✅ History (6)

✅ History (6)

Exam Centric Data for History
GS History (6 Parts)
  1. Ancient - Prelims + Mains
  1. Medieval - Prelims + Mains
  1. Art & Culture - Prelims + Mains
  1. Modern History - Prelims + Mains
  1. Post Independence - Mains
  1. World History - Mains
Answer Writing Type & Learning
notion image
notion image
Important for Prelims this Year - Modern
Paika Rebellion - Minister Statement on 200 Years of 2017 Wahabi Movement - 200 Years in 2022 Kuka Movement - Allied with Wahabi Santhal Uprising - President Murmur
Basic Concepts of History - Mathi Sir
What is the division of Historical Timeline by Christians ?
BC - Before Christ
AD - Anno Domini (Our Lord)
Christian Timeline was given by ?
Pope 16th Gregory
What is the Division of Historical Timeline in Secular Manner ?
BCE - Before Common Era
CE - Common Era
What is the Extent First & Second Century BC in BC/BCE ?
First Century BC - { 100-1 }
Second Cenutry BC - { 200-101 }
Common Term is Nth Century = N+1 Century, Excpet for First Century
What is the Extent First & Second Century BC in AD/BC ?
First Century AD - 1 to 100
Second Century AD - 101 to 200
Common Term is Nth Century = N-1 Century, Expcept for Last Century
Why is India Called Sub Continent or Indian Sub Continent ?
Earlier India was a combination of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Parts of Nepal, Parts of Burma and Bangladesh
It was so large that it was called a Sub Continent
How Does the Undivided Indian Map Look ?
notion image
What does Old Day Persia consists of todays countries ?
Iran + Iraq = Persia
Which Part of Turkey has Strategic Importance ? What is it also Called ?
Strategic Impotance - Constantinople ( Modern Day Istanbul )
Turkey is Also Called “Asia Minor”
Which Countries Constitute the Central Asia ?
KUT Constitute Central Asia
Map of Central Asia
notion image
Name the Countries of South East Asia ?
Southeast Asia is composed of Eleven Countries
  1. Brunei
  1. Burma (Myanmar)
  1. Cambodia
  1. Timor-Leste
  1. Indonesia
  1. Laos
  1. Malaysia
  1. the Philippines
  1. Singapore
  1. Thailand
  1. Vietnam
South East Asia Map
notion image
Which Part of India is Landlocked ?
Northern Part of India
Why is Indian Southern called Indian Peninsula ?
Its called Indian Peninsula because it is surrounded by water on 3 Sides.
What is the Reason for Diversity of India ?
There are many reaosons like
Geographical Location
Et Cetera
What is the Single Most Important Reason for Diversity of India ?
Single Most Important Reason for Diversity of India is its “Geographical Location”
Physical Fetures Affect Religion
Agriculture depends upon Rain, they cant control it - Indra Dev
Rivers are source of Drinking Water and Food - River Godess
Gods of Desert ( Black Skin due to Heat ) - Kaali
Rivers and Mountains of India had divided India into distinct geogrpahical Locations
Hence Different Cultures Thrived within those Geographical Distinct Limitations
Why is India Called Hindustan ?
Importance of River Indus
In Ancient Time No Ruler had Formidable Naval Power, Hence Most of the Invasions were carried by Land, generally from NWFP - North Western Frontier Province
Biggest Hurdle in Reaching India via NWFP was River Indus
Tan means Land
Land Beyond River Indus was called (Locn, People, Lifestyle)
