UPSC Dictionary

UPSC Dictionary

UPSC Dictionary
Usage in a Sentence
A belief that there is enough resources and success to share with others.
"With an abundance mindset, she believes there's plenty of opportunities for everyone."
Past tense of tread, refers to unintentionally stepping on something
"She accidentally trod on the delicate flowers while exploring the garden."
To accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively
"Despite his doubts, he decided to acquiesce to the committee's decision."
To increase the power, status, or wealth of something.
He tends to aggrandize his contributions to the project.
Although; even if
Information and example not yet retrieved
Disorganized or scattered
The project plan was all over the place, lacking clear direction.
The selfless concern for the well-being of others.
"Her volunteer work is driven by pure altruism."
Open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled
The committee was amenable to the proposed changes.
A person or group who is not a party to a lawsuit but offers information that bears on the case
The environmental group acted as an amicus curiae in the court case.
The declaration that a marriage is null and void
They sought an annulment rather than a divorce.
The highest point in the development of something
The political wrangling has reached an apogee, with no signs of resolution.
Based on random choice or personal whim.
The decision to assign tasks seemed arbitrary.
Process of resolving disputes outside the courts.
They agreed to settle the dispute through arbitration.
Living in or often found in trees
Many primates are arboreal, spending most of their lives in trees.
An expert judge in matters of art
As an art connoisseur, he can distinguish between a masterpiece and a mediocre painting.
If you don’t inquire about confidential matters, I won’t be forced to lie.
"Trust me and ask me no secret, and I will tell you no lies."
The rate at which members of a group are lost over time
The company is trying to reduce its high employee attrition rate.
Bengali term meaning 'daughter of Bengal'
She is known as a Banglar Meye, symbolizing the spirit of Bengali women.
Always ready to obey someone's orders or to serve them.
"He's constantly at her beck and call, day and night."
A state of uncertainty about what should be done usually following some important event
"After the merger, the company's policies were in a state of flux."
A state of uncertainty about what should be done usually following some important event
"After the merger, the company's policies were in a state of flux."
Occurring every two years
The biennial conference on environmental conservation is scheduled for next month.
Relating to cattle.
"Bovine diseases can have a significant impact on the agriculture industry."
Excessively complicated or intricate changes
The byzantine changes in the policy made it difficult for employees to comply.
Persuading someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery
She was cajoling her brother into sharing his toys with her.
To be criticized publicly
He was called out for his unfair policies.
A phrase typically used in transactions where cash is exchanged for goods or services
The government's 'cash for work' program has been successful.
A large kettle or boiler
A warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.
"He agreed to the terms with the caveat that he be paid upfront."
A transparent flammable plastic used in early photography or cinema film
The old movie was preserved on celluloid.
Society considered as a community of citizens linked by common interests and collective activity
NGOs play a vital role in the civil society of our country.
Making a situation or outcome likely or possible
"A quiet room is conducive to studying for exams."
The action of making or declaring something, typically a church, sacred
The consecration of the new church will take place next Sunday.
Easily seen or noticed; attracting attention
"The conspicuous error in the report was embarrassing."
Emphasizes the unity of the legal order in a federal system
"Constitutional monism ensures that laws passed by the parliament are automatically incorporated at the state level."
Stubborn adherence to constitutional principles
His constitutional obstinacy was evident in the way he upheld the law.
Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial
The bill was politically contentious and sparked a lot of debate.
Illegal goods
"The police found contraband items in the smuggler's hideout."
A change in direction to reach a desired destination
"Taking a few years off from work allowed me to consider a career change and make a course correction."
Expelling a foreign diplomat for being unacceptable or unwelcome
The ambassador was declared persona non grata and asked to leave the country.
Causing harm or damage
The deleterious effects of pollution are well-documented.
Shortcomings in fulfilling democratic principles.
Discussions about a democratic deficit in the EU are ongoing.
A division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different
The dichotomy between theory and practice in education is well-known.
In a manner that expresses the opinion that something is of little worth
He spoke disparagingly of his opponent's policies.
Lagging far behind the first
"Mr. Paul came in a distant second."
