- Pro Khalistan Group in Canada
- Affected India Canada Relations
- K2 Approach of ISI, PK
ISI & PK are working on Khalistan Kashmir Approach against India
- Incident of Train Arson in Kerala, where 1 person involved, NIA filed a chargesheet, NIA said that he travelled from Delhi to Kerala to conduct this
ChargeSheet Says that : This person is “Self Radicalised Lone Wolf”
- 1985 Air India Bombing is again in News IC 812
Definition → Problem
What is Radicalisation?
it is a process by which a person or a group comes to adopt extreme political social and religious ideas and aspirations. As an Idea it is associated with Terrorism, Insurgency etc
and as per NYPD Model, the radicalisation consist of four phases
- Stage 1 → Pre Radicalisation
Ind are introduced to these Ideas. here ind is receptive
- Stage 2 → Self Identification
Ind starts exploring these idea
- Stage 3 → Indoctrination
he adopts the ideology and intensifies his personal belief
- Stage 4 → Takes Action
decides to take action, or get involved in radical beliefs
Other Related Terms
- Militancy → Tactics
- Extremism → Having extreme views
- Terrorism → Act of Terror. Ideologically and deliberately target civilians to create a state of terror
- Vigilantism → Example is Mob Lynching. Many People acting and violence towards one person
- Insurgency → has territorial focus. people are generally involved in an armed rebellion against the state.
Donald Horowitz - Ethnic Groups & Conflicts
He talks about how these kinds of groups are organised within states and he talks about two kinds of ethnic system
- Centralised Ethnic System
- More of a Segmented Identities.
- They are geographically concentrated, but with less interaction, there may be no issues generally, but when issues occur, they may break the country and threat may be existential
- Example :
- Sri Lanka (Sinhala & Tamils)
- Pakistan(Punjabi, Baloch, Pashtun)
- Dispersed Ethnic System
- They are generally multi linguistic, multi ethnic groups, they are intermixed geographically.
- Because of Frequent Interaction, due to a lot of cross cutting identities, there may be small issues here and there with some frequency, but the threat is NOT Existential
Example : India is a Typical Example. But India has some central tendencies of similar central languages. Our constitutional design supports Dispersed Ethnic System
According to Historian Linda Coley → In Colonies, The British Identity was generated, unlike back in UK. Scotch were lesser than English. They were divided within themselves, it was only in their Colonies, they got a common identity of being a British Identity
Macaulay was a Scot. He was a lesser in UK, but a equal in India.
Causes → Why There is Radicalisation ?
- Because of various Social Cleavages. Different Ethnicities, Different Religions and Languages.
- Social Inequalities, Marginalisation and Social Exclusion based on Ascriptive Identities
- Economic Issues : Unemployment & Extreme Poverty
Example : Ajmal Kasab was from Extreme Poverty
- Recruitment Funding and Terror Financing
- Ideological and Religious Factors & Views
- Issues like Hate Speech
- Role of OGW - Over Ground Workers. ideologicla, logistical, off ground support, but they do not directly participate in violent activities. Works like provide arms, fundraising
- Psychological - Real or Perceived Wrong
- Peer Pressure - Group Influence
- Information & Communication Technology - Eco Chamber & Filter Bubble, Information Warfare
- Proximity to Regions of Conflict in the Neighbour Hood - Arc of Unstability
- Global Influence
- Terror Sanctuaries - Afghanistan and Pakistan
- Marxism Maoism
- Administration
- Reason
- Ungoverned Spaces (in indian western and eastern borders) → Can be used in Durg Management
- Lack of Institutions or Physical infrastructure
- Prevalence of Corruption and Informal Economy
- Presence of Illegal groups and Organised Syndicates or Criminal Networks
- External Interference
- Conduciveness for this kind of Illicit Activities
- Arms Availability & Arms Trafikking & Gun Running
- Availability of Fund and Income
- Favourable Demography like availability of OGW
- Invisibility
- Difficult to Map → You dont know who will radicalise. UK’s CONTEST Program to MAP likely to Radicalised People. It Failed.
Characteristics of Ungoverned Spaces
hence we can say that Conduciveness is facilitated by Ungoverned Spaces
- Societal
- Polarisation of Ideas and Followers
- Stigmatisation of Communities and Religious groups - Loss of Social Cohesion
- Political
- De Democratisation - Democratic Backsliding
- Legal Dilemma - Balancing Between Different Legislations. Like Surveillance v/s Rt to Privacy
- Economic
- Resource Diversion
- Economic Disparity
- Security
- Terrorism
- Lone Wolf Attacks
- Anti National Activities
a Person who prepares and commits terror attacks alone without being a part of any global structure
- Global
- Strain in Bilateral Relations - Indo Pak, Indo Canada, Indo China
- Global Security
- Counter Radicalisation
Policies and Measures Implemented by the Government to prevent an Individual or Vulnerable Groups from becoming radicalised in their home country
- De Radicalisation
It is policies and measures to convince and discourage, individuals or vulnerable groups who have already became radicalised
- Laws - Anti Terror Laws like → Strengthening of Existing Laws
- UAPA - Unlawful Activities Prevention Act
- NIA - National Investigative Agency Act
2019 Amendment → Empowered Central Govt to designate Individuals as Terrorist, if they commit, participate or promote terrorism
introduced after 26/11 terrorist attack, addressed problems with lack of centralised agency Pan Indian Operation
- State Specific Laws
- Example MCoCA
- IT Rules Strengthened
to prevent disinformation, misinformation and fake news by incorporating ideas of traceability to prevent online radicalisation by social media
- Social Cleavages is deepening cuz of issues like hate speech. Scholar Jeremy Waldron highlighted issue wrt to hate speech in society is “Group Defamation” - Hate Speech targets not just an individual, but ind as a member of that group and it challenges the very existence of that group leading to Otherisation i.e Us v/s Them. If it is not checked, it will lead to radicalisation or violent crimes
- Vishwnath Committee Recommended that amend IPC and introduce provisions to prevent and address hate speeches
Issue is to demarcate line of speech and hate speech. it is difficult to implement.
