
Nuclear Tech in Daily Life

Difference Between Gamma and X-Ray
  1. Origin of Gamma Ray - Nucleus
  1. Origin of X-Ray - Electron Cloud
HW: How is X-Ray Produced on Earth
  1. Gamma Rays are used to Produce GM Crops
  1. In Fertilisers Radioactive Nitrogen and Fertilisers are added in Trace Amounts to Increase the Effectiveness of Fertilisers
  1. Gamma Rays are also used to Kill Pests
  1. Diagnosis:
    1. Iodine 123 is used to detect Thyroid Cancer
    2. P 32 is used to detect Brain Tumours
    3. Na 24 is used to detect Blood Clots
    4. Uranium is used in Radio Isotope Straining
  1. Treatment
    1. For the Treatment of Thyroid Cancer, Sodium Iodide is used
    2. P 32 is used to treat Brain Tumours
  1. Prevention
    1. X Rays are used for the Sterilisation of Equipments
      1. notion image
  1. Isotopes are used to follow the movement of water
  1. Water changes state in a circular fashion
Industrial Application
  1. Standardise Thickness of
    1. Paper, Plastic, Cloth - Beta Rays
    2. Metal Sheet - Gamma Rays
  1. Vulcanisation of Rubber
    1. Vulcanisation is the hardening of Natural Rubber generally done by adding Sulphur
    2. Vulcanisation can be done by using Gamma Rays Also
  1. Food Industry
    1. In Food Industry to package food, Gamma Rays are used to kill the Germs
  1. Archaeology - Radio Carbon Dating
    1. this method was invented by Willard Libby and it is a method to find the age of a sample by measuring the content of a C 14 i.e a Radio Active Carbon
      All Living Organisms have Carbon in their body, they have both C 12 and C 1. When the Organism is alive, the ratio of C 14 and C 12 is maintained due to the exchange of Carbon from atm. But when the organism is dead C 14 starts to decay. Half-Life is 5500 years of C14, so we can know the age of the sample
      Advantages of the C14 Method
    2. It has high accuracy & is cheap
    3. Gives absolute dating
    4. Disadvantages of the C14 Method
    5. In very old samples amount of C-14 is undetectable. Hence we can date upto 60,000 Years in Old Samples
    6. It is applicable only to Organic Materials and Very Few Inorganic Materials.
    7. It cannot be used to date metals
  1. HW : what method is used to date very old Metals