
Story of Atom

Timeline of Atom
  1. Dalton, 1897
    1. Everything is made up of Atom. You cannot break it further. Atomos Indestructible
  1. J J Thompson
    1. Discovery of Electron. Daltons’ Theory was selectively violated
  1. Rutherford, 1907
    1. Discovered Nucleus
  1. Rutherford, 1920’s
    1. Discovered Proton
  1. Chadwick, 1930’s
    1. Discovered Neutron
  1. 1940’s
    1. Discovery of More Fundamental Particles
  1. 1950’s & 1960’s
    1. A quest to Know the Fundamental Forces
    2. Fundamental Particles → Fermions → Quarks and Leptons
  1. 1970’s
    1. Fundamental Forces Holding Fundamental Particles → Bosons
  1. 2014
    1. Experimentally proved Higgs Boson
To Sum this All up, There are Two Theories
  1. Standard Model Theory
    1. Details of Standard Model
      1. Since 1930. There is an attempt to find the fundamental structure of Matter
      1. Everything in Universe is made up of Few Building Blocks, Known as Fundamental Particles and Matter Particles and these fundamental Particles are governed by 4 Fundamental Forces
      1. Four Fundamental Forces Are
        1. Strong Force - By Gluons
          1. Keeps Proton and Neutron Inside the Nucleus. much stronger than other forces even gravity
        2. Weak Force
          1. by w z bosons, these types of forces are found in nuclear reactions such as during fusion and fission
        3. Electromagnetism
          1. Produced by Photons
        4. Gravity
          1. May be Graviton which is unfound as of now
      1. The Std Model of Physics at Present is the best model to explain the Fundamental Particles and Fundamental Forces
      1. Fundamental particles or matter particles are Fermions which are Further classified
      1. The Standard Model gives Details about only three Fundamental Forces
      Fundamental Particles called “Fermions”
      1. Quarks
        1. Up
        2. Down
        3. Top
        4. Bottom
        5. Strange
        6. Charm
      1. Leptons
        1. Electrons
        2. Muons
        3. Tau
        4. Neutrinos
      Fundamental Forces are produced by a Particle called “Bosons”
      1. W Bosons
      1. Z Bosons
      1. Higgs Bosons - Gives Mass to Matter
      1. Photons
      1. Gluons
      1. It is a Standard Model which fails to explain the Gravity
      1. Higgs Boson Gives Mass to Matter but how Neutrinos Get Mass is not Explained in this Model
      1. It can describe only 5 percent of universe and not about 95% of Dark Matter and Dark Energy
  1. String Theory
    1. Visual Explanation
      Video preview
      Details of String Theory
      String Theory is another model which explains the Fundamental Particles, it says that even the smallest Particle, for example, Quarks are made up of a String of Energy vibrating in a Particular Pattern.
      A Lepton is a String of Energy vibrating in another fashion, so essentially matter is just energy vibrating in different patterns or fashion
      String Theory Gives a Better Explanation to Standard Model Theory
      What is Higgs Boson?
      Mass and Energy are Inter Related. Higgs Bosons are Fundamental Particles that create Higgs Fields, Matter Gets Mass when it interacts with the Higgs Field, and the More It Interacts with more mass it has.
      Higgs Filed interacts throughout the universe, it is pervasive and Invisible. It can be understood through an Ice Analogy
      Let us Imagine that Ice Particles are like Higgs Boson, These Ice Particles have fallen in Kullu Manali. It has created an Ice Field. This Ice Field is analogous to Higgs Field.
      If we walk barefoot on this field (we will get hypothermia), We will interact more compared to when you have Skeeing Shoes.
      An Electron is Less with Higgs Field compared to Proton, so an electron has less mass than Photon. However, Photons do not Interact with Higgs Field
      The concept of Higgs Boson was given by: Francois Englert & Peter Higgs in 1964 at CERN in 2013
      Why Nothing Can Travel Faster than the Speed of Light?
      Everything will Interact with Higgs Field and so it will be slower than the particle which is not interacting with Higgs Field i.e Photons
  1. Home Work
    1. Why Are Neutrinos called Ghost Particles?
      What is INO - Indian Neutrino Observatory?