

Running Intro
  1. Anything within the range of 1 to 100 Nano Metere is called NanoTech
  1. If Kancha or Marble is of 1 nm size. Then 1 Metere is Earth.
  1. Scanning, Tunneling Microscope
  1. Richard Feynman’s There is Plenty of Space at Bottom, 1959 is considered to be the Genesis of Nano Tech in the World
  1. A Nano Metere is . Any Nano Metere is the one which falls in the range of 1 to 100 NM
  1. Nano Tech is the application of Science to produce products and particles at this nano scale
Historical Background of NanoTech
  1. Ideas and Concepts of Nano Science and Technology began with a Talk by Richard Feynman called “There is Plenty of Space in Bottom in 1959”
  1. In this talk, Feynman highlighted that scientists can manipulate individual atoms.
  1. The Term Nano Technology was given a decade later by Professor Norio Taniguchi. The Term Nano has been derived from the Greek Word Vavog which means Dwarf. It was only with the Invention of the Scanning Tunnelling Microscope that scientists were able to see individuals atoms or molecules, so the Journey of Modern Nano Tech Began
  1. In Medieval Times, Artists were using Gold and Silver Particles to Paint Glasses of Churches. The Process that they followed was accidentally leading to formation of Gold and Silver Nano Particles
  1. Even Nature in some of the most Violent Processes such as Thunderstorm, and Volcano Eruption, Produce Nano Particle
Why Do Properties change at Nano Scale
  1. At Nano Scale, it has been observed that physical properties change for example Bulk Gold Melts whereas Gold NanoParticle Melts at 850 Degree Celsius
  1. There is a change in colour because it starts to absorb some spectrum of Visible Light
  1. There is also a change in Magnetic Property. Like Copper which is Not Magnetic in Bulk becomes Magnetic at Nano Scale
  1. There are changes in Chemical Properties. For Example, Bulk Gold is Inert but Gold Nano Particles are chemically active
  1. These changes in properties are attributed to a drastic increase in Surface Area and dominance of Quantum Laws
  1. Quantum Laws are Laws operating at Atomic and Sub Atomic Levels
Generation of Nano Technology - Artificial Production
The Four Generations of Nano Technology
  1. First Generation - Present Stage
    1. This is the stage of passive nano material. Here we will be able to produce something at Nano Scale, but we do not know the further use of Nano Materials.
  1. Second Generation - Present Stage
    1. In this stage, we will be producing Nano Materials with the Objective of Further use
      Example: Carbon Nano Tubes for Water Purifications
  1. Third Generation - Future Stage
    1. System of Nano Materials Stage. Many Nano Bots would be acting collectively to perform a task
  1. Molecular Nano Systems - Future Stage
    1. We will develop a capacity to manipulate individual atoms i.e we will have complete controls over atoms that make up nano bots or any material
Few Famous Nano Materials
CNT - Carbon Nano Tubes
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Carbon Nano Tubes are cylindrical tubes of Molecules that consist of a Single Layer of Carbon Atom
Types of Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT)
  1. Single-Walled CNT - Range of 1 NM Diameter
  1. Multi-Walled CNT - Range of 100 NM Diameter
    1. Here, there are concentric single-walled CNT that are interlinked with each other. All Layers are connected to the each other
Properties of CNT
  1. It has ultra-high strength
  1. It is 400 times stronger than steel
  1. It has low density i.e it is a lightweight material
  1. It is 1/6th dense as steel
  1. It is very high electrical conductivity
  1. It is chemically stable so the hollow interior could be used for nanomedicines
  1. The Hollow Part can be used as Nano Medicine while the outer Layer can be acted as Capsule
Applications of CNT
  1. Water Purification
    1. Bacteria and Viruses are Generally of Size Greater than 10 Nano Metere, So they are not able to pass through a Membrane built using CNT as the average pore size will be around 5 Nano Metere
  1. Material Development
    1. With higher Strength to Lower Weight Ratio, they are used to manufacture parts of Space Craft, Air Craft and Auto Mobile
      It is used in making high-quality sports goods such as bicycle frames, tennis rackets, hockey sticks, golf clubs, Sports Arrows etc
      Smart Textiles can be used to make smart textiles such as Bulletproof Vests., Fire Retardant Textiles, Water Resistant Clothing etc
  1. Industrial Coating
    1. Coating Blades of Wind Turbines to avoid corrosion
  1. Shielding Materials
    1. Using Carbon Nano Tube based Nano Foams and Aerosols
  1. Transistors
    1. Inside Chips, there are thousands and thousands of Transistors. Transistors are made up of Semi-Conductor Material like Silicon. Semi-Conductor Temperature is maintained by Doping
      Transistors are very small switches that allow the electron to pass in one direction in one instance, and in another, it might not be allowed.
