The Ultimate Summary of Ancient India - Add Additions to this Timeline by the end of Ancient India
The Hierarchy
The Point at which we study for - Satvahanas
Rise of IVC (2500 BC - 1900 BC)
Culture v/s Civilisation
Culture - Set of Values Beliefs Language, Religion, Food, Dress, Ornaments, Tradition followed by a group of people and passed on to the next generations
Culture is Flexible where as Civilisation will be Rigid
Civilisation (has 5 basic elements) → Advanced Culture Ur CP Un P&S
Centralised Polity
Uniformity in Public Buildings
Should Have Peace
Should Have Safety Measures
India was a Civilisation but not Now ; Culture is a Subset of Civilisation
Historic Chart
Background Story - 3
Story 1 - Charles Mason, 1837
was an Engineer of the East India Company, in Punjab
Found a Seal : Object Made of Steatite (SoapStone)
He found the seal & handed it over to his Superintendent
Anything found from ground, this continued for many years
Story 2 - Alexander Cunningham, 1861
Retired Civil Servant of Britishers
Historian, Scholar, Linguists
he had read Rig Vedas
Reached Punjab
found a Pottery Piece
wrote to British Parliament, seeking permission for excavation
was working in Kashi Earlier, around the Brahmanical Elements
Statement in Rig Veda : we the Aryans, tall fair skinned, and killed dark skinned, on the banks of river Ravi
He ran to the Superintendent, and told him, Superintendent gave him sacs of Pottery
wrote to British parliament for excavation ; currently lord Canning is viceroy
Hence British Parliament created ASI in 1861 with HQ at Calcutta and Alexander Cunningham as its first director general.
Initial Pilot Projects - Small Small Projects
Story 3 - Sir John Marshall, 1920
Started Random Excavation, with retirement of Cunningham and other ASI Heads coming in
the then DG of ASI
sought permission from the British Parliament for scientific exploration ; Archaeology is in Union List
Harappa, 1921 - First site to be excavated was in Harappa, Punjab ; Entire excavation was named as Harappan Excavation #1.
Gradually 2800 Sites had been found, Sites : Found & all of them were on the valleys of river Indus, its tributaries and distributaries. So, the historians named it as : INDUS VALLEY EXCAVATION #2
Tributaries of Indus RaCh JhSuVy
Indus States
Gradually historians found a Civilisation so, they named it as Harappan Civilisation or Indus Valley Civilisation
Extent of IVC
N - Manda ( kashmir )
S - Daimabad ( Maharashtra )
E - Alamgirpur ( UP)
W - Desalpur ( Gujarat )
NW - Shortughai ( Afghanistan )
Western Most - Suktagendor ( Pakistan)
6 Major Capitals + 4 Minor Capitals - Excavated
6 Major - 6 Looked Alike & Unique and size of buildings (Large) HaMoCh BKL
Harappa - Ravi (Pak)
Mohenjodaro - Indus (Pak)
Chanhudaro - Indus (Pak)
Banawali - Saraswathi (Haryana)
Kalibangan - Gahgger (Rajasthan)
Lothal - Bogavo (Gujarat)
4 Minor - Somewhat Damaged and size of buildings small - { Dhola ne Surktoda aur Suktgendor ko Rakhi Bandhi }
Rakhigarhi - Haryana
The Biggest Indus Valley Site of all Geographically
Dholavira - Gujarat
Surkotada - Gujarat
Suktagendor - Pakistan
Features of IVC - 10
1 Town Planning
1 Towns
All Town were divided in to 2 Parts (Man Made Division)
Upper Town
Lower Town
Except for Dholavira into 3 Parts
Upper Town
Middle Town - 1900 BC came later
Lower Town
Hence, Dholavira might have been a later Harappan Site
2 Streets
Streets were only found in Lower Town
Streets were cutting each other @ 90 Degree at Right Angle i.e Grid Pattern
Hence, Harappan Knew Geometry & Directions, Knew Mathematics, Had Engineers,
Streets were constructed with BURNT BRICKS → in the Ratio of → 4:2:1 → Bricks DURABLE
Uniformity depicts central control and polity method
Streets were Fortified - Like a Gated Community
3 Houses
All Streets had houses
Two Houses Faced Each Other
were of Diff Shapes and Sizes - Rectangle, Square, Oval
Constructed with Burnt Bricks
were Not Painted
Single, Double, Multiple Storied - Meaning they had Economies & Parity
Had Many Rooms - Hence Join Family might have existed like 17, 22, 23 Rooms
4 Bathrooms
All Houses @ Backyard had Bathrooms - No Attached Bathroom
constructed with Burnt Bricks
Bathrooms were Many in Number
Two Bathrooms faced each other - Like Public Toilet
Had Excellent Drainage System - Most Impressive Feature of Town Planning
Kitchen & Sewage Waste were internally connected and were closed
5 Wells
Many Sites have yielded wells
Both Public & Private Wells Found
Some of the houses had wells
Almost Every Street had wells
Wells were Circular in Shape
How they dig well, don’t know, this time is not part of Iron Age, Iron in India came with Aryans
Drinking Water Facility was Available
6 Citadel
Mini Fort
6 Citadel have been excavated
All these Citadels have been found in the Upper town constructed with Burnt Bricks
were constructed on a Raised Platform (called as Plinth), meaning they were aware of floods.
6 Citadel Stops are - HMC BKL
Mohenjodaro - The Biggest Citdeal
Chanhudaro - while Excavating it got damaged
Architecture of Citadel
Recent Update
at Dholavira & Rakhigarhi - Evidence of a Citadel have been found
at Surkotada and. Suktagendor - Evidence of a Citadel have been found
Hence these 4 places are called Minor Capitals
Inference from Citadel
Hence Guess is, Mohenjodaro was the capital for them as it was little bit big by size and capital
Royal Authority → Administrative Mechanism → Administration → Centralised Polity
7 The Great Bath
Only 1 Found in IVC
Rectangular Tank with 2.4 M depth found in the Upper Town constructed with Burnt Bricks Near Citadel found at MJ
Two sides of bath have stairs
at one corner of Bath, there is a Drain outlet (Inside it a Cotton Cloth was found) have been found
6 Bathrooms have been found i.e 3 Bathroom on each side
Found at Valley of River Indus
Usage from Inferences
Great Bath
Might have been for a Ritual Bathing, may be all come for a common dip
Location of Great Bath
Since it is at MJ, MJ might have been a Sacred Place & Indus might have been a Holy River
Cotton Cloth
They Knew Spinning & Weaving for Sure
At Dholavira a Similar small tank found, might have been a Storage Tank
8 Granaries
Place to Store Grains
All Sites (2800) have yielded Granary
Al Granaries were in upper town constructed with Burnt Bricks divided into multiple sections to store different Grains
Harappa Granary - Rice Husks - Excavated
Rangpur - Large Amount of Rice
Shortughai - Wheat Extracts
Banawali - Barley Extracts
Usage from Inferences
Harappan Knew Agriculture
The Art of Storage was Known
Harappan were Futuristic
We Store when we have Surplus Economy → Hence they were Self Sufficient
Harappan stored for the purpose of Trade - Trade with Mesopotamia
Might have been a form of Tax
Disaster Management - Grains in Upper Town, Plinth, Hence Precautious
Houses had storage facilities but were smaller in capacity
Conclude : Harappan’s were Advanced, Systematic & Organised in Approach
2 Harappan Polity
No Palace have been excavated so far
Only 6 Major and 4 Minor Citadels have been found
Uniformity in Public Building is Seen
A Strong centralised authority existed here - 2 Views of Historians
Harappan might have had a Monarchial Form of Government
→ 1 King at MJ + 5 (Ministers) = 6 Major Citadels
An Oligarchical Pattern might have existed
→ 1 Chief + 5 (Sub Ordinates) = 6 Major Citadels
Hence Political Setup & Administrative Pattern - Unknown to Us
No Prison have been found
Highly Centralised Polity
3 Economy
1 Agriculture
Agriculture → Cattle Rearing → Animal Husbandry → Domestication of Animal was Practised
Irrigation was also practised at Shortughai (Afghanistan) ; as evidences of Canal Irrigation has been seen
Both Rabi & Khareef Crops were known to them
Hence Harappan's were Self Sufficient
Existence of Granaries
At Kali Bangan a Ploughed Field have been excavated
At Harappa, Banawali & Dholavira - Wooden Plough Share have been found - Update
Almost in all the sites Terracotta Toys resembling Ploughs have been found
These Examples prove that IVC were Self Sufficient
2 Contemporary Civilisations Existed
There were 2 Contemporary Civilisations of IVC
Mesopotamian Civilisation - River Tigris & Euphrates (Iran, Iraq & a Part of Syria)
Literature - Avastha was written in Kharoshthi Script
Avastha Says
We traded with the Land of Five Rivers → called as Meluha (Punjab or Old Name of India) → Meluha is Identified with India
The Meluhan’s were dark skinned (Dark Skinned) → Meaning Mesopotamians were Fair Skinned → Migration of India was from South to North
Busy Traders, Used Big Ships & Boats for Travels
Items of Trade
Mesopotamians Exports - IVC Imports
Gold, Precious & Semi Previous Stones
Dates & Figs (from Egypt)
Baked Bricks unlike IVC Burnt Bricks
Mesopotamians Imports - IVC Exports
Food Crops - Rice, Wheat, Barley
Timber - Ebony Teak Wood
Ivory - Elephants in Inda
Cotton Textile i.e Cloth
Meluhans were kind, affectionate & Loveable
Avstha Says that Barter System Existed and we do not have any idea about their monetary transactions
Time - Total 10 Months - 4.5+4.5+15 Days in Meso &
Boustrophedon - Was written from Right to Left
Egyptian Civilisation - River Nile Relation Between Egypt Mesopotamia & India
Proofs of Trade
At Lothal A Dockyard (Port) have been found
At Harappa & Lothal - Many Persian button seals have been found vis a vis at Mesopotamia many harappan seals have been found
In all sites, Terracotta Toys of Ships & Boats have been found
At Harappa & Lothal - Many Baked Bricks have been found which was a Luxury Commodity at that time - Baked Brick was a Remarkable Feature as it was a Luxury → Lothal & Harappa would have been an
IVC people were Self Sufficient & were flourishing with trade
4 Society ( Sheer Inferences )
Might have been divided into 2 Classes - Upper & Lower Classes
Joint Family - cuz of Big Rooms
Concept of Marriage - was known to them but the types of marriage is unknown to us
Education - might have existed but the pattern is unknown to us
Occupation - Open to All
Matriarchal (women head of family not society) Pattern might have existed - UPDATE
Travel was abandoned for outside women in Mesopotamia. Hence only Men travelled from IVC to Mesopotamia
Hence, Mesopotamian Society might have been an Egalitarian Society
Egalitarian Society : Equal Opportunities for both male and females on employment
5 Religion (Sheer Inferences )
Psychology of why people worship ?
General Notion that Man Started Worshipping when he was in Fear
Theocracy - Where priests rules in the name of god
God Man Emergence
Two Elements which motivated worship - Fear & Wonder What did harappan worship ?
1 Sabianism - Nature
Worship of Nature
Sun, Moon, Stars, Mountains, Rains, Trees (Peepal Trees) Etc
All these Potteries were Terracotta meaning they were Burnt
Potteries were of Different Shapes & Sizes
Some Potteries contained Pictographic & Geometric Representation
Hence, concluded that they were advanced & Good in Arts
7 Seals
All Sites have yielded Seals
of Steatite/Soapstone Gold Copper & Bronze - Found
of Different Shapes & Sizes - Excavated
Have Depiction
Pictographic - Peepal, Swastik, Elephants,
Seals are found in abundance
Seal making might have been occupation & might be centralised & Might have been a flourishing art in IVC
Purpose of Seal is Unknown
they might have been used as a Mode of Exchange
8 Harappan Script
400 Signs have been excavated so far
is pictographic & geometric
is not yet Deciphered
Boustrophedon : was written from Right to Left
Start is Right : End is Left
James Princep
British Epigraphist had concluded that, the harappan script is purely a Dravidian Script
he deciphered Ashokan Pillar
Concluding that Harappan were Literates
9 Science & Technology
Applied Science is Technology
Usage of Metals
Metals used by them were - Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin, Nickel
Iron was not Known
Gold + Copper = Ornaments
Copper + Tin = Bronze
Limited Use
Hence, IVC is Bronze Age Civilisation
All Sites - Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Needles (Of Various Variation) & Combs found
At Harappa - Golden Necklace - Found ; Both Men and Women used ornaments
Chanhudaro & Lothal - Bead making Factory has been found
Dholavira - a Bronze Rod has been found
Kalibnagan Many Bangles have been found
They knew Makeup, Mirrors, Lipsticks, Ornaments, Kajal, Face Powder, Nail Cutters, Nail Shapers, Hair Plucker, Hair Trimmer.
