Female Labor Force Participation
Context : Care Economy & Monetised Economy
  1. Noble Prize for Caludia Golden. In News since Time Memorial
  1. Invicibalistion of Women Work
  1. Eco Survey talks about wrt to measurement
  1. China has 51% Female Particpation Rate
Can Quote Esther Dufflo and Abhijeet Banerjee
Behavourial Economics can be used
Datons Idea can be used - on Child Health

  1. Equitable Reoslution of Roles and Responsibility is very important
  1. Oxfam Said that Inequality has a female face in India - lack of gender equality
LFPR → Labour Force Participation Ration
LFPR is percentage of population that is either work, seeking work or available for work
WPR → Worker Population Ratio
Percentage of Working Age Population that is employed
UR → Unemployment Ratio
Percentage of Labor Force that is available and is seeking jobs but are unable to find jobs
Data / Reports
Acc to PLFS → LFPR of Male 78.5% & Female 2023 Oct is 37%
But World Bank Data LFPR is 24% which is same as ILP
China LFPR Female 61% and Bangladesh LFPS Female is 31%
State of Working India 2021 Report →by Azim Premji University
Presence of In Laws - Unemployed Mother in Law in the same house significantly reduces the likelihood of married women be employed when compared to a household where there are NO mother in law
Women are Over Represented in Sectors like Education Health Textiles Tobacco Waste Management Sewerage like Manual Scavaging
in Urban Areas there is a U Shape Pattern is Visible or the Income Effect
Time Use Sruvey 2019 by NSO - As Per the Survey 81% of females participate in domestic unpaid work comapred to male which is 26%
243 minutes on an average women are involved in unpaid work, where as male are 25 minutes
Recent SBI Report 2023 says that women unpaid work plays a vital role in the economy and is reponsible for 7.5% of GDP
Noble Laureate Claudia Golden Findings
U Hyptoheses
U Shaped relationship between Womens Employmetn and Economic Growth
Add Image from handout
Initially in the initial stage of economy where there is agriculture, women are employed more but then there is Sectoral Shift from Agri to Industry
Here Women Participation is Reduced
due to
Income Effect - Inc in Household Income, Domestication of Women
Mechanisation of Industry - Factory Job
Again Sectoral Shift - Service Sector Based Ecoonomy - with the rise in education level of women, there will be re entry of women. Hence, Here Service Sector acts as an Entry Point for Labor Market
Tranfromative Contraception
Enabled women for greater control of their Lives in terms of their birth control. This provided agency or choice in shaping outcomes
Temporal Flexibility
Flexibility in time wrt to job and employment then there will be falling Womens Labor Force Participation → Flexible hours of work is the essence → Manifestation like Work From Home, Maternity Leave etc
Major Reason is that women are involved in Care Economy → Unpaid Care Work
Gordon also found that this is one of the reasons fro Wage Gap as in US with temporal felxibility there is very less to NO wage gap as comapred to indian premise
Greedy Jobs
Golden talked about concept of Greedy Jobs - they are high pay jobs but what is important here that it needs more time, meaning it is Time Greedy, It requires long working hours and unpreditable schedule, late night meetings travels, lot of networking
problem is since women are involved in care work they are not able to put more time and work for greedy jobs
Relation is High Pay → More Work → Not able to → cuz of care economy
Hindrance in Career Progress due to → Many Breaks in Career and Avialable for less time
Role of Expectation
Earlier Expectation of women was based on working pattern of previous generation
that is either they were not working or did not go back after child birth
women tend to be more ambitious with more role models
Both Lose
Men Forego Time with their family, Women Forego their Career
Couple Equity
Importance of Sharing & Redistribution of Household Work
Other Issues
Occupational Seggregation
  1. Care Economy
    1. Unpaid Labor that takes up significant time and emotional resources this includes domestic responsibilities, child care or elderly care etc
      However these are essential for human well being but it takes significant amout of time and emotional resources
      Issue is that ther is NO Economic Valuation of this Work. It is unreocgnised as well
      Also it is generally considered as women responsibility tot tkae up this task which is 86% v/s 25% wala fact
      It is affecting the work life balances of women → the book second shift by Arlie Russel → one shift is at work and another is at home → this is leading to double burden of work → which in turn is leading to time poverty for women
      Time Poverty → Lack of Discretionary Time available for Perosnal Development
      It is unpaid and uncreognised. Not counted in GDP, it is Invisible
      it requires significant time and emotional resources → issues like Time Poverty, Double Burden or Second Shift
      Houehold Work, Child Care & Elderly Care
      Example : Child Care & Elderly Care
Work Life
Institutioal Policy
Law - FLFPR ES 22-23
Measurement Methods / Methdology : Usual Status, CWS Current Weekly Status, Need for Change of Criteria