Hybrid regime imitating democratic institutions with authoritarian methods
"The country's shift towards electoral autocracy has raised concerns among international observers."
To be at the limit of one's patience or resources
After hours of negotiation, I am reaching the end of my tether.
(Indian colloquial) Extremely enthusiastic person
He's such an enthu cutlet, always ready to take on new challenges.
Making a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse
The lack of clear communication is exacerbating the conflict.
The first piece of evidence presented in a legal case or an example used to illustrate a point.
"The prosecutor presented the weapon as Exhibit A in the trial."
An urgent situation requiring immediate action.
The exigency of the water shortage required immediate restrictions on usage.
Erase or remove completely something unwanted or unpleasant
The criminal record was expunged after he was proven innocent.
Terms referring to the order or rank of judges in a court
The first coram judge heard the case initially, followed by the second coram.
The state of financial well-being, especially of a governmental entity
The new policies aim to improve the fiscal health of the nation.
An unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck
Winning the lottery was such a fluke.
First and second of two things mentioned.
Between coffee and tea, the former is more popular in America.
Something that becomes harmful to its creator
The unregulated AI technology became a Frankenstein's monster for the company.
Wasted little by little
He frittered away his inheritance on trivial things.
External appearance or semblance
"The android is a machine in human guise."
Employ and release from employment, usually in rapid succession
"The board of directors will have the final authority to hire and fire."
To upset someone by mentioning a sensitive subject
His comments about unemployment hit a raw nerve with the audience.
Up to this time or until now.
The manuscript reveals a hitherto unknown period of the author's life.
Maintaining control over the context and perspective of a situation.
"Despite the chaos, the leader was holding the frame, guiding the discussion effectively."
Deceptive or false talk or behavior.
"I dismissed his excuses as nothing more than humbug."
Expresses a distinction between self-admiration and the psychological condition of narcissism.
"I may spend time on my looks; I am vain but I am not narcissistic."
Not openly displaying emotions or feelings.
"He's very private and doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve."
Prefers to keep possessions or wealth close.
"He doesn't invest much; he likes to hold his gold."
To settle a debt or resolve an issue
"Don't worry about the money you owe; I will get us square."
A hindrance or obstruction in doing something
The lack of funding was a major impediment to the project's success.
Hindering or obstructing the progress of something
The lack of funds is impeding the progress of the research.
Not a standard phrase. Assuming 'Impose on a conversation': To intrude or force oneself into a conversation without invitation.
"He was known to imposter into conversations, offering unsolicited advice."
Begun or started
The new policy was incepted last year.
Done at random or without careful judgment
The indiscriminate use of pesticides is harmful to the environment.
Unfair treatment dispensed or given out
The workers felt that injustice was meted out by the management during the layoffs.
One who takes part in dialogue or conversation
"In the meeting, the mediator acted as an interlocutor between the conflicting parties."
Court yielding its judgment to another legitimate party
"Excessive judicial deference to the executive on matters related to national security can alter the balance between activism and deference."
Delay in adjudication of sensitive cases
"Judicial evasion leads to undermining the justice delivery system by avoiding deciding thorny and time-sensitive questions."
An unofficial court that does not follow standard legal procedures
The workers felt they were being judged by a kangaroo court.
A group of unofficial advisers to the holder of an elected office
"The president relied on his kitchen cabinet for many decisions."
A quick and automatic response.
"His dismissal was a knee-jerk reaction to the news of the scandal."
The principle of 'might is right' or 'the stronger preying on the weaker'
In the corporate world, sometimes the law of Matsy Nyaya seems to prevail.
An expression of surprise or wonder.
"Lo and behold, the missing keys were in my pocket all along!"
To flirt or make a romantic or sexual advance towards someone.
"I was uncomfortable when he made a pass at me during the party."
Portraying someone as a victim to cause or principle, often to gain sympathy or justify actions
The opposition accused the government of making a martyr out of the dismissed official.
Overreacting or making a big deal out of something
She's making an episode out of a simple mistake.
The process by which cancer cells spread to other parts of the body.
"The doctors were concerned the cancer might metastasize."
To have a substantial effect, often against something
"His lack of experience militated against his job application."
To make less severe or serious
"She tried to mitigate the punishment imposed on her brother."