Mother Goddess
@ Mohenjodaro - a Stone Bust (statue upto chest) Found
of a Man - Hence He is called Bearded Man
Looks Like a Priest
Wears a Single Garment
Wears a Fillet ( Tika )
has a beard
Some call him Bearded Man or Some Call him the Priest King
@ Harappa Male Nude Torso (Red Sand Stone) has been Found
Torso = No Head and No Feet of a Statue
Looks Like hand and head had attachment - Hence Called Red Jasper
@ Mohenjodaro - A Bronze Statue of a Girl Found
Tall Thin
Seen with a Hair Bun
Semi Naked ( Thapar ) & R S Sharma ( Naked ) → Debate
One arm is completely bangled
This girl is seen in a dancing posture
Movement of Head
Movement of Hip with Arms
Movement of Feet
Example is Natraj - Natraj is Philosophy
Hence is called the Dancing Girl of Mohenjodaro
If theres dance it is believed that music must be there too
Its a very small statue
in All Sites, Terracotta Toys have been found -
Bullock Carts with Ekka
Wheel & Ekka ( wheel w/o Spokes )
Rattles (Something Inside to Play with)
Images of Ships & Boats, Animals Etc
Hence, Concluding that Peace was actually seen and they were entertaining & were technically advanced
10 Disposal of the Dead
Mound of the Dead - Mohenjodaro
Harappan practised Burials
They did not Cremate
Orientation of Dead
2 Types of Orientation
North to South
Head - North Feet - South
East to West - ONLY @ Rakhigarhi & Kalibangan → Update
Head - East Feet - Western
Hence Concluding that Harappan knew Directions
Some of the Burials contained Grave Goods. Hence they might have believed in After Life
Three Types of Burials practised by Harappan
Extended Burial
Most Common Burial Practise
Coffin Burials
Found only at Harappa & Lothal
Two Types of Coffin Burial
Wooden Coffin
Wooden Dust Particles Excavated ; Wood Perished
Burnt Brick Coffin
Burnt Brick Have been found intact
Method of Burials
Urn Burial
Wide Pot - Urn
only for Infants & Children
in All the sites Urn Burials have been found
Baby is put in a crouch position - Like a Fetal Position
Infant Mortality Rate was High - IMR was high in all sites
According to modern Palaeontology, it is said that all these children were infant deaths, like still deaths, post natal death, during natal death
A Very Rare Method of Burial
Fractional Burials
Found in only at Harappa - Very Few and Very Rare
Might have been a Punishment
This Burial was Found Later - 1600 BC
Harappa Many Broken Skulls
Punishment was Given by the Aryans
Aryans Entered India in 1600 BC
Decline of IVC ( 1900 BC - 1600 BC )
There were Multiple Reasons for its decline
The Decline was Gradual
Reasons for Decline
Nature - Natural Calamity
River Indus
Nature of this River is to Flood Often
When Indus Floods - Its Tributaries & Distributaries Flood too
Ex : In Mohenjodaro 7 Layers of Habitation has been Found
Meaning Mohenjodaro was built Seven Times
River Saraswati
Its nature is to Shift its course Often
Ex : Banawali : Evidence of Aridity has been found - Dry River Bed
At Banawali Evidence of Earthquake has been found
Entire Indus Zone is an Earthquake Zone
All Floods were followed by Epidemic
Palaeontologist say that many died of Fever & Flu
The Aryan Invasion
Aryans Entered India around 1600 BC, fought a battle, defeated the harappan and killed them
Some Harappan were killed, Some made as slaves and Some ran to South India
Fractional Burial - by Aryan in Later Stage
Many Broken Skulls have been found at Harappa
They were hit with an Iron Rod
Aryans Brought Iron to India - Known from Rig Veda
The Aryan Invasion brought an ABRUPT End to IVC
The Vedic Age ( 1600 BC - 600 BC )
The Vedic Age is Divide into Two Period
EVP - The Early Vedic Period / Rig Vedic Period (1600 BC - 1000 BC )
Aryans Knew No Archaeology, Archaeology Knew no Aryans
Only Source to Study this Book - RigVeda
The Aryans
Piousness in Extreme form becomes Fanaticism
Who are the Aryans ?
The Term Arya means a Superior Man
The Term Aryan mean a Speech Community
They were from Central Asia
They Lived in Groups and Fought with each other for Supremacy
They were from Nomads, Tribes, Cattle Rearers ( Basic Occupation )
cuz Central Asia was a Dry Arid Zone
earlier Geography decided Occupation & Culture
Spoke the Indo European Language
Belonged to Pastoral Community
They Entered India - with Iron & Horses
Basically they were Pious / Religious ( Feared God )
Reason for Entry - in Search of Pastor Land for their Cattle
Multiple Groups Entered India
There primary work was to Fight to Show Supremacy of One Aryan Group over another Aryan Group
They wouldn’t kill other aryans but who ever lost the battle would become a slave
They were Fair Skineed & Tall
Why Aryans Moved ?
Cattle Importance
Cattle was considered to be Sacred
Cattle was a mode of Money & Value
Cattle were dying due to lack of Pasture
They moved in Search of Pasture for their Cattles
Schema of Entry of Aryans
Step 1
Step 2
Some Groups Entered IVC
Some Groups Entered Mesopotamia
How Aryans Reached Germany ?
Types of Aryans
Aryans who Entered India - Indo Aryans ( Includes Pre Aryans + Declining Harappan Civilisation )
Indo European Language : Sanskrit
Aryans who Entered Persia - Perso Aryans
Indo European Language : Persian
Aryans who Entered Germany - Germany Aryans
Indo European Language : Latin
Pre Aryans & Rig Vedic Aryans
Pre Aryans and Declining Harappan Civilisation lived in Harmony
Pre Aryans - They are the Aryans who came before the Rig Vedic Aryans ( The Powerful One )
The RV Aryans entered India and Settled in the Sapt Sindhu Region ( Land of Seven Rivers )
1 Indus - Sindhu
2 Ravi - Paroshini
3 Jhelum - Vitasta
4 Chenab - Asikni
5 Sutlej - Shutudri
6 Vyas - Vipas
7 Ghagger - Arayans were mistook it as Saraswathi
Aryans met the Dasas & Dasyus
Dasas - Pre Aryans
Dasyus - Harappans ( Non Aryans )
They met them & fought a Battle, defeated them (Dasas & Dasyus) on the Banks of River Ravi (Parushni) at a Place called Hariyupa ( Harappa )
RV Aryans killed the Dasyus ; Dasas were Slaved
The Battle
The Battle of Dasarajana at Hariyupa on the Banks of River ( Paroshini) - Battle with 10 Kings - Total 11 Kings
Two Sides
One Side - King Sudas of the Bharat Clan - (I) - Supported by Sage Vasista ( Family Name )
Second Side - 10 Kings - Supported by Sage Viswamitra ( Family Name )
5 Aryans - ABCDE - Dasas
5 Non Aryans - Harappans - Dasyus
Bharat Clan won the Battle
Dasas were Slaved
Dasyus were
Ran Away
After Battle Bharat Clan Established Supremacy over Sapt Sindhu
EVP Schema
Characteristics of Early Vedic Period (EVP)
Lived in Rural
Lived in Communities
Concept of Kinship Entered During Early Vedic Period
They were very closed Knit Tribe
Political Setup of EVP
The King was called the Rajan
Rajan was head of the Jana ( Tribe )
He had limited powers
Rajan had duties
to Protect the Jana
to Preserve the Cattle
Cattle was Sacred
Cattle was Wealth
His position was Hereditary
Rajan was just a Titular Head
Crown Prince was called as Yuvarajan
It was compulsory for the Rajan to Practise Polygamy
The Purohitha
The Chief Priest of the Jana
Possessed Unlimited Powers
Rigveda Mentions two of them
Sage Vashishta - Won
Sage Vishwamitra
They Performed Sacrifices, Rituals & Ceremonies for the well being of the Jana ( Clan/Tribe )
Sacrifice's - Yajna - Played an Important Role in the life of Aryans
Sacrifice - Animals & Sometimes Humans sacrifice was also made, they ate everything.
Cow was sacrificed and eaten by Aryans
Senani / Senapati
Head of the Army
He was the Commander in Chief of the Army
Chosen on Merit by the Rajan
this Senani recruited & trained soldiers
There was no Regular & Standing Army
He Performed ‘Gavishti”
Gavi : Cow
Ishti : Search of Cows
Generally Done in the Night
Stealing of Cows / Search of Cows - Invitation for Battle and Fighting
Gramani / Gramapati
Village is Called Grama
Village Headman
Selected Amongst the Villagers
He Settled Local Disputes, amongst the Villagers & Families & Gramika’s
Head of All Villages - GRAMANI ( Set of All Villages )
Head of one Single Village - GRAMIKA
Defeated king will be slaves Victorious One if wanted to free them could free them later. Purohitha decides the Battles to be fought Battle is fought in between two Territories alwaysRules like fighting after Sun Rise & up until Sun Set was followed
Types of Assemblies
The 4 Types
Sabha - General Assembly
Presided by a Group of Elders
General Discussions were held
Selection and Deletion for the next King
Yuvarajan was declared
All Sons of All Marriages of King from Polygamy will come and compete
Filtration will occur
Fathers Consideration will be considered
Vidhata - Village assemblies presided by the Gramani
Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, North Orissa, Bagla, a Part of UP & Assam
River Ganges & Its Tributaries
River Brahmaputra
Chota Nagpur Plateau - Iron Ore
Court Langauge
Magadha was Liberal, Unorthodox i.e against Vedic RigidityMerit Based System in Administration
Magadha Kingdom was divided into 3 Dynasties
Haryanka Dynasty (4)
Ruler 1 - Brihadrata / Brihadutta
Haryanka was a Clan Name
Founder of Haryanka Kingdom
No Clear Evidence
Capital was Rajgir - Naturally Surrounded by Five Hills
Ruler 2 - Bimbisara ( Son of Brihadutta) 600 BC
Greatest Ruler, All Powerful, Ambitious, Welfare Oriented
He Fortified Rajgir by attaching - Wooden & Stone Walls
He made Rajgir Impregnable
He was contemporary of Buddha & Mahavir
He Met Buddha at Rajgir & Got converted to Buddhism
He Followed Two Policies of Annexation
Matrimonial Relationship
Relationship 1
He Married the Kosalan Princess - Kosala Devi
Kosalan Ruler - Prasannajit
Prasannajit sister Kosala Devi given to Bimbisara
Received Kashi MJP as a Dowry (Kashi was with Kosala)
Relationship 2
He Married the Licchavi Princess Chellana
Licchavi Chief Chetak
Licchavi was a Small Tribe inside the Vajji MJP
Chellana was Daughter of Chetaka
Chellana + Bimbisara = Ajatsatru
Maternal Side : Lacchavi
Father Side : Yuvaraj of Magadha
Waging Aggresive War
Two Important Concepts
Concept - Republican & Monarchy
Republican Form of Government - King of Vaishali
Elected by Clan Chief (within Hereditary)
Republic called : Gana Sangha
Peoples Participation is Supreme
Vaishali/Vajji is the First & Oldest Form of Government in the World
Monarchy Form of Government - Selected King (Primogenitor or Selected by King)Example
Concept - One Ruler Died
Akbar Annexed Mewar
Akbar Died
Mewar Declared Independence
Its duty of Jahangir to Annexe Mewar Again
He was the First Ruler to Introduce
Standing Army
Elephantry in War Fare
His Serious Rival was Avanthi
Avanthi Ruler was Chanda Pratyoda
They both were going to Fight
Chanda was Infected with Jaundice, Bimbisara sent his Royal physican Jivaka to treat Chanda. Chanda was treated, and he gave his daughter in Marraige to Bimbisara. Thus enemity between Magadha and Avanthi became Cordial
Jivaka was Student of the Taxila University
Residential University was in Gandhar/Magadha
Medicine were Taught
Vedas were Taught
Philosophy, Astronomy, Mathematics, Pol Science & Economics was taught here
Warfare was taught
Bimbisara was amongst his Subjects
He Coronated his Son AjatSatru as his Next Ruler
Ruler 3 - AjatSatru 483 BC
Killing of Bimbisara
Ajatsatru killed his Father. He was Jealous of his Father
at one time Ajatsatru tried killing his Father
Bimbisara emotionally brokedown
Nobels suggested Bimbisara to step down, and coronate him
Ajatsatru put his father in wooden prison and asked to not give him food
Ajatsatru was fearful of other kingdom who had declared independence after stepping down of bimbisara, ajatsatru feared attack from them and to prevent it he killed his Father Bimbisara
Killed his own Father and committed Patricide
Patricide - Kill Father
Regicide - Kill King
Fratricide - Kill Brother
He Followed Policy of Aggressive Annexation & began to Annex Kingdoms
He Annexed Avanthi - His Step Mothers Kingdom
He Annexed Vajji - His Mothers Kingdom - He Broke Vajji
He Annexed Gandhara
He Annexed Kosala, etc
Why was he a Brutal War Wager ? Why People Feared Him ?
