- Parliamentary Standing Commitee Report Headed by MP Vivek Thakur Report called “Implementation of NEP in Higher Education”
Looked into NEP on Higher Education
Report Findings
- Around 1043 Uni in the country - 70% of these are under the state act.
- 94% of students are either in state or private institutions
- Role of State in Higher Education - Increase GER & Quality
- Curriculum Issues → Difficult to Implement, MEME Multiple Entry & Multiple Exit
- Legislative Framework Redemption Needed → Gov State Issue has impact on students
- Role of Private → Needs Good Regulatory Framework for Pvt like Capitation Fees
- Need for Funds
Our Inference from this Data
- Limited Access to Higher Education in Socio Economically Disadvantaged Groups because of Private and Funding Fees. This will lead to exclusion of socially disadvantaged & marginalised group
- There are very few institutions which teach in Local Languages
- MEME - Multiple Entry and Multiple Exit
- Flexibility & Student Friendly
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- It will help in Life Long Learning and it will also benefit SEDG especially girl children to manage even life events
- This will reduce drop out and increase Gross Enrolment Ratios
- It would be difficult for the institutions to manage the in out traffic and because of this it will disturb the teacher student ratio. also it will be more challenging due to regional distribution of Higher Educational Institutions
Flexible Structure whereby students can enter or exit academic programs at different stages. An Academic bank of credit will Digital Credits
Students can exit with a certification 1 Y, diploma 2Y and degree 3Y
Positives of MEME
Negatives of MEME
- Long Term Objectives
- Estab a Multi Disciplinary College by 2030
- Improve the GER (26.3%) to 50% by 2035
- Inclusion and Equity
- Scholarship Support to SDGE
- Course in Regional or Bi Lingual
- Infra and Physical Accessibility for PwDB
- Ensure Gender Balance
- Education in Remote Areas
- Comprehensive Guidelines
- Standardised CAT (Credit Accumulation & Transfer System)
Make the Transfer Easy - Seamless Tranfer System and Standardised Model
- Finance
- HEF - Higher Education Financing Agency
- R&D Cells
PSC Recommended to diversify funding sources of HEFA. Get grants and csr and then distribute to HEI. HEI will return the principal amount and govt will pay the interest to the HEFA
PSC Appreciated NEP Implementation in J&K. It also recommended PoP Professor of Practise, i.e Lateral Entry
NEP in J&K Features
- Implemented Throughout State from 2022
- Uniform Calendar for all HEI’s, which will help in simultaneously conducting exams and declaring of results
- Skill Development Program Option with Undergraduate Courses
- Implement National Pattern of Curriculum
NEP 2020 proposed multiple entry and exit scheme for HEI in the country. Critically Evaluate its impact on Student Retention Skill Development and Employability
Answer Framework
- What is MEME
- Positive & Negative MSME