A small quantity of something desirable
"There's not even a modicum of truth in his statement."
A way of living or working that allows conflicting parties to coexist peacefully
The two countries developed a modus vivendi to manage their border disputes.
The view that reality is one unitary organic whole with no independent parts
"His philosophy was rooted in monism, seeing all existence as one interconnected entity."
Bring into a disordered or confusing state
The new regulations only served to muddle the process further.
To surprise or confuse someone so much that they are unsure how to react.
"The unexpected question left her completely nonplussed."
Burdensome, difficult to bear
"The onerous workload left her feeling exhausted and overwhelmed."
Overt: open and observable; Covert: concealed or secret
Overt: "His overt display of affection made everyone uncomfortable." Covert: "The spy’s covert mission was successful due to his ability to remain undetected."
To manage the speed/intensity of your actions
"She paced herself during the marathon to avoid exhaustion."
Pleasant or agreeable to the taste or the mind
"The chef prepared a palatable three-course meal that delighted the guests."
The state or condition of being equal, especially regarding status or pay
The organization strives for parity in wages between its male and female employees.
A fictional character from the animated series 'The Flintstones'.
"Pebbles Flintstone is known for her cute ponytail and bubbly personality."
Serious and immediate danger
The hikers were unaware of the peril they faced in the mountains.
Spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people
The pervasive influence of social media is evident in our daily lives.
Having or showing an excessive or inappropriate interest in sexual matters
His pervy comments made everyone uncomfortable.
(Usage depends on context; not a common term)
A person who brings a case against another in a court of law
The plaintiff accused the company of breach of contract.
Relating to or based on platonic love
"Their relationship is strictly platonic, with mutual respect and admiration."
Continuously trying to stop problems that keep appearing
Managing the network issues was like playing whack-a-mole with constant new problems popping up.
A fitting or deserved retribution for one's actions
The villain's downfall in the story was poetic justice.
Trust, goodwill, and influence in politics.
The president used political capital for healthcare reform.
Based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise
The evidence was prima facie, but further investigation was needed.
(Usage depends on context; not a common phrase)
(Usage depends on context; not a common phrase)
Reckless extravagance or wastefulness in the use of resources
The company's profligacy led to its financial downfall.
Characterized by, arising from, or showing prudence
"It is always prudent to save a portion of your income for unexpected expenses."
The scientific study of elections
"People in psephology have never seen a party come from the mid-20s to the high 30s in three weeks."
The scientific study of elections
"Experts in psephology analyzed the unexpected election results."
The scientific study of elections
"Experts in psephology analyzed the unexpected election results."
A judge who is not the chief judge in a court
The puisne judge offered a different perspective on the case.
A judge who is not the chief judge in a court, typically a junior judge
"The puisne judge offered a dissenting opinion in the high-profile court case."
Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
She is the quintessential example of a successful entrepreneur.
A period with no communication
"The team maintained radio silence to avoid detection."
What is pertinent or applicable doesn't matter.
"In the face of absolute authority, relevance is irrelevant."
To restore or return to the country of origin, allegiance, or citizenship
"The government made efforts to repatriate the artifacts taken during the colonial era."
Full of risk
The investment is replete with risk, but the potential returns are high.
The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing
His speech was high on rhetoric but low on substance.
A sudden and unexpected negative surprise.
"The team was in for a rude shock when they saw the score."
Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
"He remains sanguine about the chances of success."
A two-wheeled, self-balancing personal transporter.
"He commutes to work on a Segway."
Strongly influencing later developments.
Darwin's work is a seminal text in biology.
A group of politicians who hold a political position in the opposition, ready to assume office if their party gets elected.
"The shadow cabinet regularly critiques the government's policies."
(Usage depends on context; not a common phrase)
To burn superficially or lightly; scorch
"The wood was singed by the candle."
Increased awareness about government surveillance.
The Snowden effect has boosted encryption use.
Stray refers to domestic animals lost or without home; feral implies they have returned to a wild state.
"Stray and feral cattle often cause accidents on the roads."
To create an emotional response or resonate with someone.
"Her speech about equality really struck a chord with the audience."