Brutal Killing
General Massacre
Aggression of Annexation
Prasannjith asked him to Reutn Kashi, Ajatsatru Refused
Bimbisara Died, Kosala Devi committed Suicide Battle took Place between 2where Prasannajit was Defeated and he gave his Daughter in marriage to Ajatasatru
Constructed a New City Called Patlipautra
Patliputra was on the Confluence of GGS
Ajatsatru Felt Bad about
Ajatsatru felt bad for Killing his Father
Ajatsatru met 2 Great Teachers, he met Mahavir at Rajgir but got Converted to Buddhism after meeting with Buddha
In Processions he used to hear, people cursed him that he will go to Hell
Ajatsatru Meets Mahavir & Buddha
he asked Mahavir that he will go to hell or not ? → Mahvir said You will go to Hell
he asked Buddha that he will go to hell or not ? → Buddha said You will go to Heaven
Buddha & Bimbisara were very close friends
in 483 BC he convened the First Buddhist Council in RajgirWhy Udayin killed Ajatsatru
he was killed by his son Udayin
Reproduction was a Duty there
Difference between there age was not much
When Bimbisara was 20 → He got Ajatsatru
Ajatsatru when was 18 → he got Udayin
Mother & Daughter gap was not much, looked like sisters
Ajatsatru was listening to a monk, Udayin went there and killed his Father
Ruler 4 - Udayin
He Committed Regicide He Shifted the Capital to Patliputra was a Jain Killed by his own Minister/Noble - Shishu Naag
Shishu Naga Dynasty (2)
Ruler 1 - Shishunaga
was Founder of Shishunaga Dynasty
was a Saivite
He Shifted the Capital to Vaishali, Meaning they have eaten Vajji MJP
he was a Welfare Oriented Ruler and became Popular
Ruler 2 - Kalasoka 383 BC
Son of Shishunaga
a Buddhist
in 383 BC he convened the Second Buddhist Council at Vaishali
he was killed by his Minister Mahapadmanad
Nand Dynasty
Ruler 1 - Mahapadmanand
a Founder
First Recorded Shudra to be a King
had a Sudra Origin - he was Unpopular Amongst Brahmanas
Mother was a Kshatriya & Father a Shudra
he was a Jain
He Shifted Capital to Patliputra
He found Patliputra was Goof Built
He began to follow the Policy of Aggressive Annexation and Started Annexing Kingdoms
He attacked and annexed - Kalinga (Southern Orissa) Ganjamandporri Dstricts of Orissa
Kalinga had rich ports
was a Jain Centre
was a Trade Spot to South East Asia
& took a Jina Trophy (Symbol of Jainism) to Patliputra - symbolised his control over jainism
Entire North India was under Him
After Him Weak Successors cotinued
He was also called as Ugrasena
Last Ruler - Dhananand
He was unpopular amongst his Subjects
Heavy Taxation - Imposed
During his Period - Alexander Invaded INdia
he was killed by - Chandragupta Maurya on the Instigation of Chanakya in 321 BC
Invasion of Alexander to India 326 BC
Ruler of Macedonia (Greece)
Son of Philip
Student of Aristotle
Aim was to Occupy the entire world
He Attacked and Annexed Egypt
He Attacked and Defeated Darius 3 & Annexed Persia
He Reached Indus
Indian Rulers
Dhananada - Magadha
Porus / Purushottaman - Punjab
Porus and Ambi had a Territorial Dispute ; but Porus was Strong ; Ambi wanted to Kill Porus
Ambi - Gandhara
He thought that the World was Flat
In the Banks of River Indus
He had habit of constructing a city on his Name Alexandria after winning that Place, there are 21 Alexandria
For 4 Months Alexander stood on the Indus Rivers learning to know, how to cross rivers
Ambi went and met Alexander - He got to Know, he wanted to take Magadha,
Ambi asked him to take Punjab from Porus and give it to Ambi
Ambi Invited Alexander to Defeat Porus in 326 BCin 326 BC Battle of Hydaspas/Jhelum was fought and Porus was Defeated According to the Greece Tradition : Defeated King had to Coronate the Victorious KingAlexander was attracted from Bravery of Porus → Alexander seeked Friendship of Porus After Battle, Alexander & Porus, Signed a Treaty of Friendship, according to which Porus would help Alex to defeat Magadha Ambi’s History is Not Known, Nobody Knows What Happened to Him. When Porus & Alexander became friends, Alex asked him ki Lets Invade Magadhathen Porus told him that they are not that easy to Defeat. Hence, Porus took Alex to the Border of Magadh, and alex there saw 6000 elephants in the border itself with the backdrop that they had 25,000 trained army elephants following reasons made alexander stop there
Standing Army & Elephantry of Magadh
Home Sick Soldier of Alex
Alex Soldiers not able to Acclimatise with Indian Geography like Rashes and Skin Diseases started happening
Alex Army was a bit fearful of elephantry of magadha as for the first tie they had seen such magnificent elephants
also, porus made alex wait for a while and a device a plan to attack magadh
Alexander finally decided to not invade magadh, and with the promise of coming back left indus
To Assist Porus Alexander Left Saptrips ( His Greek Governors) on the way back he supressed a revolt in persia & meanwhile got sick and died in Babylon
Bimbisara - Starts (600 BC)Ajatshatru - First Buddhist Council of Rajgir (483 BC)Kalasoka - Second Buddhist Council of Vaishali (383 BC)Alexander Entered India (326BC)Alexander Dies (323 BC)Dhananand Killed by Chandragupta Maurya - (321 BC)Mauryan Empire - (321 BC - 187 BC)
Chapter 1 - Indus Valley Civilisation
(2500 BC-1900 BC-1600 BC)
IVC (2500 BC - 1900 BC)
Culture v/s Civilisation
Culture - Set of Values Beliefs Language, Religion, Food, Dress, Ornaments, Tradition followed by a group of people and passed on to the next generations
Culture is Flexible where as Civilisation will be Rigid
Civilisation (has 5 basic elements) → Advanced Culture Ur CP Un P&S
Centralised Polity
Uniformity in Public Buildings
Should Have Peace
Should Have Safety Measures
India was a Civilisation but not Now ; Culture is a Subset of Civilisation
Historic Chart
Background Story - 3
Story 1 - Charles Mason, 1837
was an Engineer of the East India Company, in Punjab
Found a Seal : Object Made of Steatite (SoapStone)
He found the seal & handed it over to his Superintendent
Anything found from ground, this continued for many years
Story 2 - Alexander Cunningham, 1861
Retired Civil Servant of Britishers
Historian, Scholar, Linguists
he had read Rig Vedas
Reached Punjab
found a Pottery Piece
wrote to British Parliament, seeking permission for excavation
was working in Kashi Earlier, around the Brahmanical Elements
Statement in Rig Veda : we the Aryans, tall fair skinned, and killed dark skinned, on the banks of river Ravi
He ran to the Superintendent, and told him, Superintendent gave him sacs of Pottery
wrote to British parliament for excavation ; currently lord Canning is viceroy
Hence British Parliament created ASI in 1861 with HQ at Calcutta and Alexander Cunningham as its first director general.
Initial Pilot Projects - Small Small Projects
Story 3 - Sir John Marshall, 1920
Started Random Excavation, with retirement of Cunningham and other ASI Heads coming in
the then DG of ASI
sought permission from the British Parliament for scientific exploration ; Archaeology is in Union List
Harappa, 1921 - First site to be excavated was in Harappa, Punjab ; Entire excavation was named as Harappan Excavation #1.
Gradually 2800 Sites had been found, Sites : Found & all of them were on the valleys of river Indus, its tributaries and distributaries. So, the historians named it as : INDUS VALLEY EXCAVATION #2
Tributaries of Indus RaCh JhSuVy
Indus States
Gradually historians found a Civilisation so, they named it as Harappan Civilisation or Indus Valley Civilisation
Extent of IVC
North - Manda ( kashmir )
South - Daimabad ( Maharashtra )
East - Alamgirpur ( UP)
West - Desalpur ( Gujarat )
North West - Shortughai ( Afghanistan )
Western Most - Suktagendor ( Pakistan)
6 Major Capitals + 4 Minor Capitals - Excavated
6 Major - 6 Looked Alike & Unique and size of buildings (Large) HaMoCh BKL
Harappa - Ravi (Pak)
Mohenjo Daro - Indus (Pak)
Chanhudaro - Indus (Pak)
Banawali - Saraswathi (Haryana)
Kalibangan - Ghagger (Rajasthan)
Lothal - Bhogavo (Gujarat)
4 Minor - Somewhat Damaged and size of buildings small - { Dhola ne Surktoda aur Suktgendor ko Rakhi Bandhi }
Rakhigarhi - Haryana
The Biggest Indus Valley Site of all Geographically
Dholavira - Gujarat
Surkotada - Gujarat
Suktagendor - Pakistan
Features of IVC - 10
1 Town Planning
1 Towns
All Town were divided in to 2 Parts (Man Made Division)
Upper Town
Lower Town
Except for Dholavira into 3 Parts
Upper Town
Middle Town - 1900 BC came later
Lower Town
Hence, Dholavira might have been a later Harappan Site
2 Streets
Streets were only found in Lower Town
Streets were cutting each other @ 90 Degree at Right Angle i.e Grid Pattern
Hence, Harappan Knew Geometry & Directions, Knew Mathematics, Had Engineers,
Streets were constructed with BURNT BRICKS → in the Ratio of → 4:2:1 → Bricks DURABLE
Uniformity depicts central control and polity method
Streets were Fortified - Like a Gated Community
3 Houses
All Streets had houses
Two Houses Faced Each Other
were of Diff Shapes and Sizes - Rectangle, Square, Oval
Constructed with Burnt Bricks
were Not Painted
Single, Double, Multiple Storied - Meaning they had Economies & Parity
Had Many Rooms - Hence JointFamily might have existed like 17, 22, 23 Rooms
4 Bathrooms
All Houses @ Backyard had Bathrooms - No Attached Bathroom
constructed with Burnt Bricks
Bathrooms were Many in Number
Two Bathrooms faced each other - Like Public Toilet
Had Excellent Drainage System - Most Impressive Feature of Town Planning
Kitchen & Sewage Waste were internally connected and were closed
5 Wells
Many Sites have yielded wells
Both Public & Private Wells Found
Some of the houses had wells
Almost Every Street had wells
Wells were Circular in Shape
How they dig well, don’t know, this time is not part of Iron Age, Iron in India came with Aryans
Drinking Water Facility was Available
6 Citadel
Mini Fort
6 Citadel have been excavated
All these Citadels have been found in the Upper town constructed with Burnt Bricks
were constructed on a Raised Platform (called as Plinth), meaning they were aware of floods.
6 Citadel Stops are - HMC BKL
Mohenjodaro - The Biggest Citdeal
Chanhudaro - while Excavating it got damaged
Architecture of Citadel
Recent Update
at Dholavira & Rakhigarhi - Evidence of a Citadel have been found
at Surkotada and Suktagendor - Evidence of a Citadel have been found
Hence these 4 places are called Minor Capitals
Inference from Citadel
Hence Guess is, Mohenjodaro was the capital for them as it was little bit big by size and capital
Royal Authority → Administrative Mechanism → Administration → Centralised Polity
7 The Great Bath
Only 1 Found in IVC
Rectangular Tank with 2.4 M depth found in the Upper Town constructed with Burnt Bricks Near Citadel found at MJ
Two sides of bath have stairs
at one corner of Bath, there is a Drain outlet (Inside it a Cotton Cloth was found) have been found
6 Bathrooms have been found i.e 3 Bathroom on each side
Found at Valley of River Indus
Usage from Inferences
Great Bath
Might have been for a Ritual Bathing, may be all come for a common dip
Location of Great Bath
Since it is at MJ, MJ might have been a Sacred Place & Indus might have been a Holy River
Cotton Cloth
They Knew Spinning & Weaving for Sure
At Dholavira a Similar small tank found, might have been a Storage Tank
8 Granaries
Place to Store Grains
All Sites (2800) have yielded Granary
Al Granaries were in upper town constructed with Burnt Bricks divided into multiple sections to store different Grains
Harappa Granary - Rice Husks - Excavated
Rangpur - Large Amount of Rice
Shortughai - Wheat Extracts
Banawali - Barley Extracts
Usage from Inferences
Harappan Knew Agriculture
The Art of Storage was Known
Harappan were Futuristic
We Store when we have Surplus Economy → Hence they were Self Sufficient
Harappan stored for the purpose of Trade - Trade with Mesopotamia
Might have been a form of Tax
Disaster Management - Grains in Upper Town, Plinth, Hence Precautious
Houses had storage facilities but were smaller in capacity
Conclude : Harappan’s were Advanced, Systematic & Organised in Approach
2 Harappan Polity
No Palace have been excavated so far
Only 6 Major and 4 Minor Citadels have been found
Uniformity in Public Building is Seen
A Strong centralised authority existed here - 2 Views of Historians
Harappan might have had a Monarchial Form of Government
→ 1 King at MJ + 5 (Ministers) = 6 Major Citadels
An Oligarchical Pattern might have existed
→ 1 Chief + 5 (Sub Ordinates) = 6 Major Citadels
Hence Political Setup & Administrative Pattern - Unknown to Us
No Prison have been found
Highly Centralised Polity
3 Economy
1 Agriculture
Agriculture → Cattle Rearing → Animal Husbandry → Domestication of Animal was Practised
Irrigation was also practised at Shortughai (Afghanistan) ; as evidences of Canal Irrigation has been seen
Both Rabi & Khareef Crops were known to them
Hence Harappan's were Self Sufficient
Existence of Granaries
At Kali Bangan a Ploughed Field have been excavated
At Harappa, Banawali & Dholavira - Wooden Plough Share have been found - Update
Almost in all the sites Terracotta Toys resembling Ploughs have been found
These Examples prove that IVC were Self Sufficient
2 Contemporary Civilisations Existed
There were 2 Contemporary Civilisations of IVC
Mesopotamian Civilisation - River Tigris & Euphrates (Iran, Iraq & a Part of Syria)
Literature - Avastha was written in Kharoshthi Script
Avastha Says
We traded with the Land of Five Rivers → called as Meluha (Punjab or Old Name of India) → Meluha is Identified with India
The Meluhan’s were dark skinned (Dark Skinned) → Meaning Mesopotamians were Fair Skinned → Migration of India was from South to North
Busy Traders, Used Big Ships & Boats for Travels
Items of Trade
Mesopotamians Exports - IVC Imports
Gold, Precious & Semi Previous Stones
Dates & Figs (from Egypt)
Baked Bricks unlike IVC Burnt Bricks
Mesopotamians Imports - IVC Exports
Food Crops - Rice, Wheat, Barley
Timber - Ebony Teak Wood
Ivory - Elephants in Inda
Cotton Textile i.e Cloth
Meluhans were kind, affectionate & Loveable
Avstha Says that Barter System Existed and we do not have any idea about their monetary transactions
Time - Total 10 Months - 4.5+4.5+15 Days in Meso &
Boustrophedon - Was written from Right to Left
Egyptian Civilisation - River Nile Relation Between Egypt Mesopotamia & India
Proofs of Trade
At Lothal A Dockyard (Port) have been found
At Harappa & Lothal - Many Persian button seals have been found vis a vis at Mesopotamia many harappan seals have been found
In all sites, Terracotta Toys of Ships & Boats have been found
At Harappa & Lothal - Many Baked Bricks have been found which was a Luxury Commodity at that time - Baked Brick was a Remarkable Feature as it was a Luxury → Lothal & Harappa would have been an Trade City
IVC people were Self Sufficient & were flourishing with trade
4 Society ( Sheer Inferences )
Might have been divided into 2 Classes - Upper & Lower Classes
Joint Family - cuz of Big Rooms
Concept of Marriage - was known to them but the types of marriage is unknown to us
Education - might have existed but the pattern is unknown to us
Occupation - Open to All
Matriarchal (women head of family not society) Pattern might have existed - UPDATE
Travel was abandoned for outside women in Mesopotamia. Hence only Men travelled from IVC to Mesopotamia
Hence, Mesopotamian Society might have been an Egalitarian Society
Egalitarian Society : Equal Opportunities for both male and females on employment
5 Religion (Sheer Inferences )
Psychology of why people worship ?
