
ADITYA L1 Mission

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  1. Name Origin: Aditya, meaning Sun in Sanskrit, signifies the mission's focus on studying the Sun.
  1. Launch Vehicle: PSLV-XL.
  1. Type: It is India's first space-based solar mission and the second observatory mission but the first dedicated solar mission.
Mission Details:
  1. Payloads:
    1. VELC (Visible Light Emission Coronagraph)
    2. SUIT (Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope)
    3. SoLEXS (Solar Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer)
    4. ASPEX (Aditya Solar wind Particle Experiment)
    5. HEL1OS (High Energy L1 Orbiting X-ray Spectrometer)
    6. PAPA (Plasma Analyser Package for Aditya)
    7. Advanced Tri-axial High Resolution Digital Magnetometers
  1. Orbit: Placed in Lagrange L1 orbit.
Mission Objectives:
  1. To study the Sun's corona, photosphere, chromosphere, solar emissions, solar winds, and flares.
  1. To investigate Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs).
  1. To carry out round-the-clock imaging of the Sun.
Location & Advantage:
  1. Positioned at the L1 point of the Earth-Sun system, providing an uninterrupted view of the Sun.
  1. The L1 point is advantageous as orbit corrections and fuel requirements needed to maintain desired orbits are minimum.
Lagrange Point
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Comparative Solar Missions:
  1. Parker Solar Probe (NASA):
      • Aims to trace how energy and heat move through the Sun’s corona.
      • Studies the source of the solar wind’s acceleration.
  1. Helios 2 Solar Probe:
      • A joint venture between NASA and the space agency of erstwhile West Germany.
      • Went within 43 million km of the Sun’s surface in 1976.
  1. Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) (ESA & NASA):
      • Placed near the L1 point.
      • Studies the Sun and its deep core.
Additional Notes:
Comparative Missions & Definitions:
  • Fastest Man-Made Object: Parker Solar Probe.
  • James Webb Space Telescope (JWST): Positioned at Lagrange L2 point and operates in Infrared.
Details of the Sun:
  • Biggest Solar Storm: Occurred in 1856.
  • Sun Spots: Temporary spots on the Sun's photosphere that are darker than the surrounding areas.