      They have variable electrical conductivity. The most famous is Silicon. In a chip there are lacs of transistors that help in producing, Long Arrays or Long chains of 0 & 1. 0 & 1 are Binary Digits, The language which the computer understands is arrays of 0 and 1.
      Carbon Nano Tube is a Strong Candidate to replace Silicon Based Electronics.
      CNT has the capacity to allow the movement of electrons in one direction and not in another direction. So chips can be built using CNT. It can address the Scenario of a Chip Shortage.
  1. As a Catalyst
    1. It can also be used as a Catalyst in Chemical Industries. They can increase the rate of reaction because of High Surface Area
  1. Nano Medicines
    1. It can also be used as Nano Medicines
      Example: Nitrogen Doped CNT are being used for drug delivery
      Doping is the addition of impurities to change electrical conductivity or to change some other property

Allotropes are substances with the same chemical composition but different structures so they are different forms of the same element. They have the same chemical property but different chemical properties.
Example: Graphite and Diamond, C 60 - Fullerene (Bucky Ball cuz of Football like Structure)
It is the mother of all graphitic forms of Carbon. It is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern.
Properties of Graphene
  1. Stronger than Diamond.
  1. It is an Excellent Conductor of Heat and Electricity.
  1. It is transparent yet it is impermeable (does not allow anything to pass through it) even the lightest gases cannot pass through it)
  1. It is light and flexible
Application of Graphene
  1. Graphene as a Membrane
    1. It is used for Industrial Gas Separation.
    2. It is proposed that it can capture CO2 from the atmosphere. So it can help in fighting climate change.
    3. Can be used in De-Salination (Removal of Salt from the Ocean)
  1. Material development
    1. It has high strength and low weight so it can be used in spacecraft, aircraft and the automobile sector
  1. Energy Storage
    1. Graphene Improves the Energy Capacity and Charging Rate in Rechargeable Batteries. It increases the capacity of Super Capacitors. Graphene can help in making Super Capacitors
    2. Graphene can help in making Solar Panels that are Light Weight, Flexible and have high efficiency
Challenges of Nano Technology
  1. Technical
    1. Nano Toxicity: Nano Particles are so small that our cells cannot filter them, so they can damage human health. Hence, it is a risk or threat to human health
    2. Risk to Environment & Animal Species
    3. Nano Weapons: Nano Materials can be used as Weapons which is hard to detect
    4. Not able to produce much smaller products
  1. wrt to India
    1. Not many centres of Excellence in the NT
    2. Less Research and Development in NT
    3. Less Awareness among, research institutions, industry and academia
    4. Very Few Degree courses in NT cuz, it's a very New Technology
Read by Thyself
  1. Nano Urea was the First Nano Fertiliser
Nano Mission
Nano Mission is an Umbrella Program of Govt of India for over all development of Nano Technology, It was launched in 2007 by DST (Dept of Science & Technology)
  1. Basic Research Promotion
    1. Funding of Research Projects of Individuals or of Institutions
    2. Building COE i.e centre of excellence
  1. Infra Development, Developing a Chain of Facilities across the country.
  1. Human Resource Development
  1. International Collaboration
  1. Development of products and Processes for National Development especially in Areas of Safe Drinking Water Materials Development, Sensor Development & Drug Delivery
PYQP Prelims
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PYQP Mains
Question 1: What do you mean by Nano Tech and how is it helping in Health Sector? 10M
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Question 2: Why is Nano Tech, one of the Key Technologies of the 21st Century? Describe the Salient Features of the Indian Govts Mission on Nano Science and Tech and the Scope of Its application in the development process of the country.
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