General Notion that Man Started Worshipping when he was in Fear
Theocracy - Where priests rules in the name of god
God Man Emergence
Two Elements which motivated worship - Fear & Wonder What did harappan worship ?
1 Sabianism - Nature
Worship of Nature
Sun, Moon, Stars, Mountains, Rains, Trees (Peepal Trees) Etc
All these Potteries were Terracotta meaning they were Burnt
Potteries were of Different Shapes & Sizes
Some Potteries contained Pictographic & Geometric Representation
Hence, concluded that they were advanced & Good in Arts
7 Seals
All Sites have yielded Seals
of Steatite/Soapstone Gold Copper & Bronze - Found
of Different Shapes & Sizes - Excavated
Have Depiction
Pictographic - Peepal, Swastik, Elephants,
Geometric - Designs and Patterns
Seals are found in abundance
Seal making might have been occupation & might be centralised & Might have been a flourishing art in IVC
Purpose of Seal is Unknown
they might have been used as a Mode of Exchange
8 Harappan Script
400 Signs have been excavated so far
is pictographic & geometric
is not yet Deciphered
Boustrophedon : was written from Right to Left
Start is Right : End is Left
James Princep
British Epigraphist had concluded that, the harappan script is purely a Dravidian Script
he deciphered Ashokan Pillar
Concluding that Harappan were Literates
9 Science & Technology
Applied Science is Technology
Usage of Metals
Metals used by them were - Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin, Nickel
Iron was not Known
Gold + Copper = Ornaments
Copper + Tin = Bronze
Limited Use
Hence, IVC is Bronze Age Civilisation
All Sites - Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Needles (Of Various Variation) & Combs found
At Harappa - Golden Necklace - Found ; Both Men and Women used ornaments
Chanhudaro & Lothal - Bead making Factory has been found
Dholavira - a Bronze Rod has been found
Kalibnagan Many Bangles have been found
They knew Makeup, Mirrors, Lipsticks, Ornaments, Kajal, Face Powder, Nail Cutters, Nail Shapers, Hair Plucker, Hair Trimmer.
Mother Goddess
@ Mohenjodaro - a Stone Bust (statue upto chest) Found
of a Man - Hence He is called Bearded Man
Looks Like a Priest
Wears a Single Garment
Wears a Fillet ( Tika )
has a beard
Some call him Bearded Man or Some Call him the Priest King
@ Harappa Male Nude Torso (Red Sand Stone) has been Found
Torso = No Head and No Feet of a Statue
Looks Like hand and head had attachment - Hence Called Red Jasper
@ Mohenjodaro - A Bronze Statue of a Girl Found
Tall Thin
Seen with a Hair Bun
Semi Naked ( Thapar ) & R S Sharma ( Naked ) → Debate
One arm is completely bangled
This girl is seen in a dancing posture
Movement of Head
Movement of Hip with Arms
Movement of Feet
Example is Natraj - Natraj is Philosophy
Hence is called the Dancing Girl of Mohenjodaro
If theres dance it is believed that music must be there too
Its a very small statue
in All Sites, Terracotta Toys have been found -
Bullock Carts with Ekka
Wheel & Ekka ( wheel w/o Spokes )
Rattles (Something Inside to Play with)
Images of Ships & Boats, Animals Etc
Hence, Concluding that Peace was actually seen and they were entertaining & were technically advanced
10 Disposal of the Dead
Mound of the Dead - Mohenjodaro
Harappan practised Burials
They did not Cremate
Orientation of Dead
2 Types of Orientation
North to South
Head - North Feet - South
East to West - ONLY @ Rakhigarhi & Kalibangan → Update
Head - East Feet - Western
Hence Concluding that Harappan knew Directions
Some of the Burials contained Grave Goods. Hence they might have believed in After Life
Three Types of Burials practised by Harappan
Extended Burial
Most Common Burial Practise
Coffin Burials
Found only at Harappa & Lothal
Two Types of Coffin Burial
Wooden Coffin
Wooden Dust Particles Excavated ; Wood Perished
Burnt Brick Coffin
Burnt Brick Have been found intact
Method of Burials
Urn Burial
Wide Pot - Urn
only for Infants & Children
in All the sites Urn Burials have been found
Baby is put in a crouch position - Like a Foetal Position
Infant Mortality Rate was High - IMR was high in all sites
According to modern Palaeontology, it is said that all these children were infant deaths, like still deaths, post natal death, during birth death
A Very Rare Method of Burial
Fractional Burials
Found in only at Harappa - Very Few and Very Rare
Might have been a Punishment
This Burial was Found Later - 1600 BC
Harappa Many Broken Skulls
Punishment was Given by the Aryans
Aryans Entered India in 1600 BC
Timeline of Pre Harappan - Harappan - Post Harappan Period
Aryans Entered with Iron & Horse
Bracket 3 Knew Horse && didn’t made paintings out of it & there was a bone of Horse was found
Cow was known to them but they didn’t paint it
Decline of IVC ( 1900 BC - 1600 BC )
There were Multiple Reasons for its decline
The Decline was Gradual
Reasons for Decline
Nature - Natural Calamity
River Indus
Nature of this River is to Flood Often
When Indus Floods - Its Tributaries & Distributaries Flood too
Ex : In Mohenjodaro 7 Layers of Habitation has been Found
Meaning Mohenjodaro was built Seven Times
River Saraswati
Its nature is to Shift its course Often
Ex : Banawali : Evidence of Aridity has been found - Dry River Bed
At Banawali Evidence of Earthquake has been found
Entire Indus Zone is an Earthquake Zone
All Floods were followed by Epidemic
Palaeontologist say that many died of Fever & Flu
The Aryan Invasion
Aryans Entered India around 1600 BC, fought a battle, defeated the harappan and killed them
Some Harappan were killed, Some made as slaves and Some ran to South India
Fractional Burial - by Aryan in Later Stage
Many Broken Skulls have been found at Harappa
They were hit with an Iron Rod
Aryans Brought Iron to India - Known from Rig Veda
The Aryan Invasion brought an ABRUPT End to IVC
Chapter 2 - The Vedic Age ( 1600 BC - 600 BC )
The Vedic Age is Divide into Two Period
EVP - The Early Vedic Period / Rig Vedic Period (1600 BC - 1000 BC )
Aryans Knew No Archaeology, Archaeology Knew no Aryans
Only Source to Study this Book - RigVeda The Aryans
Piousness in Extreme form becomes Fanaticism
Who are the Aryans ?
The Term Arya means a Superior Man
The Term Aryan mean a Speech Community
They were from Central Asia
They Lived in Groups and Fought with each other for Supremacy
They were from Nomads, Tribes, Cattle Rearers ( Basic Occupation )
cuz Central Asia was a Dry Arid Zone
earlier Geography decided Occupation & Culture
Spoke the Indo European Language
Belonged to Pastoral Community
They Entered India - with Iron & Horses
Basically they were Pious / Religious ( Feared God )
Reason for Entry - in Search of Pastor Land for their Cattle
Multiple Groups Entered India
There primary work was to Fight to Show Supremacy of One Aryan Group over another Aryan Group
They wouldn’t kill other aryans but who ever lost the battle would become a slave
They were Fair Skinned & Tall
Why Aryans Moved ?
Cattle Importance
Cattle was considered to be Sacred
Cattle was a mode of Money & Value
Cattle were dying due to lack of Pasture
They moved in Search of Pasture for their Cattles
Schema of Entry of Aryans
Step 1
Step 2
Some Groups Entered IVC
Some Groups Entered Mesopotamia
How Aryans Reached Germany ?
Types of Aryans
Aryans who Entered India - Indo Aryans ( Includes Pre Aryans + Declining Harappan Civilisation )
Indo European Language : Sanskrit
Aryans who Entered Persia - Perso Aryans
Indo European Language : Persian
Aryans who Entered Germany - Germany Aryans
Indo European Language : Latin
Pre Aryans & Rig Vedic Aryans
Pre Aryans and Declining Harappan Civilisation lived in Harmony
Pre Aryans - They are the Aryans who came before the Rig Vedic Aryans ( The Powerful One )
The RV Aryans entered India and Settled in the Sapt Sindhu Region ( Land of Seven Rivers )
1 Indus - Sindhu
2 Ravi - Paroshini
3 Jhelum - Vitasta
4 Chenab - Asikni
5 Sutlej - Shutudri
6 Vyas - Vipas
7 Ghagger - Arayans were mistook it as Saraswathi
Aryans met the Dasas & Dasyus
Dasas - Pre Aryans
Dasyus - Harappans ( Non Aryans )
They met them & fought a Battle, defeated them (Dasas & Dasyus) on the Banks of River Ravi (Parushni) at a Place called Hariyupa ( Harappa )
RV Aryans killed the Dasyus ; Dasas were Slaved
The Battle
The Battle of Dasarajana at Hariyupa on the Banks of River ( Paroshini) - Battle with 10 Kings - Total 11 Kings
Two Sides
One Side - King Sudas of the Bharat Clan - (I) - Supported by Sage Vasista ( Family Name )
Second Side - 10 Kings - Supported by Sage Viswamitra ( Family Name )
5 Aryans - ABCDE - Dasas
5 Non Aryans - Harappans - Dasyus
Bharat Clan won the Battle
Dasas were Slaved
Dasyus were
Ran Away
After Battle Bharat Clan Established Supremacy over Sapt Sindhu
EVP Location Schema
Characteristics of Early Vedic Period (EVP)
Lived in Rural
Lived in Communities
Concept of Kinship Entered During Early Vedic Period
They were very closed Knit Tribe
Political Setup of EVP
The King was called the Rajan
Rajan was head of the Jana ( Tribe )
He had limited powers
Rajan had duties
to Protect the Jana
to Preserve the Cattle
Cattle was Sacred
Cattle was Wealth
His position was Hereditary
Rajan was just a Titular Head
Crown Prince was called as Yuvarajan
It was compulsory for the Rajan to Practise Polygamy
The Purohitha
The Chief Priest of the Jana
Possessed Unlimited Powers
Rigveda Mentions two of them
Sage Vashishta - Won
Sage Vishwamitra
They Performed Sacrifices, Rituals & Ceremonies for the well being of the Jana ( Clan/Tribe )
Sacrifice's - Yajna - Played an Important Role in the life of Aryans
Sacrifice - Animals & Sometimes Humans sacrifice was also made, they ate everything.
