5 Indian Agriculture - Handwritten Notes

All Are from Handwritten Notes - Indian Agri from Lec 12 to Lec 16
Topics Included Are : Indian Agriculture, Green Revolution, White Revolution, Blue Revolution etc
Introduction to Indian Agriculture
  1. Agriculture is made up of Two Terms
  1. One is made up of Ager (Soil) and the other is Culture(cultivation)
  1. Hence Agriculture Means the Cultivation of Soil
  1. It is the art, science and business of producing crops and livestock for economic purpose
Allied Activities of Agri Are
  1. Live Stock
  1. Fisheries
  1. Poultry
  1. Animal Husbandry
  1. Dairy
  1. Horticulture
Importance of Agri in India
From Here Onwards from Notes
Features of Indian Agriculture
  1. 60% of Indian population is directly indirectly dependent on Indian Geography
  1. Since Independence, Either the Farmers Economy is Stagnant or Deteriorating
  1. For thos Farmers who are in boom, have diversification of businesses.
  1. The comparative growth of Indian Agriculture is much less than that of other sectors
  1. India is Importing Oil Seed and Pulses from Other Countries
Problems of Indian Agriculture
Cropping Seasons*
What is the Season - Months
Example of Crops
What is the Season - Months
Example of Crops
What is the Season - Months
Example of Crops
Cropping Pattern**
  1. Factors to chose a Cropping Pattern
  1. Examples of things grown in a Cropping Pattern
  1. Govt Intervention in regulation of Cropping Pattern
Factors of Cropping Pattern (with Case Studies)
Geographical Factors
Spatial Factors - Space Based (Natural Factors )
Moisture Availability
Temporal Factors - Time Based (Technology Factors)
  1. Before Green Revolution
    1. Western Rajasthan (Semi Arid Area) - Need Less Water
  1. After Green Revolution
    1. Vyas & Sutlej in Harike Diverted to Wetsern Rajasthan by Indira Gandhi Canal
  1. Addition of Technology Brought
    1. Fertilisers
    2. Irrigation
Non Geographical Factors
Availability of Credit Facilities
Govt Policies - MSP
Socio Religious Factors
  1. Cultivation of Tobacco(Cash Crop)
    1. Not in Punjab
    2. Prominent in Andhra
  1. Milching of Cow
    1. Milk Not Found in Manipur
Demand in the Market

Mono Culture
Multiple Crops
Mixed Cropping
Double Cropping
Relay Cropping
Cropping Intensity
What is Cropping Intensity
  1. in a given agricultural year, how many times land has been brought under agriculture.
  1. Seasons in a Agricultural Year → Rabi, Kharif, Zayd
  1. Note
    1. Land is Taken in Hectares
    2. Largest Unit is taken in 10 Hectares
  1. Cropping Intensity is calculated by a Formula
Formula for Cropping Intensity
CI → Cropping Intensity
Gross Sown Area → Total Land Brought Under Agriculture
Net Sown Area → Total Land Available for Agriculture
Farmer has : 10 Hectare of Land - Net Sown Area Available
Rabi Season : Farmer Cultivated 5 Hectare CI - 50%
Kharif Season : Farmer Cultivated 10 Hectares CI - 100%
Zayd Season : Farmer Cultivated 5 Hectares CI - 50%
High Cropping Intensity
  1. Region
  1. Reasons
  1. Steps for Improvement
Low Cropping Intensity
  1. Region
  1. Reasons
  1. Steps for Improvement
Green Revolution - Plants
Second Green Revolution
Late President : Dr Kalam on Basis of Organic Fertilisers
Blue Revolution - Fisheries
White Revolution - Milk