
Hydrogen Fuel Standards

  1. Context
    1. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has notified the standard for green hydrogen in India.
    2. This standard outlines the emission thresholds for the production of hydrogen that can be classified as "green."
  1. Definition of Green Hydrogen
    1. Green hydrogen is defined as hydrogen having a well-to-gate emission of not more than 2 kg CO2 equivalent per kg of hydrogen (H2)
    2. Important Concepts:
        • Well-to-gate emission includes:
            1. Water treatment
            1. Electrolysis
            1. Gas purification
            1. Drying
            1. Compression of hydrogen.
        • The definition's scope encompasses both:
            1. Electrolysis-based hydrogen production methods
            1. Biomass-based hydrogen production methods.
  1. Nodal Authority for Accreditation:
    1. The notification specifies that the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under the Ministry of Power, will act as the nodal authority.
    2. The BEE will be responsible for the accreditation of agencies
  1. Fukushima Reactor
    1. They want to release the radioactive water. Around 70 radioactive elements have been removed, but tritium cannot be removed