Solution is to go for counter speech and counter narratives
- Case Study : BLR → They used social media and posted positives stories and counter narratives
- Acc to French Political Scientist → Deculturation is the cause of Radicalisation. Deculturation is the erasing of their culture i.e either forcefully or voluntarily of communities, this will lead to some kind of alienation and there by they will also oppose and protest
Protection to NE & Tribes in India is Integrative Approach which is example of Asymmetric Federalism.
- Social Identity Theory -. US v/s Them → people categorise themselves as part of InGroup (US) and OutGroup (THEM)
- Amartya Sen talks about the Idea of Identity Pluralism. Here there is cross cutting of identities, then you can prevent existential threat.
this idea can be addressed by Fraternity & unity in diversity are needed in community
- Steps Like community policing (philosophy ; a positive relations between police and public) instead of present model of negative relation
- Project KL
- Eyes & Ears
- Janmaitri Suraksha Project
Examples Are :
- Outreach Program
- Mission Pehal
- 3 Pronged Counselling System
- Family - used to call back people from Syria
- Religion
- Community
- Breaking the Crime Terror Nexus - As Per International Centre for Study of Radicalisation. As per the report, it noted that the criminal and terrorist networks are merging.
Criminal Data is Generally Available. hence it is easy to track things.
- Operation Chakravyuh →
- First Layer → at the border, LoC, CCTV, Surveillance, issue is of dense forest
- Second Layer → Behind first layer, tech like drones, UAV, address infiltration issue at the reception area, infiltrates and received by local handler
- Third Layer → Intelligence Information Sharing in the Valley and other area
Socio Economic Measures
- Causes - Development Deficit, Lack of Opportunity, Absolute Poverty
- Socio Economic Initiative like → Skill Development of Jammu & Kashmir like MUMKIN , Livelihood Initiative for Unemployed Group of Age 18 to 35.
HIMAYAT is skill development program.
- Employment Generation
Global Cooperation
- Intelligence Sharing
- Humint (Human Intelligence)
- Techint
- Commint (Communication Intelligence)
- Sureveillance
- Interception
- Imint (Image Intelligence)
- AFR’s → Automated Facial Recognition System
Issues Like : reliability issues
- Mechanisms → FATF (Financial Action Task Force)→ Combat Money Laundering, Terror Financing and Any Kind of Weapon Proliferation
It categorises countries, and imposes countries, it does grey listing and black listing
- No Money for Terror - is an international conference with objective of enhancing global cooperation to combat terror financing
- HM said that terrorism is transformed from dynamite to meta verse and Ak 47 to virtual assets
- in order to achieve the goal of no money for terror, countries should understand three M’s
- Adopt “One Mind, One Approach” to counter terror financing
improve the knowledge sharing and thereby efficacy of measures.
2022 no money for terror summit was held in India
i.e Mode Medium and Method of Terror Financing
Mode - Ways
Medium - Channel - Hawala etc
Method - Techniques Used
One Mind → unity of thought and purpose in combating terror financing
One Approach → Global Coordination and Consistent Strategy
Case Studies
- Global
- Sri Lanka After the Civil War → They came up with 6+1 Tenets including Education, Skill Development, Spirituality, creative Psychological Model. Initially there was 6
- UK’s Contest Program which stands for Counter Terrorism Strategy because it turned public sector workers including teachers and health care providers into quasi surveillance officers responsible for quoting signs of approach
Later Pvt Sector Also Joined, i.e 6+1 Tenets
- Domestic
- Maharashtra - De Radicalisation Initiative, Community Based and Multi Pronged Strategy
- Kerala : Operation Pigeon
For Example Various Religious Texts in Schools, Participation of Students in NCC
Coming up with Anti Radicalisation Squad
helped in de radicalisation and counter radicalisation through social media monitoring
Way Forward (6C Approach)
To Safeguard India from Various Issues of
- Cognisance of Terrorism & Organised Crime under Regulatory Framework
Example : PLA, UAPA, FATF
- Continuos & Critical Evaluation of Illicit Financial Flaws
- Central Nodal Agency
- Combating Trade Based Money Laundering - Under Invoicing & Over Invoicing
- Cooperation & Co-ordination at the International Level
The Diverse Nature of India as a Multi Religious and Multi Ethnic Society is NOT Immune to the Impact of Radicalism which is seen in her neighbourhood ?
Answer Framework
Question Interpretation - India is diverse but still it is NOT immune as seen in neighbourhood, pakistan bangladesh and china !
- Radicalisation
- Tell that It is happening in neighbourhood
- But india is immune and india is NOT
- Strategy
Note : China Xinjiang Reason, Policy Pak State Sponsored Terrorism, Problem of State Sponsored Identities
Our Indian Model is : Salad Bowl && Constitutional Fraternity