Location : Industan ~ Hindustan
People : Indus ~ Hindus
Lifestyle ~ Hinduism
Basic Concepts in History - Kirthika Mam
  1. BC - Before Christ - Religious Connotation of Christianity
  1. BCE - Before Common Era
  1. AD - Anno Domini (in the Name of Lord) - Religious Connotation of Christiainity
  1. CE - Common Era
  1. Decade - 10 Years
  1. Century - 100 Years
  1. Millennium - 1000 Years
Gregorian Calendar
  1. We follow Gregorian Calendar ( Greek Calendar Start 1 Jan and 31 Dec )
  1. Solar Calendar - 365 Day Calendar
  1. Gregorian Calendar also called Julian Calendar
  1. BC Will Always Decrease
  1. AD will Always Increase
    1. notion image
  1. Buddha - 563 BC (Born) & 483 BC (Dead)
  1. Alexander - 326 BC (Entered India) - 323 BC (Died)
  1. Azus - 1 BC - 3 AD - Ruled India
Pre Historic Periods
  1. Conclusion of Society of Later Vedic Period
  1. Greco Romans (Greece Turkey Parts of Italy) - Yavanas
  1. Yajurveda Pending
  1. All Vedas had Same Langauge of Chaste Sansktir
  1. Why did mam give example of Rams Ashvmedha in Aranyak
  1. Langauge of Atanayak and Upanaishad
  1. Upanisjad Written by ?
  1. Langaiges of LVP sources
  1. Doubts between Gandhar and Magadaha and How did Ajatshatru Capture Gandhara
  1. Is Persian Script Kharoshti
  1. Jain Councils
    Class Teaching Plan
    Random Extra Data
    1. Buddha was Kshatriya Attained Moksh
    1. Mahaveer was Kshatriya Attained Moksh - First Women Disciple attained Moksh
    1. Akbar was Asked why is he Shifting Capitals → “I want it” as simple as that
    1. Philosophy
      1. Idealistic Philosophy
      2. Realistic Philosophy
    1. Baburs - Sister Raj Mata
    1. Akbar - Jodha Raj Mata
    1. Aryabhatta Died at 33
    1. Vivekandan Died at 39
    1. Alexander Died at Age 32

    Proto-Historic Periods
    Historic Periods

    Ancient History 
(2500 BC - 647 AD)
    Ancient History (2500 BC - 647 AD)
    Medieval History  
(647 AD - 1707 AD)
    Medieval History (647 AD - 1707 AD)
    Modern History (1707 AD - 1947 AD)
    Post Independence 
( 1947 AD - 1991 AD )
    Post Independence ( 1947 AD - 1991 AD )

    World History (1750 AD - 1991 AD)Class Notes
    Art & Culture (2500 BC - 1991 AD)

    Random Summary
    Ancient History Summarise
    Indus Valley Civilisation
    1. *Civilisation (**has 5 basic elements) → Advanced Culture Ur CP Un P&S
      1. Urbanisation
      2. Centralised Polity
      3. Uniformity in Public Buildings
      4. Should Have Peace
      5. Should Have Safety Measures
    1. Stories of IVC
      1. Story 1 - Charles Mason, 1837
      2. Story 2 - Alexander Cunningham, 1861
      3. Story 3 - Sir John Marshall, 1920
    1. Extent of IVC
      1. North - Manda ( Kashmir )
      2. South - Daimabad ( Maharashtra )
      3. East - Alamgirpur ( UP)
      4. West - Desalpur ( Gujarat )
      5. North West - Shortughai ( Afghanistan )
      6. Western Most - Suktagendor ( Pakistan)
    1. 6 Major - 6 Looked Alike & Unique and size of buildings (Large) HaMoCh BKL
      1. Harappa - Ravi (Pak)
      2. Mohenjodaro - Indus (Pak)
      3. Chanhudaro - Indus (Pak)
      4. Banawali - Saraswathi (Haryana)
      5. Kalibangan - Ghagger (Rajasthan)
      6. Lothal - Bogavo (Gujarat)
    1. 4 Minor - Somewhat Damaged and size of buildings small - { Dhola ne Surktoda aur Suktgendor ko Rakhi Bandhi } - Evidence of Citadel Found
      1. Rakhigarhi - Haryana
        1. The Biggest Indus Valley Site of all Geographically
      2. Dholavira - Gujarat
      3. Surkotada - Gujarat
      4. Suktagendor - Pakistan
    1. 6 Citadel Stops are - HMC BKL
      1. Harappa
      2. Mohenjodaro - The Biggest Citadel
      3. Chanhudaro - while Excavating it got damaged
      4. Banwari
      5. Kalibangan
      6. Lothal
    1. Great Bath
      1. Found at : Mohenjodaro
      2. Also Small Bath at : Dholavira
    1. East to West Burial
