Science Classes
International Relations - Dipin Sir
Polity - Dipin Sir
Internal Security
Economy - Dipin Sir
Society & Social Justice
Dipin Sir Classes (Uncategorised)
Extra Data
De Prioritisation in West Asia by USA - Running Notes
It is US de prioritising West Asia because. Previously US showed deep interest in West Asia Region, because of its allies of it like Israel. Israel is called 51st state of israel. US had interest in Afganistan, before taliabn it was US puppet regime. US has relation iwth KSA. Also USA wanted to expand NATO Borders to US. this was due to US interest of oil. With discovery of shale gas, us lost its interest. US lost interest in others was, expecially in Trump Adminsitration good example is US leacing Afghanistan suddenyl. Kindeleberger Trap is when somebody is providing global public good like us is providing global policing. allies thougth taht us is no more priortitisn west asia. US prirority moved to Indo Pacific, now here with emergence of China as a major power, now US wants to counter the influence of China in Indo Pacific & not wage wars for others. GCC Countries of Middle East for USA is tough. as it has many ungoverned spaces and power struglles within them. these ungoverned spaces are coducive for terrorism and radicalisation. between iran and KSA there is three levels of power struggle, one is religious sunni shia, both energy rich, third overall dominating the region. Israel arab conflict also is there. these examples were shown as US ot interested in GCC or Middle east. US also renamed its command to Indo Pacific from Pacific and it is buisling mini laterals and pluri laterals in the area, QUAD Pluri Lateral and AUKUS is Mini Lateral, agains with i2u2 and IMEC EC USA is again lookng into the stability of GCC and at the same time countering china. this is re prioritisation of west asia by USA. US is catalyst in IMEC, US does nto have any interest in protecting our trade interest or so. US wants to maintain its presence, great powers industries are always spread acros the globe hence it has naval bases in all the gcc countries as well. US FP is generally based on presidents, diplomats and republican have different FP. Now Biden is Democract, there are few countries with whom there is a bi partisan consensus with both democracts and republicans. Pakistan is bankrupt because US reudced its aid to Pakistan, as Pakistan was grey listed under FATF and many more reasons, also pakistans economy is more of a aid economy. previously USA used to support pak and give aid. IMEC is an exaples of re prioritisation.
Important Terms & Plans
Gather Idea on Pro Khalistan Issues & ISIS
India China Comparison
Used data from India RBI and China National Bureau of Statistics
Comparison of India and china
Patent india is behind China fro 21 years, FDI 20 years anf Forex Reserves 19 years and `17 years in export
India China Trade Deficit
This Catching Up requires Quantum Jump for India
Art 370
- SC Verdict :
- Official Name : Re Art 370 of Constitution of India (Re-Regarding)
- Insaniyat, Jamhooriyat & Kashmiriyat