1. Increases the Pressure of Cooling Circuit so that water or Coolant Reaches Higher Temp w/o Boiling
      Concept : Why Food Cooks Faster in Pressure Cooker?
      Because of Increased Pressure → Boiling Temperature / Point Increases → It happens because Molecules of Gas get tightly packed
      Cooking Food on Mountains in Difficult because Pressure up in Hills is Low
  1. Containment
    1. Containment is a Thick Structure made up of concrete and steel. It encapsulates the critical components of reactor. It has two purposes, First is to protect the Critical Equipment especially the Core
      1. Protect Outside Intrusion
      1. Protect Outside Society or Environment, Incase there is a Mishap in the Reactor
Types of Nuclear Reactor
Time Line of Evolution of Reactors
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1. PWR - Pressurised Water Reactor
  1. Coolant & Moderator - Water
  1. Pressurised Water Reactor was designed to be used in Submarines. It uses water as Coolant and Temperature. The Temp of Coolant in the Primary Cooling Circuit Reaches to about 350 degree celsius
  1. First used in Nuclear Powered Submarines
2. BWR - Boiling Water Reactor
  1. First Reactor of India in Tarapur, Maharashtra in early 1960’s
  1. Pressuriser Allows Water to Boil at 250 degree celsius. This boiling water converts into steam. They were the earliest type of Nuclear Reactors
3. PHWR - Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor
  1. It is a Variant of PWR
  1. Moderator and Coolant is Heavy Water
  1. In India most of the Nuclear Reactors are of this type. Initially Canada in 1960’s helped India to build such types of Reactors. Initially they were called as CANDU
  1. India has developed PHWR indigenously after Canada withdrew support after Pokhran 1
  1. Temp of Water reachers around 450 Degree Celsius.
  1. In Some of the PHWR we can use Mined Uranium as fuel w/o going for Enrichment
4. AGCR - Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor
  1. Coolant here is Gas and this can reach upto 650 Degree Celsius & Moderator is Graphite
  1. It was Initially Developed in Britain and are also called British Gas Cooled Reactor
5. Fast Neutron Reactor or Breeder Reactor***
Here 1 Fuel Atom Makes 2 Fuel Atom
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The Fast Neutrons are Utilised to Transmutate into a Fissile Material so we do not use a Moderator to Slow down the Neutron, these Reactors are also known as Breeder Reactors cu they produce / breed more fuel than they consume
Example: U 238 is used as Blanket Material along with the Fuel. this blanket Material Transmutates into Fuel.
The Blanket Material can be Thorium also, and it can Transmutate to U 233
Breeder Reactors are known as Closed Fuel Cycle Reactor → The Output can be used as an Input
In Open Fuel Cycle Reactors → The Output cannot be used as Input
6. Floating Reactor
  1. They are essentially ships with the mechanism to Produce Electricity from Nuclear Fission
  1. Russia Developed the first floating nuclear power plant and it is named at Akademik Lomonosov
  1. Its capacity is from 70 MW to 650 MW
  1. China has also developed a Floating Nuclear Power Plant
  1. It has strategic and defence usage
Indian Nuclear Programme
“Atoms of Peace and Atoms of Destruction - President Eisenhower of USA”
After Independence, Homi J Bhabha, convinced the then Prime Minster to Start Nuclear Program, However P M Nehru was not in favor of Nuclear Weapons (Nukes). He considered Nukes as Agents of Sin. Even Gandhi and PM Shastri were not in favor Nuclear Weapons but PM IG considered Nuclear Weapons as Weapons of Peace
Indian Nuclear Military Program
Pokhran 1 & Pokhran 2
First Nuclear Testing in India was done in 1974 under the Project of “Operation of Smiling Buddha” Infamously known as Pokhran 1. Dr Raaja Rammanah was program director, after the test director called IG on phone and said Buddha is Smiling. Fission bomb were tested in Pokhran 1
Second Nuclear Testing in India in 1998 also called Pokhran 2. It was done under the Operation Name of “Operation Shakti”. Here, 1 Hydrogen Bomb (Fusion) & 4 Fission Bombs (Fission) were tested.
What was the Need for Pokhran 2
  1. Pakistan was Developing Nuclear Weapons with the Help of China. So India would be surrounded by two Nuclear Neighbours
    1. USA - Pak - China Axis
  1. India wanted to now focus on Civilian Program. So it wanted to get over with Military Programme

MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) & CMD (Credible Minimum Deterrence)
MAD → Mutually Assured Destruction acts as a Deterrence for countries having Nuclear Weapon.
No Matter which country uses Nuclear Weapon First, Both Countries will be destroyed Simultaneously

