One Nation One Election

Note : Parliamentary form over presidential → because we chose accountability over stability
Extra Concepts
Digital Public Infrastructure
Color Revolution - while discussing SCO - pro democratic processes in erstwhile USSR Countries
Examples : Orange, Velvet Revolution
Centre constituted a committee under former presdient shri ramnath kovdin to exauine the logistical and constutonal feasiblity of conducting one nation one election
Elections are bed rock of democracy. elections are procedural aspect of democracy
notion image
Multiparty System, Largest Democracy, Large elctoral roll → Hence Election is Important
Important Mechanism for Participation Civic enagement
Substantive representation
What is ONOE
  1. Conducting elections simultaneously to the Lok Sabha and SLA
  1. Advantage - given by parliamentary standing committee which supported simultaneous elections
    1. Reduce Election expenditure, reduced tax payers money in conducting elections
      1. as per niti aayog and election commission the cost of conducting parliamentary & state elections in a five years cycle is worked out to be Rs 10 per voter per year
    2. it will help in enhanced governance and long term development
    3. Promote more inclusive political climate
American Political Commentator Sidney Blu Monthal said that india is in a permanent campaign mode
Issues with Current System
  1. Constant Campaigning
    1. notion image
  1. Split Ticket Voting
  1. Economic Effect
One Nation One Election Means Simultaneous Election to both Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies
Will help the voters to caste their voter both to the state legislative assemblies and lok sabha on the same day
  1. Economic Efficiency of Election Process
    1. Can cut down cost of Tax Payers Money in Reducing the Expenses
      As per estimates by NITI Aayog and Election Commission the cost of conducting parliament and state election in a 5 year cycle is worked out to be Rs 10 per voter per year and the report suggest that if elections are synchronised and simultaneous it will reduce the expense Rs 5 per voter per year
  1. Enhanced Governance and Long Term Planning
    1. It will bring India out Permanent Campaigns and how it affects - Reduced MCC Restrictions - Long Term Governance
      It will also reduce expenditure of political parties
      Less Interruptions to Government & hence Governance
  1. Streamlining Administrative Efforts
    1. it reduces the administrative burden like deployment of Para Military Forces, Bureaucrats and
      Also Election Commission can focus more on electoral reforms
  1. Voter Centric Benefits
    1. Possibility of Voter to go and cast vote on one day for both LS & RS. Hence Voter Turnout will be more and hence better democracy
  1. Promoting a More Inclusive Political Climate
    1. Lessened Vote Bank Politics
Note : The Same Recommendation were given by simultaneous Elections
  1. Constitutional and Legal Barriers
    1. Amendment of Art 86 & Art 82 need to be changed. Standing Committee was asked that if State Ratification is needed or not for Constitutional Amendment
  1. Implication on Federalism & Democratic Principles (Pre Mature Dissolution)
    1. Will lead to Judicial Scrutiny. SC held in a series of cases that federalism is part of Basic Structure
      What if states call for Pre Mature Dissolution of SLA or there is president rule or change of govt ?
  1. Limitation on Public Participation
    1. Emergence of More and More Regional Parties and End of Congress System and Increase of Coalition System led to Increased Regional Power Representation and Hence More Democracy
      Simultaneous Election May Lead to an ARTIFICIAL FIXITY of the tenure of SLA
      Here, with multiple elections, many states became Lab of Democracy
      Like GST Council Question : Pooled Sovereignty.
      in Democracy → Representation and Accountability is more important that Stability
      India Democracy is characterised by Procedural Democracy. Hence we also employ Split Ticket Voting (One Person is voting differently for different elections). ONOE will reduce Split Ticket Voting.
      continuos elections calls for Continuos Accountability
  1. Operational Hurdle
    1. Huge One Time Expenditure required for buying New EVMS and VVPAT. One Time CAPEX
      Large No of Para Military Forces and Large No of Bureaucrats are also employed
      According to Election Commissions Estimates it needs more than 9200 Crore Rupees for only procurement let alone storage and other thing
      That is why MP Shashi Tharoor : One Nation One Election is politically Unfeasible, Administratively Unworkable and Constitutionally Unviable
  1. Impediments to Fair Competition
    1. More Cadre More Storng Party will have upper hand
  1. PSC (Parliamentary Standing Commitee)- 2 Phase Election
    1. Phase 1 - Along with Lok Sabha - Set 1 of SLA Elections
    2. Phase 2 - in the mid term of Lok Sabha - Set 2 of SLA Elections
  1. Law Commissions
    1. Elections of State Assemblies whose term ends 6 months. after general elections lok sabha can be clubbed together. However results can be declared at the end of tenure
Way Forward
  1. Electoral Reforms
    1. Churchill said that democracy is the worst form of govt except for other forms
      Like: Reduced Criminalisation of Politics, Political Funding Transparency - Reformed Electoral Bond Scheme, Internal Democracy in Parties and in ticket distribution, reducing the time taken to conduct elections
  1. Strengthen Election Commission of India
Global Case
  1. South Africa & Sweden are having ONOE
IDFC study says that 77% people will vote for the same political party in both SLA & Lok Sabha → Bihar Election Cited
Different Parties Chosen → Andhra Pradesh Election
Practise Question
Question: Simultaneous Election will limit amount of time and money spent in electioneering but it will reduce the governments accountability to the people.