Artificial Intelligence

Science Should Very Importantly Have: What & How
Introduction to AI
  1. Generative AI, Challenges and Way Forward
  1. Attributes of AI - That They Cannot Do but Qualifies as AI, this needs to be taught to them
    1. Learning
    2. Decision / Reason
    3. Self-Correction & Self-Awareness
Difference between AI and generative AI
  1. AI has Intelligence but Generative AI is something that can Generate/Produce
  1. The output of AI will be generally a Number or a yes or no decision but generative AI with answers gives suggestions
Training in AI
  1. Data can be Structured
    1. which is categorized and structured
  1. Data can be Unstructured
    1. which is NOT categorized and structured
what is Generative AI
Generative AI does it create something New → it does mix & match but it is very useful
AI → Machine Learning (Machine Learns without Human Interference)→ Deep Learning (Based on Artificial Neural Networks; Tries to Simulate the Human Brain)→ Generative (Capacity to Create Something) & Discriminative (Yes & No)
LLM → Large Language Models
OCR → Optical Character Reading
NLP → Natural Language Processing
Super AI → Combine Quantum & AI
Strong AI → Can Emulate Whole Human Intelligence. There is No Example as of now.
Weak AI → Can Handle only a part of Human Intelligence, All the AI we have right now, is weak AI
The idea is to make AI that is Responsible
Strength of AI → Pattern Recognition Capabilities
AI has the capacity to transform the digital ecosystem. in this context identify the applications of Artificial Intelligence
Applications of AI
  1. Health
    1. Google and Apollo have signed an agreement wherein they are using Deep Learning to interpret X-Ray
    2. It can predict the spread of disease
    3. Disease Diagnosis
    4. Suggesting & Creating Medicines & Vaccines
    5. Research & Development
    6. Examples
      1. 3 Nethra (Microsoft & Forus) → Opthalmology Practise Analysis by this App
  1. Agriculture from Handout Also
    1. Can take input from Soil and plants and can suggest plantation techniques
    2. Can identify and measure the spread of disease
    3. Credit Wohtiness of Farmers
    4. E NAM
    5. Cropping Patterns
    6. Disease Surveillance & Monitoring
    7. GM Crops
    8. AI-based sensors and drones for surveillance and management
    9. Sowing via Machines
    10. Dynamic Prices Suggestions, Predicting Demands
    11. Agriculture in AI on Marines and Fisheries
  1. Education
    1. Translation
    2. Tele Education & Getting People back on diction Ex: Duolingo
    3. we can provide customized teaching
    4. An example is X Prep (Customised Study Schedule)& DIKSHA Portal
  1. Business
    1. Supply chain and Inventory Management
    2. Dynamic Pricing
    3. Targetted and Personalised Ads
    4. Managing Crises with real-time data for decision-making and suggestions
    5. Inventory Management
    6. Leakage Management
  1. Security in General
    1. Image Processing
    2. Before Conflict Tracking Hate Speeches and Internet Heat
    3. communication calls
    4. can identify hate speech
    5. Example: Snowden Debate
  1. Market
    1. Capital Market Prediction
    2. Analysing Market Trends
  1. Facial Recognition
    1. Digi Yatra
  1. Quantum Computing
Follow the Life Cycle Approach
  1. Seed, Soil, Growth, Harvesting, Pos Harvesting, Marketing
  1. Always Follow Life Cycle Approach for Education
  1. Identify the Segments First
Home Work: Applications of Generative AI
Questions: What are the challenges surrounding AI
Ethical Challenges
  1. Accountability & Legality
    1. Technology Outpaces Regulation
  1. Algorithm Bias - Both at the time of creation and learning
  1. Data Bias
  1. Explainability - ANN’s are very complex, Sometimes it cannot explain its process and output. Essence is that the Decision Making Process cannot be explained by AI
  1. Informed Consent - The Dilemma is that AI cannot learn if you dont share data without learning
  1. Threat for Privacy
    1. We also dont want privacy & we accept terms and conditions without reading
    2. Deep Fakes
    3. It can profile us in both Individual Profiling and Societal Profiling to predict our needs wants and decisions
  1. Prominent Threat of Job Loss
  1. Malafide Misuse
General Challenges (From Handout)
  1. Money →
    1. Gross Expenditure on Research & Development
      1. Graph on R&D from Handout
        taken from NITI at 75
    2. In Case of India Pvt Expenditure of R&D is 36% of Total which is very low
      1. The total is Low, Pvt is Low but the Govt Contribution is also decreasing
        This Trend is not good
    3. of the total govt spending only 7% of total goes to the higher institutions
  1. Infrastructure, Institution & HRD→
    1. As per QS World Rankings out of 200 Top Institutions only 3 are in India
    2. of the total patents filled, indian patent rank is at 10, israel outranks us
    3. UNESCO school of statistics Report 2019, Plots no of Researchers per million
      1. For USA - 4200
      2. China - 1200
      3. India - 156
  1. R&D & Innovation →
    1. Section 3 D & Section 56 → Deals with Evergreening and Compulsory Licensing
  1. Commercialisation →
Governance Policies on AI
  1. Policy
    1. S&T & Innovation Policy STIP
      1. Open Science Policy - Democratise Science for All
      1. SIT Observatory
      1. TKS - Traditional Knowledge System
  1. Institutions
    1. Under MoST
      1. → DoSP → All Definitions Roadmaps, FInance and Managements
      2. → DSIR - CSIR → Research
      3. DBT
    2. MeITY
      1. CDAC - Hardware Maker - Manufacturing
        1. AIRAWAT - AI Super Computer Cloud has been built by CDAC
      2. NIC - National Information Centre
    3. National Knowledge Network (NKN)
      1. You create a network in India and then connect it to a Super Computer
    4. HRD - Human Resources
      1. Women - KIRAN (Handling Career Gaps), CURIE (Women Specific Institutes),
      2. Youth - INSPIRE & MANAK Awards
      3. Disabled & Elderly - TIDE - Technology Interventions for Disabled & Elderly
    5. R&D & Innovations
      1. CoE - Centre of Excellence
      2. TIH - Technology Innovation Hubs
      3. NIDHI - National Initiative for Developing Harnessing Innovation
      4. AIM - Atal Innovation Mission
    6. Other Works
      1. PRISM by Samsung - Connects Industry and Academy
      2. Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) + Intel Deep Learning
      3. SIH by Govt of India
Other Concepts
GAN - Generative Adversary Network → DALL E
AI in Infrastructure
  1. Planning & Design Suggestion
  1. Material Choice
  1. Structural Analysis
  1. Disaster Proof
GPT 4.0
LLM - Large Language Model
Concept of Supervised and Non-Supervised Learning
Creation and Issue of Deep Fakes