CMD → Credible Mutual Deterrence Means a country will only have that no of weapons as it thinks it needs
Difference Between Disarmament & Non-Proliferation
Non Proliferation → Should Create New Weapons
Disarmament → Dis Arm or Dis Func the already existing one

Draft Nuclear Doctrine, 1999 (Adoption in 2003)
Why Did We Need a Nuclear Doctrine
  1. India wanted to portray to the world that India is a responsible and mature country and it has developed nuclear weapons as weapons of Defence and Not as weapons of offence
  1. It also wanted to allay or reduce the fears of smaller neighbours
Features of Nuclear Doctrine
  1. No Use Against Non Nuclear Weapon States (NNWS)
  1. NFU - NFU (No First Use) against NWS (Nuclear Weapon States) with Second Strike Capability
    1. Second Strike Capability is the capability to retaliate even after a surprise first attack.
      To have second strike capability a country should have Nuclear Triad (Air, Water, Land). It means capacity to launch nuclear weapons from Land, Air, Water
      For Water We Need → SLBM → Submarine Launch Ballistic Missiles
      In the First Strike the Land and Air Arsenal could be wiped out, However Submarine Locations are unknown the Enemy Countries
  1. CMD - Credible Minimum Deterrence
    1. India will have the Minimum amount of Nuclear Weapons which it considers is sufficient to provide credible deterrence or security to the country
      According to SIPRI → Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
      It is an International Organisation which studies defence related data and according to it, India has 150 Nuclear War Aheads (These are Guesstimates)
      India - 165 && Pak - 165 && China - 500 USA - 5500 && Russia - 6000
  1. In this India has setup Nuclear Command Authority which is headed by PM. So the decision making power lies in Civilian Authority
  1. India is still committed to UN Goal of Disarmament, if it is on Scientific and Credible Lines
NPT - Non-Proliferation Treaty
  1. NPT was signed in 1968 who had already acquired Nuclear Weapons by P5 (US, UK, Russia France, China)
  1. This Treaty divides the world into two categories of Nuclear Weapon States (NWS) and Non Nuclear Weapon States (NNWS)
    1. According to this - Even India, Pak, Israel, North Korea and Iran are not Nuclear Weapon States
  1. Objective of NPT is
    1. Non Proliferation
    2. Promote Peaceful use of Nuclear Technology
    3. To Fulfil UN Goal of Disarmament
  1. India has not joined NPT because India believes that this Treaty is Discriminatory and it creates a world of Nuclear Haves and Have Nots
  1. Criticism of NPT from IR Notes
    1. Checks only Horizontal Proliferation but does not check Vertical Proliferation
      1. Horizontal Proliferation → horizontal proliferation is the direct or indirect transfer of technologies from one nation-state to another, which ultimately leads to the more advanced development and proliferation of nuclear weapons.
        Vertical Proliferation → Vertical proliferation can be defined as the advancement or modernisation of a nation-state's nuclear arsenal
    2. Since India did not join NPT, India was discriminated or what is known as Nuclear Apartheid. Hence, India lost access to technology and fuel
NSG - Nuclear Suppliers Group
  1. It was formed in 1975 after Pokhran 1
  1. It is a group of countries which regulate or control the export of Nuclear Technology and Fuel
  1. To be a Member of NSG a country should be a member of NPT
  1. India is not a member of NSG but China is a member of NSG
  1. Out of 4 Multilateral Export Control Regimes - Except for NSG, India is a Part of Australia Group, MTCR & Wassenaar Group
  1. in 2008 India got waiver and got the trading rights with NSG

