
Pillar 4 - Case Studies - By Aditya Kalia Sir

Home Work
  1. Prepare a list of standard ethical dilemmas from 5 Years of PYQP
    1. Simply read and then prepare the list of Value v/s Values
    2. Write one line about how to solve that value 1 v/s value 2
  1. Make a List of Values from 5 Years of PYQP
    1. One Line Defintion of this values - By Google Search
    2. At max 2 line example of that value - By Google Search
    3. Example : Values like honesty and integrity
Important Concepts for Case Studies to be understood beforehand
Ethical Dilemma
  1. Ethical Dilemma occurs when people have to choose between morally correct choices
  1. This paper will present Ethical Dilemmas to you, presented choices would not be unambiguously right or wrong.
  1. Sometimes there are No Right or Wrong Answers. There you have to choose a course of action and then justify it
  1. Hence Justification is more important than the choice itself. You have to justify your rationale
  1. Thar Rationales is only right which is pragmatic
  1. Examiner is more interested in why is it that you did something, rather than what u did
  1. Example of Ethical Dilemma : Ethical Dilemma by Mathuradas in the movie Border
Public Trust
  1. Public trust doctrine is a legal principle establishing that certain natural and cultural resources are preserved for public use.
  1. Public trust gives legitimacy to the government
Conflict of Interests (Real, Apparent & Potential)
A conflict of interest occurs when an individual's personal interests – family, friendships, financial, or social factors – could compromise his or her judgment, decisions, or actions in the workplace
Real - Exist Karta Hai Apparent - Exist karta hai lekin abhi tak samne nahin aaya hai Potential - May exist as visible to third party
An actual/real conflict of interest involves a direct conflict between a public official's current duties and responsibilities and existing private interests.
A potential conflict of interest arises where a public official has private interests that could conflict with their official duties in the future.
Writing Approach
Thinking Process
Think about the stand you will take before starting to write the answers
Role Playing
  1. You should think and act like you have “Skin in the Game”.
  1. In any role playing the Doctrine of Public Trust should not be broken
  1. Be Aware of your rights and duties in that post. Hence, as a role player, awareness makes you logical
    1. Example : DM can only Impose Sec 144, Not the SP
Decision Making
  1. It is important for us to take decisons, hence it is important for us to practise case studies as a civil servant. Case Studies practise will help you travel a journey from being a Critique to a Decision Maker
  1. Make yourself a Decision Maker, You should translate yourself to the Case Study
  1. In Decision Making, you have to choose between various competing values
  1. Choices must be explainable
  1. Think About Constraints → Take the Right Decision → Be Real and Pragmatic
  1. It is Sahin v/s Sabke Liye Accha
Writing Style
It should be like conversing with someone. in this case the examiner
  1. There should be a Flow of Answers in the thought
  1. Coherence of thoughts and ideology in every part of the answer should be seen
  1. Flow of Argument → There should be No Disconnect → i.e No Inconsistency in your answers
  1. Answers should be written with conviction
  1. Aisa Nahi Lagna Chahiye ki Likh Raha Hai par karega kuch aur
Important Note
  1. Leave the Idea that all stakeholders will be Satisfied. Someone or the other would either be unhappy or be dissatisfied
  1. Once you identify the demerits, then you can work to address them either in the medium term or long term - This Part will get you marks

Structure of a Case Studies Answer - Detailed
Introduction :
  1. Give Insights to Examiner about what is to come
  1. Tell the Examiner in Introduction that why do you think this question has been asked or what is the inspiration behind this question
  1. For Examples
    1. In Light of some constitutional value
    2. or some feature of our economy
Step 1 - Identify Facts of the Case
Identify the facts of the Case
Step 2 - Identify Stakeholders & their Interests ( Symbol : *) {Most Important Part}
Identify the stakeholders and their interests.
  1. First Stakeholder: is the State, which is represented by the young Civil Servant (the Decision-maker)
  1. Second Stakeholder: Young civil servant against whom the complaint has been logged. (To prove the innocence)
  1. Third Stakeholder: Mafia, the musclemen, corrupt office staff. (to continue illegal mining, and to exploit the tribals).
  1. Fourth Stakeholder: Tribal people
Identify if there are any conflicts between the interests of the stakeholders.
Step 3 - Identify conflicts between Interests of Statements (Symbol : #)
  1. Here it is NOT conflict of Interests. It is general conflict between two peoples interests, it is more of a Conflicting Interests
  1. Ethical Dilemma can be between
    1. Actions
    2. Ideologies
The interest of the State is to prevent illegal mining
The interest of the public (tribals) vs. Personal interest (musclemen)
Identifying the ethical dilemma (value v/s value)
Step 4 - Possible Courses of Actions on the basis of Value Conflicts according to Step 3
  1. To identify the course of action
  1. The course of action must be argumentatively presented
  1. That is, it must argue not just the demerits or reasons for not choosing the rejected courses of action, but also identify the possible demerits of the chosen course of action
  1. Once you identify the demerits, then you can work to address them either in the medium term or long term - This Part will get you marks
Step 5 - Choose your Supposedly Taken Path
  1. Put the Raionale of your choice
  1. More Importantly recognise the demrits of your choice***
  1. and put in word that you will recognise it later
Step 6 - Conclusion
My actions courage, perseverance, commitment to constitutional values, etc
Strcuture of a Case Studies Answer - Summary (For Revision)
  1. Introduction - Tell the examiner that why this question has been asked
  1. Step 1 - Identify the Facts of the case. (Underline)
  1. Step 2 - Identify Stakeholder & their Interests. (* with Number)
  1. Step 3 - Identify Conflicts between Interests (#)
  1. Step 4 - Identify Possible Course of Action on the basis of Interests in Step 3
  1. Step 5 - Choose one Possible Course of Action with a good Rationalise
  1. Step 6 - Recognise & Write the Demerits of your choice
  1. Concusion - Actions, Courage, Perseverance, Commitment to Constitutional Values

Case Study 1 : Water Crisis for a Mayor in Colombo
India Team in South Africa - Water Conservation Issue
  1. There should be no Panic in any case
  1. Doctrine of Public Trust :
  1. With the Decision, it is also important that in what way the Decision is taken
Case Study 2 : While going for UPSC Interview, you come across an accident and your close relative is bleeding. You take her to hospital or you go to the interview
  1. Call Ambulance
  1. Depends on how close the relative or that person is
  1. First Priority is Interview
  1. When You are going for the Interview : you have earned the right to be interviewed by upsc
    1. upsc is bound to give me oppurtunity for that
  1. Awareness of my Rigths & Doctrine of Public Duty
  1. Section 144 :
Case Study 3 : Young Civil Servant, Tribal Mafia, Local Tribe, Muscle Man
  1. Prioritise the case of Illegal Mining
  1. Trust and Govt Deficit be reduced
  1. Priority is : Illegal Mining
  1. Expose Designs
  1. I will prepare a response and submit it to the better judgment of SC ST Tribunal
  1. Answer Must reflect convinving trust, to uphold public trust
  1. You cant say illiterate tribals
  1. Give Practical & Pragmatic Solutions