Unique; of its own kind; in a class by itself
The architecture of the building is sui generis, unlike any other in the city.
Being silent or morose out of annoyance or disappointment
After losing the debate, he was sulking in the corner.
Showing little enthusiasm
The audience's response was tepid at best.
Referring to the current financial year
The company plans to expand its operations this fiscal.
To prevent someone from accomplishing something.
The downpour thwarted our picnic plans.
Heavy, intense rain often leading to flooding
"The torrential rain caused widespread flooding in the area."
Full of twists and turns
"The path to the summit was tortuous and required careful navigation."
To make contact and briefly update or discuss something.
"I'll touch base with my parents over the weekend to discuss the holidays."
Official governmental diplomacy.
The peace treaty was a result of track 1 diplomacy.
Present, appearing, or found everywhere
Mobile phones are ubiquitous in modern society.
Thin decorative covering or facade
"The antique dresser was beautifully restored, with a delicate veneer of mahogany giving it an elegant appearance."
Excessive or uncontrollable talkativeness
His nervousness in the interview led to a case of verbal diarrhoea.
What the person says is final; their decisions are implemented.
"In our team, the leader is so respected that what he says goes."
A ceremony where a wreath is placed to honor someone's memory.
"The Prime Minister attended the wreath-laying ceremony at the war memorial."
You are the reward or the most valuable thing.
"Don't settle for less, remember you are the prize in this relationship."
A disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans.
"Rabies is a well-known zoonotic disease."
Urdu Words
Jaza - Badla
Roz e Jaza
Mustaan e Haqeeqi
Ex Poste Facto - Thing done afterward
Innuendo Probelm
Incendiary Problem
Safety Net
Looking at it in Isolation
Cross Border Terrorism
Frequency Floor Crossing by Parliamentarians
Hunky Dory
Deft Use
Care Economy
Gender Budget
Words & Phrases
Paradigm : India Grows China Slows
My Two Cents on this Topic Are
Open Source Intelligence
Cessation of Violence
Two States Solution
Adroit of Hosting G20
Penetrate & Permeate
12 Digit Aadhar - Financial Address
Step Motherly Attitude
People before Politics
It is the best time to be young in India
India is a Knowledge Society
Last Mile Connectivity
Outreach & Scale
Aadhar Seeded Process and Documents
Sensatisation of Nodal Officers & Bureaucrats
Bringing Citizens and Govt Closer by Technology
At the Drop of a Hat
Bodes Well With Counter Strategic Development against China
The Institution has collapsed on itself
Economic Growth will never please all sections of the society
Union requires a Constant Negotiation - This Negotiation has to be protected
Leadership is about saying Uncomfrotable things
Communication is more about core values rather than its Technicalities
Actions in Color of Discharge of Duty
Mains Lines
Electric Vehicles - Charging Station - Chicken Egg Story && India 100% Electrfied, A Good Boost to Electrification
Organised Crime & Corruption Reporting Project
Prophylactic : In medicine, the term prophylactic is used to describe procedures and treatments that prevent something from happening.
Parentoral Route: There are five commonly used routes of parenteral (route other than digestive tract) administration: subcutaneous (SC/SQ), intraperitoneal (IP), intravenous (IV), intrader- mal (ID), and intramuscular (IM)
India Nepal AIR Radio
  1. People to People Connectivity && Roti Beti Connectivity
  1. Revival of 1970 High Commission
  1. Renewal of Peace & Tranquility Treaty of India with Nepal
  1. Open Border
  1. Funding of 75 million Rupess
  1. Disaster Aid to Nepal
  1. Cooperatiob Between BBIN - Bangladesh Bhutan India Network
Economic Growth of India
  1. Fiscal Year 2023-24 - IMF Predicted 6.5% GDP concurrence with Budget
  1. RBI Revised it to 7%
  1. Manufactruing PMI
  1. Slow Down Pvt Consumption & Agri
  1. Govt wats to Stop Importing Pulses by 2028
  1. Key Import : Gold & Fuel & Toning Down on Pulses by 2028
  1. Devluation : System Induced Depreciation : Market Induced
  1. Retial Inflation & Core Inflation :
Anaxagoras, Anaximander, Thales
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