Cow was sacrificed and eaten by Aryans
Senani / Senapati
Head of the Army
He was the Commander in Chief of the Army
Chosen on Merit by the Rajan
this Senani recruited & trained soldiers
There was no Regular & Standing Army
He Performed ‘Gavishti”
Gavi : Cow
Ishti : Search of Cows
Generally Done in the Night
Stealing of Cows / Search of Cows - Invitation for Battle and Fighting
Gramani / Gramapati
Village is Called Grama
Village Headman
Selected Amongst the Villagers
He Settled Local Disputes, amongst the Villagers & Families & Gramika’s
Head of All Villages - GRAMANI ( Set of All Villages )
Head of one Single Village - GRAMIKA
Defeated king will be slaves Victorious One if wanted to free them could free them later. Purohitha decides the Battles to be fought Battle is fought in between two Territories alwaysRules like fighting after Sun Rise & up until Sun Set was followed
Types of Assemblies
The 4 Types
Sabha - General Assembly
Presided by a Group of Elders
General Discussions were held
Selection and Deletion for the next King
Yuvarajan was declared
All Sons of All Marriages of King from Polygamy will come and compete
Filtration will occur
Fathers Consideration will be considered
Vidhata - Village assemblies presided by the Gramani
The Rise of (States/Mahajanapad’s) in North India (600 BC - 321 BC)
Meaning of State - State is a Political Unit which has 4 Basic Elements of
Defined Territory - Capital
are EVP & LVP States ?
In EVP - Hence No
Absence of Defined Territory
Absence of Sovereignty - Purohit had powers
In LVP - Hence No
Absence of Defined Territory
by 600 BC there were 16 Mahajanapad’s
Avanthi - Ujjain (MP)
4 Kamboja
5 Kuru - Indraprastha (Delhi)
6 Kashi - Banaras (UP)
7 Kosala - Ayodhya (UP)
8 Matsya
9 Malla - Pavapuri (Bihar) & Kushinagar (UP)
10 Magadh - Rajgir (Bihar) & Patliputra (Bihar)
11 Vats
12 Vajji - Vaishali (Bihar)
13 Surasena
14 Gandhara - Taxila (Pak)
15 Chedi
16 Panchal
The Magadha Kingdom (600 BC - 321 BC)
Dynasties are named After Clans
Introduction of Magadh
Geographically Location
Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, North Orissa, a Part of UP & Assam
River Ganges & Its Tributaries
River Brahmaputra
Chota Nagpur Plateau - Iron Ore
Court Langauge
Magadha was Liberal, Unorthodox i.e against Vedic RigidityMerit Based System in Administration
Magadha Kingdom was divided into 3 Dynasties
Haryanka Dynasty (4)
Ruler 1 - Brihadrata / Brihadutta
Haryanka was a Clan Name
Founder of Haryanka Kingdom
No Clear Evidence
Capital was Rajgir - Naturally Surrounded by Five Hills
Ruler 2 - Bimbisara ( Son of Brihadutta) 600 BC
Greatest Ruler, All Powerful, Ambitious, Welfare Oriented
He Fortified Rajgir by attaching - Wooden & Stone Walls
He made Rajgir Impregnable
He was contemporary of Buddha & Mahavir
He Met Buddha at Rajgir & Got converted to Buddhism
He Followed Two Policies of Annexation
Matrimonial Relationship
Relationship 1
He Married the Kosalan Princess - Kosala Devi
Kosalan Ruler - Prasannajit
Prasannajit sister Kosala Devi given to Bimbisara
Received Kashi MJP as a Dowry (Kashi was with Kosala)
Relationship 2
He Married the Licchavi Princess Chellana
Licchavi Chief Chetak
Licchavi was a Small Tribe inside the Vajji MJP
Chellana was Daughter of Chetaka
Chellana + Bimbisara = Ajatsatru
Maternal Side : Lacchavi
Father Side : Yuvaraj of Magadha
Waging Aggresive War
Two Important Concepts
Concept - Republican & Monarchy
Republican Form of Government - King of Vaishali
Elected by Clan Chief (within Hereditary)
Republic called : Gana Sangha
Peoples Participation is Supreme
Vaishali/Vajji is the First & Oldest Form of Government in the World
Monarchy Form of Government - Selected King (Primogenitor or Selected by King)Example
Concept - One Ruler Died
Akbar Annexed Mewar
Akbar Died
Mewar Declared Independence
Its duty of Jahangir (Son of Akbar) to Annexe Mewar Again
He was the First Ruler to Introduce
Standing Army
Elephantry in War Fare
His Serious Rival was Avanthi
Avanthi Ruler was Chanda Pratyoda
They both were going to Fight
Chanda was Infected with Jaundice, Bimbisara sent his Royal physican Jivaka to treat Chanda. Chanda was treated, and he gave his daughter in Marraige to Bimbisara. Thus enemity between Magadha and Avanthi became Cordial
Jivaka was Student of the Taxila University
Residential University was in Gandhar/Magadha
Medicine were Taught
Vedas were Taught
Philosophy, Astronomy, Mathematics, Pol Science & Economics was taught here
Warfare was taught
Bimbisara was amongst his Subjects
He Coronated his Son AjatSatru as his Next Ruler
Ruler 3 - AjatSatru 483 BC
Killing of Bimbisara
Ajatsatru killed his Father. He was Jealous of his Father
at one time Ajatsatru tried killing his Father
Bimbisara emotionally brokedown
Nobels suggested Bimbisara to step down, and coronate him
Ajatsatru put his father in wooden prison and asked to not give him food
Ajatsatru was fearful of other kingdom who had declared independence after stepping down of bimbisara, ajatsatru feared attack from them and to prevent it he killed his Father Bimbisara
Killed his own Father and committed Patricide
Patricide - Kill Father
Regicide - Kill King
Fratricide - Kill Brother
He Followed Policy of Aggressive Annexation & began to Annex Kingdoms
He Annexed Avanthi - His Step Mothers Kingdom
He Annexed Vajji - His Mothers Kingdom - He Broke Vajji
He Annexed Gandhara
He Annexed Kosala, etc
Why was he a Brutal War Wager ? Why People Feared Him ?
Brutal Killing
General Massacre
Aggression of Annexation
Prasannjith asked him to return Kashi, Ajatshatru Refused
Bimbisara Died, Kosala Devi committed Suicide Battle took Place between 2where Prasannajit was Defeated and he gave his Daughter in marriage to Ajatasatru
Constructed a New City Called Patliputra
Patliputra was on the Confluence of GGS
Ajatsatru Felt Bad about
Ajatsatru felt bad for Killing his Father
Ajatsatru met 2 Great Teachers, he met Mahavir at Rajgir but got Converted to Buddhism after meeting with Buddha
In Processions he used to hear, people cursed him that he will go to Hell
Ajatsatru Meets Mahavir & Buddha
he asked Mahavir that he will go to hell or not ? → Mahvir said You will go to Hell
he asked Buddha that he will go to hell or not ? → Buddha said You will go to Heaven
Buddha & Bimbisara were very close friends
in 483 BC he convened the First Buddhist Council in RajgirWhy Udayin killed Ajatsatru
he was killed by his son Udayin
Reproduction was a Duty there
Difference between there age was not much
When Bimbisara was 20 → He got Ajatsatru
Ajatsatru when was 18 → he got Udayin
Mother & Daughter gap was not much, looked like sisters
Ajatsatru was listening to a monk, Udayin went there and killed his Father with Stone
Ruler 4 - Udayin
He Committed Regicide He Shifted the Capital to Patliputra was a Jain Killed by his own Minister/Noble - Shishu Naag
Shishu Naga Dynasty (2)
Ruler 1 - Shishunaga
was Founder of Shishunaga Dynasty
was a Saivite
He Shifted the Capital to Vaishali, Meaning they have eaten Vajji MJP
he was a Welfare Oriented Ruler and became Popular
Ruler 2 - Kalasoka 383 BC
Son of Shishunaga
a Buddhist
in 383 BC he convened the Second Buddhist Council at Vaishali
he was killed by his Minister Mahapadmanad by Hiring a Vish Kanya
Nanda Dynasty
Ruler 1 - Mahapadmanand
the Founder
First Recorded Shudra to be a King
had a Sudra Origin - he was Unpopular Amongst Brahmanas
Mother was a Kshatriya & Father a Shudra
he was a Jain
He Shifted Capital to Patliputra
He found Patliputra was Good Built
He began to follow the Policy of Aggressive Annexation and Started Annexing Kingdoms
He attacked and annexed - Kalinga (Southern Orissa) Ganjamandporri Dstricts of Orissa
Kalinga had rich ports
was a Jain Centre
was a Trade Spot to South East Asia
& took a Jina Trophy (Symbol of Jainism) to Patliputra - symbolised his control over jainism
Entire North India was under Him
After Him Weak Successors cotinued
He was also called as Ugrasena
Last Ruler - Dhananand
He was unpopular amongst his Subjects
Heavy Taxation - Imposed
During his Period - Alexander Invaded INdia
he was killed by - Chandragupta Maurya on the Instigation of Chanakya in 321 BC
Invasion of Alexander to India 326 BC
Ruler of Macedonia (Greece)
Son of Philip
Student of Aristotle
Aim was to Occupy the entire world
Alex’s Conquests
He Attacked and Annexed Egypt
He Attacked and Defeated Darius 3 & Annexed Persia
He Reached Indus
Indian Rulers
Dhananada - Magadha
Porus / Purushottaman - Punjab
Porus and Ambi had a Territorial Dispute ; but Porus was Strong ; Ambi wanted to Kill Porus
Ambi - Gandhara
He thought that the World was Flat
In the Banks of River Indus
He had habit of constructing a city on his Name Alexandria after winning that Place, there are 21 Alexandria
For 4 Months Alexander stood on the Indus Rivers learning to know, how to cross rivers
Ambi went and met Alexander - He got to Know, he wanted to take Magadha,
Ambi asked him to take Punjab from Porus and give it to Ambi
The Story
Ambi Invited Alexander to Defeat Porus in 326 BCin 326 BC Battle of Hydaspas/Jhelum was fought and Porus was Defeated According to the Greece Tradition : Defeated King had to Coronate the Victorious KingAlexander was attracted from Bravery of Porus → Alexander seeked Friendship of Porus After Battle, Alexander & Porus, Signed a Treaty of Friendship, according to which Porus would help Alex to defeat Magadha Ambi’s History is Not Known, Nobody Knows What Happened to Him. When Porus & Alexander became friends, Alex asked him ki Lets Invade Magadhathen Porus told him that they are not that easy to Defeat. Hence, Porus took Alex to the Border of MagadhA, and alex there saw 6000 elephants in the border itself with the backdrop that they had 25,000 trained army elephants following reasons made alexander stop there
Standing Army & Elephantry of Magadh
Home Sick Soldier of Alex
Alex Soldiers not able to Acclimatise with Indian Geography & also Rashes and Skin Diseases started happening
Alex Army was a bit fearful of elephantry of magadha as for the first time they had seen such magnificent elephants
also, porus made alex wait for a while and a device a plan to attack magadh
Alexander restored his occupied territories in India to Porus → Alexander finally decided to not invade magadh, and with the promise of coming back left indusTo Assist Porus Alexander Left SATRAPS ( Alex’s Greek Governors) on the way back he supressed a revolt in persia & meanwhile got sick and died in Babylon in 323 BC After his Death Porus Declared Independence After Death of Porus - Satraps declared Independence
Indirect Impact of Macedonian/Alexanders Invasion
Greek Language Entered India
New Methods of Warfare were learned by Indian Rulers
Persian Script Kharoshti Entered India
Story - Chanakya & Dhana Nand
Chanakya was HOD in Gandhara, Taxila UniversityBackground
Governors of Greece were called PtolemyGreeks were called Termites of the Civilisation Chandragupta Maurya was a Son of a Clan Head name Purva NandaInfluence of Chanakya → Dhana Nand’s cook made what Chanakya Asked
In the Rig Veda the Term Tirthankar is MentionedTirthankar's taught Ethics & Moral ValueAccording to the Jain Texts there are 24 Tirthankar’s in TotalFirst & Second Tirthankar is Mentioned in Rig Veda & all of them are recorded in the Jain TextThere is Historical Proof for all 24 Tirthankar’sTirthankar Details
Difference between Parshvnath & Mahavir is 250 Years
24 - Mahavir - Lion - (Bravery, Strength)
Known as Founder of Jainism
He compiled and codified the teachings of all the Tirthankar’s and made it as a Doctrine (ism)
The Early Life of Mahavir
Original Name : Vardhman
Born in : 540 BC
Born at : Kundalgram, Vaishali, Vajji MJP
Fathers : Siddharth, was head of the Jnatrika
Mom : Trishala was Sister of Chetaka (Kshatriya)
Wife : Yashoda, Kosala Princes
Daughter : Priydarshika / Anojja
Ate Age of 5 - Gurukul - Got Basic Education
At Age of 16 - Class was Divided in Brahmin & Kshatriya Kid
asked why were they divided
teacher told that he had to teach Vanprastha toh Brahmins, Kshatriya didnt do Vanyaprastha.
Got Married at Age of 17, Life went on well, but he wasnt Happy
He left home at age of 30
His Teacher was : MahaGosala
was founder of Ajivika Sect
was a Saivites & believed in Fate
he Spoke in : Ardha Magadhi
he Preached in : Prakrit
His Clan : Jnatrika Clan
they were Saivites & Kshatriyas
At age of 36 he Left Gosala & became a Naked Monk
At age of 42 at Vaishali on the Banks of RiverRijupalika under a Sal Tree. he attained Kaivalya (Prakrit Term for Moksh)
After Kaivalya he was called Mahavir (The Great Hero)
His Followers were called - Jina / Jaina / Jains
At age of 72, at Pavapuri (Capital of Malla), he took Santhara and attained Mahakaivalya
Mallas cremated him & his ashes were Buried at Pavapuri in Bihar of Malla MJP
Teachings of Mahavira
2 C + 5 D + 3 R = Kaivalya
2 Concepts - Understand This
Activate Soul(Jiva) by Deactivating Body(Ajiva)
Jiva - Soul
According to Mahavir Soul is Important
Every Soul has a Purpose (Duty)
All Object has something called Soul
Both Living and Non Living Have Souls
Example : The Purpose of Human Soul is to Serve
Ajiva - Body
According to Mahavir Body is Immaterial
The first way to tell that this body is waste is to Discard Clothes
Hair is tough to Maintain, Hence Pluck it
5 Doctrines - To be Practised (Sa Ah As Ap Br)
Satya - Truth
Speak Truth No Matter What.