      1. Rakhigarhi
      2. Kalibangan
    1. Coffin Burial
      1. Harappa
      2. Lothal
    1. Civilisations
      1. Mesopotamia - Tigris & Euphrates (Iran Iraq & parts of Syria)
      2. Egyptian - River Nile
      3. Indus Valley - Indus
    1. Trade Proofs
      1. Lothal - Dockyard
      2. Harappa & Lothal
        1. Persian Button Seal
        2. Baked Bricks
    1. Egalitarian Society: Equal Opportunities for both males and females in employment
    1. Theocracy - Where priests rule in the name of god
    1. Sabianism - Nature
    1. Worship of Animals - Humped Bull, Rhino, Unicorn (doubtful & debatable), Deer, Elephant, Tiger Etc
    1. Proto Shiva - Surrounded by 4 Animals (BRET)
      1. Buffalo
      2. Rhinoceros
      3. Elephant
      4. Tiger
      5. Beside Feet 2 Deers
    1. The Ware ( Colour ) used by them were
      1. Red Ware - Common Ware
      2. Black Ware
      3. RBW - Red & Black Ware
        1. Red Outside
        2. Black Inside
      4. Ochre Ware - Dull Orange/Red Ware
      5. Pinkish Ware - Red Turned Pink with Erosion
      6. Grey Ware - Black Turned Grey with Erosion
      7. PGW - Painted Grey Ware - Later Stage (1900 BC)
    1. Boustrophedon: was written from Right to Left - Start is Right: End is Left - James Princep
    1. Metals used by them were - Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin, Nickel
    1. Copper + Tin = Bronze
    1. Copper + Zinc = Brass
      1. Movement of Head
      2. Movement of Hip with Arms
      3. Movement of Feet
    1. The cow was known to IVC but they didn’t paint it
    The Vedic Age
    1. List of Countries - Sequentially
      1. Central Asia
      2. IVC
      3. Mesopotamia
      4. Afghanistan
      5. Iran
      6. Iraq
      7. Syria
      8. Jordan
      9. Turkey
      10. Aegean Sea
      11. Italy
      12. Germany
    1. Types of Aryans
      1. Aryans who Entered India - Indo Aryans ( Includes Pre Aryans + Declining Harappan Civilisation )
        1. Indo-European Language: Sanskrit
      2. Aryans who Entered Persia - Perso Aryans
        1. Indo-European Language: Persian
      3. Aryans who Entered Germany - Germany Aryans
        1. Indo-European Language: Latin
    1. Sapt Sindhu was Called
      1. 1 Indus - Sindhu
      2. 2 Ravi - Paroshini
      3. 3 Jhelum - Vitasta
      4. 4 Chenab - Asikni
      5. 5 Sutlej - Shutudri
      6. 6 Vyas - Vipas
      7. 7 Ghagger - Aryans mistook it as Saraswathi
    1. Types of Meetings
      1. Sabha - General Assembly by Elders
      2. Samiti - King Chose / Yuvarajan Declared
      3. Vidhata - Village Assembly Headed by Gramani
      4. Gana - Village Assembly Headed by Gramani
    1. External Trade of EVP was only with Persia
    1. Polyandry - God Ashwin Twins Married Goddess Usha
    1. Three Primary Sacrifice
      1. Ashvamedha Yajna - Horse Sacrifice & Battle
      2. Vajpeya Yajna - Chariot Race
      3. Rajasuy Yajna - Drinking Competition
    1. 2 Ashvmedha Performed By
      1. Samudragupta Performed - 2 Ashvamedha
      2. Pushymitra Tunga Performed - 2 Ashvmedh
    1. Anulom and Pratiloma Marriage
      1. Anulom - the marriage of a man in his own varna or below his varna
      2. Pratilom - the marriage of a woman in varna lower than her own
    1. Four Phases of Ashram and Life
      1. Brahmacharya 1-25
      2. Grihast 25-50
      3. Vanaprastha 50-75
      4. Sanyas 75 & Above
    1. Iron = Development
      1. Iron
        1. Agri Tools
        2. Weapon - Won Battle
      2. Cleared Forest
        1. Timber
        2. Vast land
        3. Elephant
      3. Built Cities
      4. Market
      5. Trade & Commerce
      6. Urbanisation
      7. Std of Living Increase
      8. Development
      9. Extensive use of Iron
      1. Meaning of State - State is a Political Unit which has 4 Basic Elements of
        1. Population
        2. Government