PTBT - Partial Test Ban Treaty
CTBT - Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
Indian Nuclear Civilian Program
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  1. India has Three Stages of Indian Nuclear Civilian Program. India has successfully completed First Stage
  1. Homi J Bhabha Conceived Indian Nuclear Program. He was aware of the fact that India does not have sufficient quantity of Uranium. India has only 2% of Global Uranium Reserves, where as India has 30% of Global Thorium Reserves
  1. To Utilise this Thorium India would need a Breeder Reactors
  1. HW : PTBT, CTBT & Testing in Labs
First Stage
  1. Composed Mainly of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor except for a
    1. Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) at Tarapur, Maharashtra
    2. VVER (Russian Reactor), Kundankulaon
  1. India has successfully completed the first stage. At Present India has seven operating Nuclear power Plants. In those Power Plants we have 22 Reactors. Out of these India Produces 6.7 Giga Watts of Electricity
  1. These power plants are controlled by NPCIL - Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited. It is a 100 Percent Govt Owned Subsidiary.
  1. Here Liability can be shifted to Supplier like Areva as currently if there is Equipment Defect Company is Responsible if there is a Operating Defect NPCIL is responsible. In US blame cannot be shifted to Supplier. India has this Blame Shifting Clause due to Bhopal Gas Tragedy
Second Stage
  1. It is known as Breeder Stage.
  1. Phase 1
    1. In this we will have two phases. In the first phase we will breed plutonium Pu 239 by transmutating U 238 → This Stage is also known as Closed Fuel Cycle
  1. Phase 2
    1. When we have sufficient quantity of Pu we will shift to Phase 2
      In Phase 2 we will breed U 233 by transmutating Thorium. When we have sufficient quantity of Thorium we will being third stage
  1. At Present we have experimental breeder reactor at Bhavini in Kalpakkam
  1. We haven’t been able to roll out second stage
Third Stage
  1. U-233 obtained from second stage will be used as fuel and more U-233 will be breeded by transmutating thorium.
  1. Third stage is also a Breeder Stage but it involves only thorium in U-233
  1. At this stage only we will have Complete Self Reliance and Energy Security
  1. Kamini is an Experimental Reactor at Kalpakkam. It is worlds first thorium based breeder reactor, which achieved criticality in 1996. Criticality meaning a controlled chain reaction
Advantages of Thorium-Based Breeder Reactor
  1. It is closed fuel cycle i.e
    1. It is more efficient
    2. produces less radioactive waste
    3. even waste has less toxicity, than what is produced in open fuel cycle
    4. Radioactivity is around 400 to 500 Years compared to thousand years as compared to open fuel cycles
    5. Cheaper in Long Run
  1. It is more stable than Uranium. Hence Handling it is Easier.
  1. No Isotope Separation is required in case of Thorium.
  1. Checking Nuclear Proliferation is Easier as breeder reactors produce thallium as radioactive waste along with U 232 which produces very intense gamma rays which are easier to detect by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
    1. 🌐
      IAEA is a UN Watch Dog whose objective is to check Nuclear Proliferation Across Globe. They do so by inspecting the Civilian Nuclear Program of countries. They check whether the Output is being reprocessed or enriched to make weapons grade material
Disadvantages of Breeder Reactor
  1. It is a very sophisticated technology and initial cost will be very high
  1. High Chances of Uncontrolled Chain Reactions leading to Nuclear Accidents
  1. Fuel Fabrication is Complicated due to high Melting Point of Thorium
  1. It takes a lot of time to breed U 233 from Thorium
  1. We cannot use light water as moderator and coolant

DAE - Department of Atomic Energy under PM
Targets for what should be the contribution of Atomic Energy in India
  1. 2020 - 20 GW - 6.7 GW by 2022 is the Present Status
  1. 2030 - 48 GW
  1. 2052 - 275 GW
Negative Global Perceptions due to “The Three Nuclear Accidents”
  1. Three Mile Island, USA - 1970’s
    1. It occurred in 1979 in USA. There was a cooling Malfunction in the Secondary Cooling Circuit which led to Increase in Temperature of Primary Cooling Circuit. The Plant went into shutdown and the coolants were drained off (meaning removed) but the fission in the core was not stopped and this lead to excessive heat which melted fuel rod, control rod and whole core assembly. This Melted Core, Made a whole in the containment and passed out in the environment.
      Negative Perception towards Nuclear Energy in USA. It was a major cause of Decline in Nuclear Power Plant Destruction in USA during 1980’s and 1990’s
  1. Chernobyl, Ukraine (erstwhile USSR)
    1. This incident happened in Ukraine in 1986. It was a flaw in design and ill trained professionals. Operators were testing a critical component of Reactor 4 but the power output was less so the operators lifted the control rods to increase the rate of reaction but the power output surged very quickly and now when they inserted back the control rod, the reactor exploded, the tip of the control was made up of Graphite which on inserting back boosted the reaction and made it uncontrollable
      The water present in the core converted into steam and it led to “steam explosions”, the nuclear material was dispersed Across Europe
      A UN Scientific Committee was formed after 20 Years of Accident to study the Impact of this Nuclear Accident.
      It gave a report that only 30 people had died and 3 Lac 50 K people were evacuated and 5000 cases of thyroid cancer, out of which only 15 had died
      There is no evidence of major public health impact attributable to Radiation Exposure, 20 Years after the accident.
  1. Fukushima, Japan
    1. This accident happened in March 2011. Japan was hit by EQ of more than 9 in richter scale. (TSUNAMI Ocean Flow Richter Scale upto 6). So the plant went into shut down so the power was cut, the secondary generators should have fired up but the subsequent Tsunami Submerged the Secondary Generators, so cooling circuit stopped functioning while fission kept continuing in the core. The core melted down and it also led to steam explosions
      An Impact of this incident was that it led to Global Retrenchment towards Nuclear Energy. Hence, Japan, Germany & France will phase out Nuclear Power Plants.
      In India 6.7 GW from Nuclear is just 1.7% of Indian Electricity Needs, where as in France, their 60% electricity needs comes from nuclear energy
Learnings from these Accidents
  1. We have made Two Containments
  1. We have Water Sprinklers Even in Core to prevent Steam Explosions
  1. Passive Security Changes
  1. We would be able to run cooling circuits even if the electricity is not present
  1. All this has been implemented in Kudankulam Plant