It elevates your Jiva
Ahimsa - Non Violence
Do Not Harm, Kill & Eat Animal
Do Not Commit Mental Violence
Asteya - Do Not Steal
If No one Knows, You Know, You Stole
Aparigraha - Do Not Own Property
Property Gives Obsession
Brahmcharya - Celibacy
Gandhi → After Marriage
Hanuman → No Marriage
Not Even thinking about IT
3 Ratna - To be Practised
Right Knowledge - Dharma
Dharma in Pali & Prakrit - Dhamma
Usage of Knowledge in a Right Way
Dont use your knowledge in a Negative Way
Right Faith - Jiva
Jiva is a Primary Faith
Called Intuition & Gut
God is Secondary for Mahavir
Later he Rejected God
Mahavir Says
Universe Created Gods
God didnt Create Universe
Right Action - Karma
According to Mahavir
Anyone can attain Moksh(Kaivalya) provided their is no Sin
Mistake Repeated Again
He Believed in the Concept of Hell, Heaven, Karma, Dharma, Rita, Moksha & Re Birth
He did not attack Varna System
No Gender Discrimination
First Women Disciple : a Shudra Slave Girl
He asked all his Disciples to Engage in Trade - Non Profit
But Said No to Agriculture
Not Eat Root Plants - They Increase your Taste Buds
He Criticised the Concept of Vedic Moksh & Brahmanical Supremacy
Some Brahmans also Joined Mahavir
He asked His Disciples to Practise Nudity (not followers)
Penance is & will be a Part of Life
Concept of Santhara / Salekhana
Fast Unto Death
Only a Kaivalya Soul - Could & Should Practise it
Normal People cant take Santhara
Once Practised - Person Attains - Mahakaivalya
Mahakaivalya - Final Separation of Jiva & Ajiva
Cases in Judiciary
Rajasthan HC declared Santhara is Suicide
Supreme Court Said Santhara is not Suicide because its a Positive Self Affirmation
Split in Jainism
There were 2 Jain Monks at Magadha
Stulabhadra / Stulabahu
Bhadrabahu - By Age he was Elder
There was a Famine at Magadha. So to escape it, Bhadrabahu reached Sravanabelagola near Mysore. After Few Years he reached Magadha and found Stulabhadra and his followers wearing white Robes
in 310 BC first Jain council was convened at Patliputra, with Stulabhadra as its President -
12 Angas - were Created in Ardh Magadhi
14 Puravas - Oral Teachings of Mahavir
Here Jainism got divided into 2
Svetamabar (White Clad) - White Robes + Stulabhadra
Digambaras (Sky Clad) - Naked + Bhadrabahu
(Once for all left Magadha and reached Shravana Belagola)
Early Life of Buddha
Founder Gautam Buddha
Original Name: Siddharth
Born in: 563 BC
Born at: Lumbini Gardens, Kapilavastu, Nepal Foothills
Clan: Sakya Clan
Father: Suddhodhana
Head of Sakyas
Mom: Maya - Kosalan Princess
Aunt: Gautami
Wife: Yashodhara - Kosalana Princess
Maternal Uncles Daughter
Son: Rahul
Left Home at 29 Years of Age
Taught Vedas & Upanishads
Taught Meditation
Anantha - Favourite of Buddha
At the Age of 35 at Bodhgaya under a Peepal Tree on the Banks of River Niranjana, he attained Nirvana (Pali Term for Moksha)
After Nirvana, he was called “The Buddha” (Means an Enlightened Leader)
After Nirvana, he gave his First Sermon(Speech) in Deers Park at Sarnath
At the Age of 80 at Kushinagar - He Attained Mahaparinirvana (Death)
The Mallas Cremated him and his ashes were Buried
Dream of White Elephant
Son will be a Monk
4 things will son should not See until age of 30
Old Age - See & Know
Sick People
a Monk
Within a Week of Buddha Birth Maya Died
he was taken into Custody of Gautami
Gave Birth to a Child at Very Later Stage which gave impetus to his thoughts of birth and Life
Balcony Wooden saw the Monk
Buddha Ran Away from Palace to see the Market
There he Saw
Old Age
Called From Back → Old Mother
No Teeth
Seeing 4 People taking someone to Cremate
Sick People
Leprosy Person - Song - Told Karma
from Wooden Balcony
Teachings of Buddha
4 Noble Truths
Life is Full of Suffering
Desire is the Cause of Suffering
How to Stop it ? → There is a Path / Way
Follow the 8 Fold Path
8 Fold Path
Starts with Right (meaning Dhamma)
Counters Mara
Could be in Any Form
Anything which Distracts
Right Knowledge
Right Determination - Focus
Right Speech
Right Action
Right Livelihood
Right Effort
Right Awareness
Right Concentration
Concentration = Meditation
Anyone who follows this 8 will achieve Niravana
9 Beliefs of Buddha
He Believed in the Concept of Hell, Heaven, Karma, Dharma, Rta ,Re Birth & Moksha
He Rejected the Term Soul (Atman) instead he gave importance to the term Character (Gun)
This character has to be Built
He Emphasised on the Attachment to ones own body (Brahman)
He said no to Nudity
He asked his followers to Practise Agriculture & Engage in Trade
This trade should be Non Profit
He Attacked Varna
Because Body Shows Varna - He Followed the concept of Varna
He Uplifted the Status of Lower Class
He Criticised the Concept of Vedic Moksh & Brahmanical Supremacy
He was Silent about GOD
He Initially didn’t admit Women into Sangha and Later he Admitted them.
First Woman to Join as a Disciple : Gotami
To Err is Human. Make Peace with Ones Past
Mistake Repeated Again is a Sin
Buddha did NOT Admit
Young Mothers - If Some Mother has a Child whose Child is not Married is a Young Mother
Sick People
into the Sangha
3 Concepts of Buddha
The Buddha - The Leader
Any Buddhist Should Surrender Himself or Herself to Current Leader i.e the Buddha
The Dhamma - The Dharma
The Sangha - The Organisation
Has Rules and Regulations
Male : Bhikshu
A Female : Bhikhshuni
4 Cardinal Virtues of Buddhism
Cardinal - Close to Heart
Virtues - You Practise
The Virtues are
Maitri - Love All (Unconditionally)
Karuna - Compassion
Mudita - Joy over others Success
Upeksha - Inner Peace
3 Texts of Buddhism
The Tripitaka
Tri - Three
Pitaka - Baskets
Called Basket of Knowledge
Three Books are
Sutta Pitaka - Written by Anantha
Teachings of Buddha
Vinaya Pitaka - Written by Upaali
Rules & Regulations of Monks
Abhidhamma Pitaka - Written by Mogaliputta Tissa
Jataka Tales - Life Historic Tales of Buddha
Contains Life Historic Stories of Buddha as well
All The Tripitaka were in Pali Language
4 Buddhist Councils
3 Mudra's of Buddhism
Abhay Mudra - Fearlessness
Means - Fear Less Ness
Mahayana - Blessings Mudra
Seated or Standing
Dhyan Mudra - Meditation
Bhoomi Sparsh - Touching Mother Earth
Touching the Mother Earth and Symbolising that I Surrender and ask mother earth to witness my purity
I Surrender all my Negatives Qualities of envy, pride, ego, attitude, jealousy
2 Branches of Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism
Maha - Great Yaan - Vehicle
Believes that Buddha is God → He became a God of Trade
Kanishka + Vasumitra
Hinayana Buddhism
Hina - Small Yaan - Vehicle
Believes in Buddha is Leader
Followed by Asvagosha
Left India and Reached Ceylon
Hence Also called Theravada Buddhism (OLD)
in 72 AD - 2 Religions were Born
Mahayana Buddhism
Believed Buddha as GOD
Believed in Concept of Rebirth of Buddha
Introduced 24 Avatars for Buddha
24th is yet to come
Followed by World
Introduced Concept of Bodhisatva
Bodhi - Knowledge Satva
Teachers Taught to attain Nirvana
Even if their Nirvana is Delayed
Bodhi Satva may & may not be Nirvana Souls
Example :
Painted in Ajanta Cave No 1
Padmapani - Flower
Vajrapani - Thunder
Other Bodhisatva
Avaloki teshwara
Hinayana Buddhism
Believed Buddha as LEADER
They Rejected Re-Birth of Buddha
They Rejected the Avatar Theory and Believed that
Followed by Sri Lanka
Introduced Concept of Shravak
Were Teachers
Who Had Attained Nirvana
taught their students to attain it
Wear Yellow
Shravak will be a Nirvana Soul and will have attained Moksh
Real Story of How Chanakya Placed, Chandragupta Maurya on Throne
was written in Chaste Sanskrit
3 Buddhist Texts - Always in Pali
Ceylon Chronicles ( Day to Day Records )
Ashoka a Moriya Ruler sent his Son - Mahinda and Daughter - Sanghamitra to Ceylon to Spread Buddhism
4 Jain Text - Written in Prakrit
Kalpsutra by Bhadrabahu
Chandragupta Maurya a Jain. He Left Magadha & reached Shravanabelagola took Santhara and Attained Maha Kaivalya at Chandragiri at Karnataka
Chandragiri Fort by Viajaynagar Ruler - Andhra Pradesh
He was cremated by Bhadrabahu and his ashes were buried
Paristaparva by Hemachandra
Chandragupta Maurya was a Digambar
5 Indica by Megasthenes
Megasthenes was a Greek Ambassador who visited Court of Chandragupta Maurya
7 Years of Indian Stay
Language of the Book - Greek
He wrote about
Political, Economic, Social, Religious life of Maurya’s
He mentions a Special Chapter on the City of Pataliputra
He wrote about Chandragupta Maurya
He talks about his Personality
No Slavery in India
which was a wrong fact put by Megasthenes
but Chanakya wrote that Slavery was backbone of Mauryan Society
He said that Mauryan Society was divided into 7 Classes - Wrong
as was the Society of Greeks Divided in 7 Parts
Writes about Pandyas of Madurai
it was a Pearl City
its an International Market
Madurai was Ruled by a Queen called Rani Mangammal
She was a Contemporary of Chandra Gupta Maurya
She was Welfare Oriented
6 Arthshastra by Kautilya / Chanakya / Vishnu Gupta
Basics of Arthshastra
Arth - Wealth
Shastra - Book
Book on Wealth
Book on Economics
Book on Political Science
Book on General Administration
is Divided in 15 Chapters / Books
was written in Chaste Sanskrit
Speaks about Political, Economic, Social, Religious life of the Mauryan in Details
talks about Role of the King
Talks about
Warfare Methods
Warfare Ethics
That King only Fights with King
Horseman fights with Horseman
Foot Soldier fights with Foot Soldier
Don’t Stab from Back
Don’t fight with people without Arms & Bare Handed
It says that a Cavalry is the Backbone of the Army
Espionage System
Honey Trap and Vishkanyas
International Relations with Neighbouring Countries
How Maurya Syria Arabia had Contact
7 Barabar Cave Inscriptions of Ashoka
Its in Bihar
Written by Ashoka
He Wrote :
My Father Bindusara donated 100 Villages to the Ajivikas and I donate this cave to them as a deed/document/patta for them
8 Numismatics
Is Study of Coins
Mauryans used Punch Marked Coins
Had the Images of Animals Birds Mountains Nature - have been Minted
Were of Different Shapes & Sizes
Oval Bar No Perfect Shape
Unlike todays System of Uniform Coins
Punch Marked Coins were made up of Copper, Silver, Gold
First Introduced by Mahajanapada’s
Buddha had a Punchmarked Coins - Bimbisara Gave it to Him
Had No Monetary Value
It was just a mode of exchange
Punchmarked Coins have been excavated throughout India - Like in Anandapooram Sri Lanka / Ceylon
Theres no Number in Here its only for Barter
9 Sculpture of Ashoka
There are 2 Types of Sculptures
Monolithic Sculpture
Means Made up of Single Stone
Example 1
The Yaksha (Male) at Parkham in UP called as PARKHAM YAKSHA
The Yakshi (Female) at Didarganj in Bihar
Were Made up of Red Stand Stone
Rock Cut Sculpture
Carving it out from the Stone there at the Place only
Example 2
An Elephant at Dhauli in Orissa called the Dhauli Elephant
Its an Incomplete Structure
10 Ashokan Inscriptions
Scripts used in all of these Inscriptions
Kharoshti - Right to Left
Brahmi - Left to Right
Greek - Left to Right
Armaic - Left to Right
Languages Used by Ashoka
Ashoka Made Two Types of Inscriptions
Pillar Inscriptions - For People
Rock Edicts - For Administrative Purposes
Like a Notice Board
Major Rock Edicts - Big Size
Minor Rock Edicts - Small Size
2 Rulers
Chandra Gupta Maurya
Founder of Mauryan Empire
A Kshatriya ( Debatable Ones)
His PM was Chanakya - Brain Behind Mauryan Empire
was a Warrior, Ambitious & Expansionist
was Welfare Oriented
Chankya & CGM went for securing borders and gaining the area of Saptrishis who had declared independence after death of porus
in 302 BC Selucus Nicator - The Greek Chief Occupied NWFP - North Western Frontier Province
Hence a Battle Took Place b/w CGM & Selucus → Led to Peace Accord - Signed b/w 2
Won - CGM
Loss - Selucus
Conditions of Treaty
Selucus Ceded NWFP to CGM
500 War Elephants were gifted
A Matrimonial Alliance was created according to which CGM married daughter of Selucus (Helena)