        3. Defined Territory - Capital
        4. Sovereignty
      1. List of 16 Mahajanpadas
        1. A3
          1. 1 Anga
          2. 2 Assaka
          3. 3 Avanthi - Ujjain (MP)
        2. K4
          1. 4 Kamboja
          2. 5 Kuru - Indraprastha (Delhi)
          3. 6 Kashi - Banaras (UP)
          4. 7 Kosala - Ayodhya (UP)
        3. M3
          1. 8 Matsya
          2. 9 Malla - Pavapuri (Bihar) & Kushinagar (UP)
          3. 10 Magadh - Rajgir (Bihar) & Patliputra (Bihar)
        4. V2
          1. 11 Vats
          2. 12 Vajji - Vaishali (Bihar)
        5. SGCP
          1. 13 Surasena
          2. 14 Gandhara - Taxila (Pak)
          3. 15 Chedi
          4. 16 Panchal
      1. Magadha Kingdom
        1. Haryanka - Brihadutta, Bimbisara, Ajatsatru, Udayin
        2. Shushu Naga
        3. Nanda
      Modern History Summaries
      Attlee’s Statement on Bose : it was because of bose that britishers left India
      Summary of Important Battles, Wars & Treaties
      First Battle of Panipat
      Between - Babur v/s Ibrahim Lodhi
      Second Battle of Panipat
      Third Battle of Panipat
      Battle of Samugarh, 1658
      Aurangzeb v/s Darashiko
      Treaty of Purandar 1665
      Raja Jai Singh and Shiva Ji
      Battle of Sangameshwar, 1689
      Shambha Ji v/s Aurangzeb
      Shambha Ji Killed and Family with Shahu Imprisoned
      Battle of Khed 1707
      Shahu v/s Shiva Ji 2 / Tara Bai
      Battle of Jaju 1707
      Muazzam(W) v/s Azam Shah
      Battle of Hyderabad 1709
      Muazzam(W) v/s Kambakhsh
      Battle of Agra, 1712
      Zulfi+JS v/s Saiyed Brother+Farrukh Siyar
      Battle of Agra, 1722
      Abdullah Khan v/s Rangeela+Asaf Jahan
      Battle of Palkhed in 1728
      Baji Rao 1 Winner v/s Asaf Jahan
      Treaty of Warna, 1731
      Marathas of Kolhapur and Satara
      Battle of Bhopal, 1737
      Battle of Karnal, 1739
      Nadir Shah v/s Rangeela
      Battle of Plassey, 1757
      Battle of Buxar, 1764
      Treaty of Tordesillas
      Important Terms, Designations & First’s
      Father of Indian Navy - Shiva Ji Rao
      Founder of Ashthpradhan - Shiva Ji Rao
      Guru Arjan Singh Executed in - 1606
      Guru Tegh Bahadur Executed in -
      Guru Gobind Singh Assassinated - 1706
      Nadir Shah invasion in Delhi - 1739
      Europeans Summarised + Table
      First defeat of portuguese
      List of All the Portuguese in India
      Fracisco de Almeida
      Alfonso de Albuqeruque
      Nano da Kunha 1528-1538
      Portuguese in India
      Dutch in India
      British in India
      HQ of Dutch
      HQ of Portuguese
      Reasons for Panipat as a Geographical Location
      Geography - First Major Plain for invaders
      Scanty Rainfall Better Pitch
      Because earlier few battles had occurred - warfare industries developed there earlier
      Delhi Rulers even if loose in panipat then good in delhi
      Delhi Confusion
      Delhi Proposal
      Delhi Manifesto
      Delhi Pact
      1. Akbar - Married his Fathers Brothers Daughter
      1. Buddha - Married his Mothers Brothers Daughters
      Rakhmabai Case
      Important Points
      Udayagiri Cave - Orissa
      Udaygiri - MP
      By Mathi Sir - Short Summary
      Age of Rajputs (7th Century to 13th Century)
      They Emerged After decline of Harsha Empire
      Muslim Invasion from NWFP
      Mohammad Bin Qasim - 712
      He Plundered Sindh and Multan
      Mahmood of Ghazni - 1000 - 1027
      His Goal was to NOT establish a Islmaic Empire but to LOOT India
      He was never defeated, of his invasions were successfull
      Muhammad of Ghouri - 1175 - 1206
      Didn't had any child, hence was surrounded by Slaves and Soldiers. One of his Slaves was Qutubuddin Aibak
      Establishment of “Delhi Sultanate” (1206 - 1526)
      एक SLAVE ने KHILJI को TUGHLAQI आदेश दिया की SAYYID को LODHI बना दे !