Indo-US Nuclear Agreement of 2008 & Indian Nuclear Liability Clause
  1. It ended the Indian Nuclear Apartheid. So india could get access to Nuclear Fuel and Technology, in return India has to open up its nuclear power plants to the inspection of IAEA (international atomic energy agency - un watchdog)
  1. However this agreement has not taken of because of Liability clause
  1. What is Liability → It means that who will be held responsible in case of a nuclear accident. The organisation responsible would have to pay the compensation for damage to Env and Society
  1. In USA, the Vendors and Suppliers are protected from any liability under the “Price Anderson Act of 1957” However in case of India according to the Civil Liability Nuclear Damage Act of 2010 (CLiNDA, 2010). The Liability can be shifted from Operator to Vendor in case of Defective Material or Equipment
  1. The Western Nuclear Companies do not like the Indian Liability Clause so they are not interested in Investing or Building the Plants and that is why the Indo US Agreement has not taken off
  1. Indian Govt has capped the Liability to Rs 1500 Cr. Anything above this will come from of National Insurance Pool (It has money of Indian Citizens)
Details of Liability Clause for Indian Nuclear Apartheid
  1. Liability Means Responsibility
  1. Laws in US and India
  1. Price Anderson Act - Protects Supplier or Vendor from Any Liability
  1. Areva Helping to Build Jatarpur Plant.
  1. In USA, Areva and Westing House didn't get much order and went bankrupt
  1. The Dichotomy of Indian Nuclear Plants to be build by one, maintained by another and run by another is where blame shifting occurs

Why have we missed the Target or why is there a slowdown in nuclear energy production?
  1. Less Uranium Reserves
  1. Due to Covid Slowdown
  1. Lack of Indigenous Technology
  1. Not Member of NSG & NPT → Hence, Victim of Nuclear Apartheid
  1. Local Population Protest, Opposition of Fishermen
  1. Coastal Area Nuclear Power Plant → Grid Integration is tough
  1. Hot Water dumped into Sea affects Economy of Fishermen and Environmental Issues occur
  1. Bhopal Gas Tragedy & 3 International Issues→ Perceptions
  1. Liability Clause of Indo US Nuclear Agreement
Why have we missed the Target - Class Dictation
Premise: DAE Target was 20 GW by 2020 but the present status is that we have only produced 6.7 GW from Nuclear Energy
  1. Global Reasons
    1. India Facing Nuclear Apartheid because we are not a member of NPT & Hence not a member of NSG because of this India did not get access to Tech and Fuel
    2. Nuclear Disasters Led to Negative Perception or Retrenchment towards nuclear energy especially after Fukushima
    3. Because of Liability Clause, the Indo US Agreement has not taken off
    4. Not enough Collaboration and R&D to develop thorium breeder Reactors. Only India and Russia trying to make Breeder Reactors
    5. Some of the Nuclear Companies like Westing House and Areva have gone Bankruptcy
  1. Local or Indian or Domestic Reasons
    1. Not Rolling out of Second Stage even Indigenously
    2. Less Domestic R&D
    3. Protest and Controversies, People are not ready to give up their Land
    4. Fear Among Public due to Negative Perception
    5. Ecological Reasons that it can damage the coastal areas
    6. Huge Initial Cost
    7. Waste Management is a Challenge
    8. Compared to Other Renewable like Solar and Wind, other Renewables are fast catching up.
      1. Other Renewables like Solar and Wind Per Unit Cost of Less than 2 Rs
        Kudankulam which is most efficient Nuclear Power, It is 4.3 Rs
        Thermal Power : Less than 1 Rs
Mains PYQP: With Growing, Energy Needs should India keep on expanding its Nuclear Power Program? Discuss the facts and fears associated with Nuclear Energy
  1. Introduction - World Energy Outlook Report, 2021 → released by International Energy Agency
    1. India is the third Largest Energy Consumer in the World
    2. Energy used in India has doubled since 2000, 80% of demand in still met by Coal, Oil and Solid Bio Mass (CowDung Wood Etc)
    3. To meet the demand over next 20 Years, India will need to add a power system the size of EU to what it is now
    4. Yet the Per Capita Energy Consumption is Less than Half the Global Average
  1. Facts or Merits
    1. Initial Cost may be high but production cost is Negligible
    2. Reduces Dependency on Fossil
    3. Reduced Import Bill of Fossil Fuels → Reduced dependency on West Asia which is becoming hostile recently
    4. Once Third Stage Successfully, India will be Self Sufficient
    5. Contributes to National Security by Means of Energy Security
    6. Doesn't Produce Green House Gases but Produces Radioactive Waste
    7. It is Highly efficient in terms of seasonality and spatial needs of a Nuclear Power Plant as compared to Coal, Solar, Wind or Water.
    8. Can Handle the Peak Power Demand Easily as compared to any other, Renewable Source of Energy