An Ambassador to visit India called Megasthenes (who wrote Indica)
Kings Duty was to
Get a Son - For Primogeniture
Welfare of Public
Religion of CGM
Towards his Last Years he got himself inclined towards Jainism
He Coronated his Son Bindusara as next Ruler
He Left Magadha with Bhadrabahu
Reached ShravanaBelagola in Karnataka
Took Santhara and Attained Mahakaivalya at Chandragiri
Bhadrabahu Cremated Him and his Ashes were Buried
Bindusara - (Died in 272 BC)
Son of Chandragupta Maurya
PM - Chanakya
Retired or
No Clear Evidence
Donated 100 Villages to the Ajivikas
a Saivite
There were 2 Internal Revolts during his rule
To Suppress it he sent
Susina - Forst Son
to Suppress it he sent his third Son Ashoka - He Suppressed this
He was now sent to Avanthi
Vaccum - (272 BC - 268 BC)
4 Years Vaccum Ashoka Killed 99 of his Brothers by leaving only Tisya Alive who was his own Brother Summary
Ashoka - (268 BC - 232 BC)
Initially he was an Aggressive Ruler and began the policy of Aggressive Annexation
He took 2 Titles
Kamasoka - Propagator of Kama (Pleasure)
Bherigosha - Aggressive Ruler (Brutal)
His South Indian Contemporaries were
The Satyaputr
Maharashtra to Bengal
The Kingdom of Kalinga
Southern Orissa
The Keralaputra or The Cheras
Capital : Vanji / Karur (TN)
Kerala Karnataka and Part of Tamil Nadu
The Cholas
Capital : Uraiyur - TN
AP, Telangana, Tamil Nadu
The Pandyas
Madurai - TN
TN a Part of Kerala
The Tamraparni
Capital : Anuradhapura
Diagram of Kingdoms
Entire North India was under his control and he sent invitations to all south Indian Kingdoms to Surrender, Almost All Surrendered except Kalinga
Kalinga War
in 260 BC Kalinga War was Fought and its ruler Anandpadmanabha was killed. Ashoka Ordered Annexed Kalinga and Ordered for a General Massacre of Killing of all AnimalsFirst Ruler to have a Pan India Empire and he took a Title
Chakravarti - King of all Kings Chandasoka - Brutal
After Winning, he was sleeping in Battle Field, Woke Up and Met Buddhist Monk
Aftermath of Kalinga
The Kalinga war Transformed Ashoke & in 258 BC he adopted Buddhism by a Monk called Upa Gupta (Mogaliputta Tissa)After Taking Rule - After 8 Years he Attacked Kalinga - After 2 Years of Kalinga - He Adopted Buddhism in 250 BC Ashoka Convened the Third Buddhist Council
with Mogaliputta Tissa as President
Abhidhama was Created
Tripitaka was Created
in 250 BC he declared his Empire to be the Buddhist State He Introduced his Policy of Dhamma
Moral Precepts
Ethical Code of Conduct to be Practised by Man Kind
This was Voluntary
Dhamma was not Buddhism, it was a Set of Principles to be followed
This Dhamma would not Lead to Nirvana
Direct & Indirect Rules - North and South
Very Few Kings from North Annexed South South Never Attacked North Norths Pan View of South was always in the Form of Indirect Rule
Ashokas Dhamma
Features of Dhamma
Love All
Satya : Speak only the Truth, Do Not Lie
Ahimsa : Do Not Harm, Do Not Kill, Do Not Eat Animals
Ashoka was the First Ruler to Promote Vegetarianism
To Lead a Simple Life
Promote Equality & Brotherhood
Respect All Faith
Do Not Interfere in others Faith
Respects Elders, Teachers, Monks, Guests
Love Children
No Gender Discrimination
Do Not Waste ones own income on a Lavish Lifestyle & not to waste income on festivals
Share & Eat
he addressed his people as children and called himself as their father
He always encourage people to lead a moral life so that peace and harmony would enter the society
He Started by Teaching it to his Family, then Nobles, then his Jana Two Types of People
Aware People : Ashokas Wife Ashoka allowed her to eat meat Unaware People : Like Forests People practising Cannibalism
Ashokas Dhamma was Not Buddhism
2 Polices to Spread Dhamma
He Erected / Planted Pillars throughout his Empires
These Pillars were Erected on Public Places, Social Gatherings, Cities, Near River Banks, Ports Entrance to a Forest
84,000 pillars were made by Ashoka
Pillars had Dhamma Inscribed on Pillars
Shady Tress, Well were Dug were Found Around
Mathura and Chunar in UP were Pillar Making Centres
Used 4 Scripts in his Pillars
He Appointed Dhammama Mahamataras
Officers who would spread dhamam
were on Constant Tours
worked as Translators
They were Assisted by
Rajukas - Police Officers
Yuktas - Judicial Officers
First Dhamma Mahamtra were
They were sent to ceylon to spread dhamma
Son - Mahinda
Daughter - Sanghmitra
in 232 BC Ashoka Died
Weak Incapable
Son of Ashoka
During his Period Empire Began to Disintegrate
Pan India Lost
South India Declared Independence
Brahmanical Revolt during his Period against Ashokas Dhamma
Kunal Couldnt Suppress it
Kunal didnt follow dhamma
Ashoka Died Dhamma Died
After Him many weak successors ContinuedBrihadutta
Last Ruler was Brihadutta
was killed by his own Senapathi
Pushymitra Sunga in 187 BC
3 Polity
4 Economy
5 Society - Same as LVP6 Religion - Same as LVP7 Architecture
Chapter 5 - The Post-Mauryan Kingdoms (3)
North India
Background of this Era
List of 6 North Indian Kingdom
Shunga Dynasty
Indo Greek
Important Points
No Clear Evidence
Limited Source
Cultural Importance of this Period
Monetary Value Entered
Christianity Entered India
Cultural & Monumental Growth
South Policy
Until Raja Raj Chola South Indians would not attack each other, there was no annexation policy, the lost party only took taxes
Ex 1
Khanva North - Satavahanas South
Each say they defeated each other, in their inscriptions
Ex 2
Point 1
Saka Lost
Sata Win
Sata Married Saka Princess
Point 2
Sakas Won Sat Lost
Saka Gave Daughter to Sata cuz he was handsome
1 Shunga Dynasty (187 BC - 75 BC)
Background of Shunga Dynasty
First Brahminical Kingdoms of India
Capital was at Pataliputra & Later Vidisha
Court Language was Sanskrit
Pushyamitra Shunga PMS (187 BC - 320 AD)
Performed 2 Ashvamedha
Made Sanskrit as Court Language
5 He Checked the Greeks from Bactria (Afghanistan) at NWFP
They were Fighting
One wanted to come to India
One wanted to Stay in Afghanistan
He Checked them at NWFP at Bactria
He asked Brihadutta to check NWFP, Brihaduuta was Lazy, Pushyamitra Shunga killed Brihadutta and became ruler. Saved NWFP Invasion
He became Popular because
He was Anti Buddhist
1000 Gold Coins - Give me one Buddhist Monks Head
Saved NWFP area from Invasions
Famous Scholar Patanjali lived in his Court
Patanjali is called the Father of Yoga
Wrote Book Called : Yog Sutra in Sanskrit
He Constructed a Stupa at Bharhut (MP) → Becasue he Later Felt Bad
Agnimitra Shunga
Son of PMS
A Great Warrior & Checked the Greeks at NWFP
Shifted the Capital to Vidisha in MP
He is the hero in Kalidasa’s Malvika Agnimitram written in Chaste Sanskrit
Real Story of their Marriages
Agnimitram - Brahmin
Malavika - Shudra Slave Girl
Kalidas went back in time and wrote this book as a Historian
He was Welfare Oriented and Popular
After Him Weak Successors Continued
Deva Bhumi Shunga
Last Shunga Ruler
Killed by His Noble Minister called Vasu Deva Kanva in 75 BC
2 Kanva Dynasty (75 BC)
Background of Kanva
were Brahmins
Capital was Vidisha
Sanskrit as Court Language
Vasu Deva Kanva - Ruler 1
A Vaishnavite
Made Vidisha - A Holy Center
Welfare Oriented
He Defeated & Killed Satvahanas
Weak Successor Continued Sasaraman Kanva - Ruler Last
During his period the Bactrian Greeks entered India
Sasaraman was dethroned by the Satavahanas or Andhras
3 The Indo Greeks
Background of Indo Greeks
Were from Bactria
Entered India during Sasaraman
Capital was Sakala which is Modern Sialkot
There is no Clear Evidence about their rule
They were First Foreign Group to Rule India
Demetrius - First Known King Big Gap Between Them Menander / Milinda
Considered to be the Greatest Indo Greek Kings
Was Very Popular
Began to Annexe Kingdoms
He was a Saivite
He got converted to Buddhism by a Monk Called Nagasena
Menander Wrote a Book Called Milinda Panho meaning Questions of Menander was written in Language in Pali
This Book is in a Dialogue form ; a dialogue between Nagasena and Milinda
Weak Successors Continued and History is Unclear Conclusions
During Last Stage of Indo Greeks, Next Group Entered India and they were the Shakas
Impact of Indo Greeks on India
Image Worship
First to Introduce Image Worship in India i.e they introduced the Gandhara School of Art (Sculpture School)
First God to Get Image was : Shiva
Gave Head Bun & Moon to Shiva
First Leader to Get Image was : Buddha
Gave Hair Locks to Buddha
Monetary Value
They were the first to Introduce Monetary Value in Coins 1 2 3
Name of Image of the Ruler - & Minter
All Coins were Circular in Shape
Has Less Surface Area
Easier to Mint
Easy to Handle
Easy to Transact
Needs Less Material
They all had Uniform Measurement for each monetary value coins
Metal Stirrups
Entered Cavalry
4 The Shakas
Background of Shakas
Tribes of Central Asia
Lived in Groups
Excellent Horsemen & Skilled Archers
Reasons they Entered India
The Han Dynasty(were barbarians)
Planned to Expand the
Great Wall of China(Constructed during our Ashokan Times),
so they evacuated the Shakas
Five Groups Entered India and Settled at
Pakistan - Taxila
Girnar Shakas were the most powerful
Also Called Western Shakas
Also called Junagarh Shakas (Capital)
Upper Deccan
The Western Shakas
Capital Junagarh or Girnar
Sanskrit was their Court Language
History is Unclear & Ambiguos
Rudra Daman - Important Ruler
He is the First Known King
He is associated with the Junagarh Inscriptions
He added Sanskrit as a court language for Legitimacy
He constructed a new city called Daman and made it a Trade Spot
He repaired the Sudarshana Dam built by the CGM on the banks of Sudarshana Lake
He defeated the Satavahanas Ruler but gave his daughter in marriage in marriage to him as he was handsome.
After him weak successors continued Conclusion
The Shakas lost their supremacy became petty chiefs and merged with Indian Population
They were scattered throughout North India but finally annexed by the Gupta in 400 AD
5 Pahalavas / Parthians
Parthians were Tribes of Persia
Belonged to Warrior Clan
They Worshipped Warrior God - Rudra i.e Shiva i.e Saivite
No Clear Evidence of History
They Entered India from Central India
During his period St Thomas visited India, St Thomas was apostle of christ
With St Thomas Christianity Entered
Reached Chera Kingdom and got few people converted to christianity and they were called as Tamil Christians
Later they merged with the local population and became chiefs
6 Kushan
Tribes of Central Asia
Yeuchi Clan
Wealthy Clan of Central Asia
Leader : Kajula Kadphises
Chinese Clans constituted made up of many small clans. China is land of everything
Reason for Entry in India
Han Dynasty began expansion of the Great Wall of China
So they evacuated Yeuchis
Han Dynasty was big and barbaric
Yeuchis Entered india through Khaibar and Bolan Pass
Hence Kajula entered India and defeated the Peshawar Shakas and made it as his capital
Old Name of Peshawar is Purushapura
Capital of Kushans is Purushpura
Initially they were called Kadphises Dynasty
Kajula Kadphises
Founder of Kushan Dynasty
Issued Gold Coins to his Subjects
had Monetary Value
had Image and Name of Ruler
had year minted
were circular in shape
were uniform in measurement
coins were the purest one that the Maurya’s and Gupta’s
Kajula was Welfare Oriented
Began Policy of Expansion
Wema Kadphises
Also called Vima Kadphises
Wema was son of Kajula
First Ruler to Issue Large Amount of Gold Coins
Kanishka Kadphises
Son of Wema
He Named the Dynasty as “Kushan”
was one of the most Powerful Rulers of Kushan Dynasty
Court Language was Pali & Prakrit
Buddhism of Kanishka
Was a Saivite but got converted to Buddhism by a Monk Called Kashyapa Matang
in 72 AD Kanishka Convened 4th Buddhist Council at Kundalvan Kashmir with Vashumitra & Ashvgosha as Monks where buddhism got divided into Hinayan and Mahayan
Lots of Literary Works were written in this Council
Kashyap to China
Kanishka sent Kashyap Matang to China and Chinese adopted Mahayan Buddhism.