      They were mainly Turkish in Origin
      Slave Dynasty ( 1206 - 1290 )
      First Ruler of Delhi Sultanate ?
      Qutubuddin Aibak
      Khilji Dynasty ( 1290 - 1320 )
      Tughlaq Dynasty ( 1320 - 1413 )
      Famous For Idiotic Policies - Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
      Empire So Big, Lost Control of South India, South India became Independent
      Shifting of Capital
      Sayyid Dynasty ( 1413 - 1451 )
      Lodhi Dynasty ( 1451 - 1526 )
      Last Ruler of Delhi Sultanate ?
      Ibrahim Lodhi
      Simultaneous Establishment of “Southern Kingdoms”
      Vijayangar Kingdom ( 1509 - 1529 )
      Founded By ?
      Harihar and Bukka
      Four Parts of Vijayanagr Kingdom ?
      Famous King ?
      King Krishnadevray
      Contemporary of ?
      Gurunanak and Babur
      In Between Vijaynagar and Bahmani, Exists ?
      Krishna Tungbhadra Doab
      Bahmani Kingdom ( 1347 - 1526 )
      Founded By ?
      Hasan Gangu
      Founded in ?
      Hasan Gangu Also Called ?
      Alauddin Bahman Shah
      Bahmani Kingdom was also called ?
      Deccan Sulatanate
      What are the Parts of Bahmani Kingdom (5) ? (Enmity Remained Between Them )
      Ahmad Nagar - Nizam Shahi
      Bijapur - Adil Shahi
      Golkonda - Qutub Shahi
      Berar - Imad Shahi
      Bidar - Barid Shahi
      Constant Fighting with (2) ?
      With Vijayanagar
      Bahmani Rulers Combined Defeated Vijaynagar Empire in ?
      Battle of Jalikota or Rakshas Jugadi
      Due to War Vijaynagar Empire was Disintegrated into many Small Fragments & …
      One Prominet Disintegration Was of ?
      Mysore was Ruled by ?
      Wadiyars / Wodeyars
      Now Bahmani Started Fighting with Each Other 🍿🍿
      Within Bahmani ( Various Shahis ) (Berar Bidar Phusssh)
      Berar was annexed by ?
      Ahmed Nagar in 1574
      Bidar was annexed by ?