    9. Compared to Solar we require very less land and can easily meet the peak power demand
    10. Nuclear can be easily Integrated to Grids
    11. Nuclear Does not Require Storage of Power
    12. It can provide power throughout the year as compared to Solar
    13. They will Generate High Skilled Jobs
  1. Benefit for India
    1. It will improve Energy Security because we will be going for Diversification of Power Sources
    2. Can Drastically Reduce the Oil Import Bill and Dependency on West Asia
    3. If we are able roll out Second and Third Stage of Nuclear Program we will become completely self sufficient
  1. Fears of Nuclear Energy
    1. Prone to Accident & Affected by Natural Disasters
    2. Requires Sophisticated Technology
    3. Radioactive Waste and associated Health Issues
    4. Mining of Uranium
    5. Potential of Misuse of Nuclear Technology, Thus Issues of Nuclear Proliferation
    6. Sociological Acquisition & Tribal Displacement

    7. Operational Risk
    8. Health Risk because of Exposure to Radioactive Materials and Waste
    9. Env Degradation because of Nuclear Waste
    10. Increased Chances of Nuclear Proliferation
    11. Centralisation of Power by Means of Nuclear where as Solar Leads to Decentralisation of Power
    12. Any Mishappening to a Nuclear power plant can lead to black out of a Large Part of Country
    13. Fear of Nuclear Accidents and Rescue or Evacuation in Dense Country like India would be very difficult
    14. High Initial Cost is a Challenge in itself in a Fiscal Deficit India

Nuclear Power Plants in India (7)
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  1. Tarapur, Maharashtra
  1. Rawatbhata, Rajasthan
  1. Naorora, UP
  1. Kalpakkam, TN
  1. Kundankulam, TN
  1. Kaiga, Karantaka
  1. Kakrapar, Gujarat
  1. Jatapur, India’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant with 10 GW of Power
Places of Uranium Mining in India
  1. Jadugoda, West Singhbhum, Jharkhand
  1. Narwapahar, West Singhbhum, Jharkhand
  1. Turandih, West Singhbhum, Jharkhand
  1. Domisasat Mowthball, Meghalaya
  1. Cambapur
  1. Tumalpalla
  1. Gogi
  1. Seekar, Rajasthan
Places of Thorium Mining in India
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Ore of Thorium is Known as Monazite. It contains 9% Thorium and also contains Rare Earth Metals. It is found in Beach Sand along the Eastern coast and some part of western coast
Western Coast - Submerging Coast - Natural Ports
Eastern Coast - Emerging Coast - Large Sand, Long Continental Shelf
Nuclear Waste Management
Radioactivity (Half Life)
High Level Waste
Spent Fuel Rods and Control Rods
Medium Level Waste
Equipments, Affluents, Filters
Low Level Waste
Work Clothing, Tools
Nuclear Waste are categorised into different Levels and their Treatment according to the Radioactivity Level
How High Level Waste is Managed
Like Spent Fuel is very Hot and Very Radioactive so it needs both Cooling and Shielding. Water is used both as coolant and as Shield Material
The Spent Fuel is extracted underwater and is kept underwater in containers for more than 50 Years after that it is shifted to ventilated concrete containers and then it is disposed off in Underground Depositories
How Medium Level Waste is Managed
These wastes do not require shielding and cooling, they are generally disposed off in land fills. Low Level waste are no different from Municipal Waste and they are disposed off near the ground or just below the ground.
How Low Level Waste is Managed
LLW is generated from hospitals and industry, as well as the nuclear fuel cycle. It comprises paper, rags, tools, clothing, filters, etc., which contain small amounts of mostly short-lived radioactivity. To reduce its volume, LLW is often compacted or incinerated before disposal.