Hence Most of the China is follower of New Buddhism
Silk Route
Hence, Kushans of India and Hans of China signed a trade pact on the common grounds of Buddhism.
The Silk Route was born here in 72 AD
a Route which connected China, India, with Europe
Silk was the Major Commodity as china was known for its sericulture (mulberry silk)
Silk Route was safe for Trade & Travel
Pattern of Trade
Defeat of Shakas & Mathura School of Art - 78 AD
in 78 AD he defeated Shakas at mathura and made it as his second capital and created the Mathura School of Art
Art - Painting Dance Music Sculpture
Mathura School of Art was a Sculpture School
Creation of Saka Era - 78 AD
Created By Kanishka
Has a Saka Calendar
is a Lunar Calendar
has 365 Days and 12 Months
is Considered to be a Scientific Calendar
Govt of India adopted it as our National Calendar
Why ? - Kanishka Established the Saka Calendar to Celebrate Victory of Kanishka over Saka
Bank Account Gets Over - March (Acc to Saka)
Budget of India - Acc to Saka Calendar
Internal Transaction in India during Britishers - Saka
External Transactions - Gregorian Calendar
North Indian Control
Entire North India was under his Control
He Transformed the Kushan Dynasty into an Empire
Hence Now it is called the Kushan Empire
Introduction of Kshatrap System
Kshatrap System is : Appointing Military Officers as Provincial Governors
To be a Governor of a Province, you have to be a Military Personnel
He Learnt this System from the Western Shakas who learned it from Alexander
Kanishka’s Theory of Divine Kingship
Introduced the Divine theory of Kingship
Meaning King was God on Earth
He Learnt it from China
Charaka with Kanishka
A Royal Physician Lived in his kingdom called Charaka
Charaka Wrote - Charaka Samhita in Sanskrit
He writes in his book ; I used to get lot of surgical items from China
Vasu Deva - Last Ruler
Killed by Sri Gupta in 320 AD
South India
States that fall under South India
IMP Note : Orissa is North India
South Indian States
Maharashtra - Historically Bombay is South India
Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Division - North & South → Historical & Cultural Division
Central India Historically
Madhya Pradesh
Contemporary of North during Megaliths
7000 BC - North India - Neolithic / Chalco / IVC
1000 BC - North India - End of EVP
Megaliths - Huge Stone (7000 BC - 1000 BC)
1 Megaliths - Burials Stones - Burials - Not Written Anything 2 Important Facts
This is the Rural Phase of South India
Lived in Mud & Stone Huts with Thatched Roofs
Some Megaliths have Grave Goats
Hence Might have believed in Life After Death
Things Inside Grave Goats
Iron Rod
Piece of Meat - Red Meat
Cotton Cloth
They Knew Transportation
3 They Practised
Practised Agriculture
Chief Crop - R&R - Rice & Ragi
Cattle Rearing
Animal Husbandry
Domestication of Animals
Bones of Rabbits Hair, Dog, Bull, Bone, Donkey etc
4 Megaliths Manufactured Potteries
Red Ware
Black Ware
RBW - Red Black Ware
BRW - Black Red Ware
Ochre Ware
Chocolate Ware - Brown Ware - Coco Brown
Cooper Ware
Black Slipped Ware
5 Extent of Megaliths
North - Nagpur
East - Coastal Region
West - Coastal Region
South - Kanyakumari
6 Orientation of Dead
East to West - Head to Feet
Women were not given Megaliths. They were given Extended Burials
But also, all men were NOT given Megaliths. But who got Megaliths were Important Persons
There are 56 types of Megaliths excavated so far and all these 56 types are not UNIFORM
Megaliths were Unique but were not UNIFORM
7 Usage of Iron
Towards the Later Stage Iron was used in 1000 BC
8 Language of Megaliths
Hierarchy of South Indian History
Dating of Vocal Cords tell that - They Started Speaking from 2500 BC Language Gives Birth to Script - Hence, Script is Tamil in Sangam Age Rules for a Language to be Classical (4)
Language should be very old
It should have its own Script
From the Day of Origin till today, it should have been spoken without a break down
The Languages should Evolve with time
6 Classical Languages of India
Classical Status Given to Languages by Ministry of Culture
Tamil - 2004
Sanskrit - 2005
Kannada - 2008
Telugu - 2008
Malayalam - 2013 - This Language is Culturally Safe
Odia - 2014
9 Types of Megaliths Burials
Virakal - Most Popular Type
Vira - Hero
Kal - Stone
Thopikal - Mushroom Burial
Thopi - Cap
Kal - Stone
Vattakal - Stone Circles
Vat - Circle
Kal - Stone
Were Generally Placed near Trees
Particularly two types of Tress
Rock Cut Cave Buria
Found Only in Kerala
For this Iron was Needed
Contemporary of North during Sangam Age
LVP - MJP - Maurya - Post Mauryan - Guptas
Sangam Age & Urban Age (1000 BC - 500 AD)
Megaliths were Succeeded by Chera’s, Cholas & Pandyas (1000 BC)
Age of Tamil Language
Age of Tamil People
Age of Literature - Script
Age of Tamil Aham - Land of the Tamils
Aham - Land
This Tamil Aham comprised of Three Kingdoms
Chera’s of Vanji/Karur - Tamil Nadu
Cholas of Uraiyur - Tamil Nadu
Pandyas of Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Three Kingdoms combine to form the Tamil Aham
Sangam Age
The term Sangam means a Social Gathering where Kings, Scholars, Poets, Bards (Wondering Poets) & Gods where they all assembled at the Pandya Kingdom & surrendered literary texts
The aim of Sangam was to promote the Tamil Literature, the Surrendered Text to have ethical and Moral Values.
The Surrendered Text were Published and Imparted at the Schools. Anyone could participate in a Sangam and there was no time frame for it.
Fa Hein Visited his Court - talked about decline of buddhism
He began to annexe territories
He Annexed Malwa
He Annexed Gujarat
He Annexed Ujjain → took a title “Vikramaditya”
All Kings of Ujjain named themselves as Vikramaditya. One King named Vikramaditya founded the Vikrama Era
Vikrama Era has Vikrama Calendar → Calendar of every Hindu Household
(The Panchang Calendar)
There are 14 Vikramaditya's in Indian History
Ujjain was made second capital during Chandra Gupta 2
He gave his daughter prabhavati in marriage to a Vakataka Ruler → Rudrasena
Vakatakas - Details
Replaced Satvahanas
Feudal Lords of Satvahahans
Capital - Vatsgulma in Maharashtra
Court Language Prakrit
They were Traders
They were Brahmana Kshatriyas
Story → Prabhavati Gupta + Rudrasena = Duruvasena / Divakarasena
Rudra Sena Died
Divakar Sena was made king
Prabhavati was made guardian
she accepted lordship of gupta
hence pan india empire was made
She did not
Do Sati
No Widow Marriage
A New Era Began → Gupta Vakatakas Era - 400 AD
20 Years of Pan India
Pan India Empire
Trade Flourished
Aryanisation of South India
Dravidisation of North India
Tamil Sanskrit Speaker - South Indian
Sanskrit Tamil - North Indian
Ajanata Paintings of Maharashtra were born here
Cultural Unification tookplace
7 Kumar Gupta
He was son of CGG 2
He established he Nalanda University
It was centre of Mahayana Learning
It had 3 big or huge buildings
5 years Course
Residential University
2000 Teachers
10,000 Students
Three Buildings
9 12 9
in Central Building
on the 9th Floor there was a Library
Here Tri Pitaka was Established
Durvasena → South India Declared Independence
Durvasena and Kumargupta were not in Good Terms
Kumargupta was not weak, he just respected his sisters son
During his period, the HUNS/HUNAS entered India
They were Tribes of Central Asia
They were Warriors
They were Saivites
They were big time Barbarians
They Settled at NWFP and Made Sakala Capital
Kumargupta reached NWFP fought with Huns but died while fighting
Kumar Gupta was the first king who died fighting
8 Skand Gupta
After Defeating the Hans, the hans are coming Towards India
Skandagupta is going up
They both met at Mathura
Skand Gupta defeated Hans at Mathura and chased them back to NWFP
He was the last ruler to mint silver coins
because silver was blocked by Hans from Afghanistan
Gold - South India
Copper - Rajasthan
Paucity in Coins
Gold and Copper
9 Bhanu Gupta 510 AD
Bad → Eran Inscription
Good → He defeated Huns and chased them out of India
After him there were Weak Successors
Feudal Lord pf Bhanugupta : Yasho Barman
Later Gupta (540 AD - 606 AD)
Last Ruler → DevaGupta II
He was killed by Harshvardhan in 606 AD
3,4 Polity & Economy
5 Society - 510 AD
They were Patriarchal
Joint Family Existed
Varna Jaati Gotra became Rigid
Polygamy was practised
Monogamy was practised
Polyandry not seen
There was no Widow Re Marriage
Anulom and Pratilom Lost Importance
Becomes Compulsory
Became a Demand
Child Marriage Entered
Age of Marriage
5 for Girls
7 for Boys
Concept of Sati Entered → Ratified
Intercaste Marriage was Prohibited, if so they do it
Person were called Outcaste
Lose their (boys) Property Rights
Ashrams Disappeared
Female Infanticide & Female Foeticide Entered
Became Evil
Forced Now
Father Selling Daughter
Brother Selling Sisters
Husband Selling Wives
Human Trafficking Entered
Rape is recorded for the first time
Honor Killing Entered
Human Sacrifice Entered
Child Sacrifice also entered
for a son, the moment they get son, daughter was sacrificed
Education became optional
Education was denied for Lower Section
Education was denied for Women
There was no Property rights for women
Slavery turned
they had a Miserable Life
Devadasi System entered
Deva - God
Dasi - Slavery
They resided at temple complex
during medieval times they were made prostitutes by the Priests
Position of women
Inferior to Man
Not Good
Superstitious Beliefs → Orthodox Society
Cat Crossing
Black Magic and Witch Craft Entered
New Community Entered, Later this became Caste called the Kayashth, they were scribes (the writers)
Conclusion : Not an Egalitarian Society
6 Religion
1 Birth of Hinduism
Religion during Guptas
Shaivism → Shiva + Parvati(Gouri/Shakti/Meenkshi) (Initially Separate + now partners)
12 Jyotirlanga
Shakti - 51 Shakti Peeth
Vaishnavism → Vishnu with Laxmi
108 Divydesham
Bhagavatism → Krishna (Mathura) with Rukmani (Arunachal Pradesh)
Brahmanism → Brahma
Buddhism → Set Back
Jainism → Set Back
Sabianism → Sun Sacred
Animism → Cow was Sacred
Guptas wanted to make all of them one → They Introduced Avatars or Incarnations of Vishnu because Guptas were Vaishnavites
They Created 10 Avatars → made Story that
Vishnu and Parvati → Brother & Sister
Avatars of Vishnu are
Matsya - Fish
Kurma - Tortoise
Varaha - Wild Boar
Narsimha - 1/2 Lion and 1/2 Man
Vamana - Dwarf
Parasurama - Axe
Ram - Bow & Arrow
Krishna -
Bachelor - Flute
Married → Shankh & Sudarshan Chakra
Buddha - Son of Maya
Balram - Ploughshare - After walking of Buddhists
White Horse
Yet to Come
9 0ver 10th will come in Kalyuga
This Led to the Concept of Santana Dharm which was later termed as Hinduism by Britishers
This ended fight between various Sects
Buddhism got a setback due to buddha being avatar of Vishnu
Jainism was already in decline due to its toughness
Within a Decade Buddhist rejected the Avatar Theory and Balram was brought in as 9th Avatar instead of Buddha
2 Tantric Cult Entered
Usage of Black Magic & Witchcraft
That Usage of Tantras and Mantras to attain a specific goal which was/is Negative
This Symbolised Evil Elements in Society
They Worshipped Goddess Kali - Black
She always required Sacrifice
were sacrificed
Tantric priests began to dominate the religion
He was Feared and hence he was respected due to fear
this respect was negative
3 Vajrayana Buddhism Entered
Usage of Mantras and Tantras to attain Nirvana
Mantras was in Sanskrit
It was also the form of Tantric Cult
2 Goddess
Tara - Goddess of Dawn - Green Face - Fertility
Chakreshwari - Goddess of Dusk - Blue Face - Knowledge
They were none other than Yashodhara (wife of Buddha)
This was something negative, hence it signalled the decline of Buddhism
Chanting Mantra no Niravan - People started doubting it
4 Trintity Gods and Goddess were Created
Brahma Shiva Vishnu
Saraswati Parvati Lakshmi
Ganga became Holy River, she was identified as Holy River
Allahabad became a Sacred Place
Akbar Named it as Allahabad - 1585
Prayag Raj
Earlier Name Kaushambhi
Conclusion : Ruler were Tolerant State was Secular