DPI (Digital Public Infrastructure)

PM Modi in the G20 Digital Economy Ministers Meeting, said that “the world should build a consensus on the high-level principles for a secure trusted, and resilient digital economy”
Need for “Global Consensus Building”
Digitisation is the focus, as a tool to achieved socio-economic, sustainable, inclusive development
In the past PM Modi said → IT + IT = IT
Information Technology + India Talent = India Tomorrow
Enabling Aspect of Digital India is Indian Talent
We are Pioneers in the Tech Layer of DPI
The Different Layers Are
  1. Tech Layer
    1. We are Pioneers
    2. DIKSHA, Aadhar, ONDC, SWAYAM, CoWIN, JAM Trinity ( For Economic Prosperity)
  1. Non-Tech Layer
    1. We are improving here
    2. Community Engagement, Govt Rules & Regulations
We are aiming to become a developed country by 2047 - the period from now on until 2047 is called as period of “Amrit Kaal”
Data / Reports
  1. IAMA Data - Largest Active Users
  1. Number of People Digitally Literate
  1. India's Social Media is more than 450 Million People
  1. Global Innovation Index (GII) Report
Definition → Features
notion image
India Launched the Digital India program in 2015. One reason behind this is to transform India into a Digitally Empowered Society and Knowledge Economy
Generation, Distribution and use of Knowledge is the Prime Driver of Economic Growth and Development
Objective → use GDU → GDP
We can do it because, 68% population is in working age populations → we need to skill, reskill & upskill them
The Three Sides of DPI
Digital Tech, Governance, and Service & Digital Empowerment
Fact: there is a near-universal enrolment in Aadhar
What is DPI
Public Infra is like Roads, Infra, etc
Digital Public Infra is a Digital Public Good that provides a basic level of infrastructure allowing innovative applications to build on top of it
DPI is the Digital Solution that enables basic functions essential for Public and private Service delivery. In General, it is the Digital Version of Public Infrastructure. These are sets of digital tools and systems that enable delivery of basic functions
Aadhar Act passed the Triple Test of Proportionality given in the K S Puttaswamy Case which is
Existence of Law
Legitimate or Compelling State Interest
Doctrine of Proportionality
Aadhar passed this test because a law in UIADI permits the collection of data
Key Characteristics of DPI
  1. Scale
    1. DPI needs to be population-scaled. should help everyone
  1. Public Guarantee
    1. Public Guarantee, DPIs are fundamental and basic provisions of essential services, since they are basic needs, govt should provide them or else it will lead to exclusionary practices
      DPIs are fundamental for people to engage in modern society, public or govt should ensure that these digital tools and systems are available and functioning properly
  1. Foundational Pillars
    1. It has now become a foundational pillar and basic building block for other services
      Examples: Aadhar is used for JAM Trinity
  1. DPI needs to be inclusive, it should be accessible to all.
    1. Example: UPI 123Pay System for even keypad/feature phone
      Implemented in Nepal and Bhutan and now in France by Lyra. working in KSA
  1. Interoperable
    1. Seamless working with different systems should be able to communicate easily with different systems
      they should work as building blocks where innovation can come on top of it
  1. Public Accountability
    1. it should be operated in a way that the process is transparent but data is secure
Merits & Examples
  1. Ensure Socio-Economic Development
  1. Also Benfitiing Rural Area
    1. E Commerce
      1. ONDC
    2. Governance
      1. UPI
      2. AAdhar
    3. Agriculture
      1. PM Kisan JAM Trinity
      2. Electornic National Agricyltural Market built on existing APMC Mechanism
    4. Health
      1. National Digital Health Mission
      2. Ayushman
    5. Logistics
      1. ULIP (Unified Logistics INterface Platform - Seamless Integration of Roads, Waterways, Rail - It is Multi-Modal in Totality by Means of Roll On and Roll Off Method, It is important componsent of National Logistics Policy)
    6. Education
      1. DIKSHA
      2. SWAYAM
    7. Labor
      1. Digitisation of MNREGA
  1. Digital Infrastructure Related Challneges
    1. Lack fo Mobile Towers, and Broaband Connectivity.
    2. initiative of Bharat Net started by govt to ensure Broadband Connectivity
  1. Digital Divide or Cyber Marginalisation
    1. The divide between haves and have notes affects inclusion
  1. penetration of inyernet is with only 700 million people
  1. cyber secruity
    1. reports of cowin and aadhar data being leaked
    2. cases of ransomware attacks
    3. digital economy has to be safe and resilienet
  1. Data Privacy
  1. Device Cost
    1. In India Data cost is low as coapred to aother countries but device cost is really low
    2. if we are able to catch the oppurtunity of china+1 the device cost will come down
    3. news of import ban on laptops, we should ensure that India is a attratctive destination for ease of ding business
Way Forward
  1. Prioritise user-centric designs, it is very important to ensure inclusion
  1. it also needs to focus on custom and tailored products
  1. this year's economic survey talks about account aggregators. issues with MSME is lack of formal credit, account aggregator will have details of all the financial transactions and then lend them
    1. the issue is of digital lending from forign countriues
  1. differentiate between tech and non tech layer
  1. Provide phygital appraoch - physical + digital
  1. develop anchor institutions - for aadhar its UIADIA, and for UPI its NPCI
What do you understand by DPI, how the goverment politicies facilitated its growth and how it contributed to the accessibility and fefficiency of public serbices in both urban and rural areas