      Bijapur in 1618
      Now Final Parts of Bahmani Kingdom were ? (ABG)
      Ahmed Nagar
      Map of Vijaynagar and Bahmani
      notion image
      Meanwhile Status of “Delhi Sultanate” in North India
      Ibrahim Loadhi was Defated
      Babur ( from Central Asia - Uzbekistan )
      First Battle of Panipat
      Mughals Eyes on Southern Kingdoms
      ABG - Annexed in 1632 1687 1688
      Ahmednagar by Shahjahan in 1632
      Mumtaz Mahal Died
      Aurangzeb was Appointed as Governor of Ahmednagar (Deccan) in 1632
      Governor in Mughal Language - Subedar / Subadar
      Bijapur by Aurangzeb in 1687
      Golkonda by Aurangzeb in 1688
      Aurangzeb Further Moved South and Captured Pan India in 1698
      North - Cashmere
      South - Jinjee
      East - Arakan Mountains
      West - Hindukush
      Challenge to Aurangzeb - Marathas (Shivaji & Company)
      Problems with Empire (Common with All Big Empires)
      1. was not Fast
      1. Means of Communication were - Pigeons and Horses
      Troop Mobilisation Takes Time
      Rise of Regional Local Powers - Specifically Maratha
      Basics of Maratha
      1. Originally were Agricultural Peasants
      1. Used to Work in Bahamani Kingdom of Bijapur
      1. Good in Military Skills - Particularly Horse Riding
      1. Many Marathas became Military Personnel like Shah Ji Bhonsle
      Shahaji Bhonsle - 2 Sons
      Son 2 - Venko Ji Raje Bhonsle - Thanjur Guy
      1. Shah Ji other Son went on to rule territories in modern day Tamil Nadu’s Eastern Coastal Area (Thanjur)
      1. They are called Marathas of Thanjur
      1. Cultural Contribution of Marathas of Thanjur in Important for Exam
      Son 1 - Shiva Ji Rao - Rebellious Guy - Part 1
      Basic History
      1. Shah Ji + Wife Jija Bai = Shiva Ji (Born in Shivneri / Junnar )
      1. Because Shahjahan annexed Ahmednagar Shah Ji Bhonsle Lost Job
      1. Shah Ji Shifted to Bijapur → and then to → Modern Day Bangalore
      1. Meanwhile Shivaji and Jija Bai Lived in Poona
      1. Dadoji Kondadeo was appointed by Shah Ji Bhonsle for their
        1. Safety
        2. Tutoring and Mentoring
      Military Skills of Shiva Ji Rao
      1. Dadoji Kondadeo taught Warfare to Shiva Ji - Especially Guerrilla Warfare
      1. Guerrilla Warfare - Irregular Warfare System
        1. Primary Deploy Hit and Run Mobility
        2. Hide and Attack Tactics,
        3. Including Ambushes, Sabotages, Raids
        4. Petty Warfare
      1. But Shiva Ji wasn't allowed to use his skills for his safety by Dadoji
      1. but Dadoji Kondadeo Died in 1664
      Goals of Shivaji
      1. Defeat Muslim Empires in North India and Mughal Emperors
      1. Establish Hindu Empire
      Couldn't Establish His Goals becasye
      1. Aurangzeb was Governor of Ahmed Nagar
      1. Luck Favoured Shiva Ji
      1. Aurangzeb was forced to go to North India, because Shahjahan Fell ill
      Background of Mughal Empire CONTEMPORARY to MARATHAS
      1. Shahjahan Most Favourite Son was Darashiko, he wanted him to be the next ruler
      1. Historic Battle - Battle of Samugarh, 1658 - Aurangzeb v/s Darashiko
      1. Aurangzeb Imprisoned Shahjahan in Under House Arrest in 1658 for 8 Years, Died in 1666 → Aurangzeb became Emperor of Mughal Emperor
      Rule of Primogeniture - Eldest Son of a King Succeeds his father (Fratricidal Wars)
      1. Mughals Didn't follow the rule of Primogeniture
      Son 1 - Shiva Ji Rao - Rebellious Guy - Part 2 (Afzal Shaista Shaista Raja Jai Singh)
      1. Now that Aurangzeb is in North India Until 1666
      1. Shiva Ji got Options of Implementing his Goals
      1. Afzal Khan - Military Commander of Bijapur Died 1659 Killed by Shiva Ji ( Weapon : Baghnag) #Clash 1 - Mughal v/s Maratha - Maratha Win
      1. Bijapur paid Tribute to Shiva Ji, Bijapur was Now with Marathas

      1. Aurangzeb now appointed Shaista Khan as Governor in South
      #Clash 2 - Mughal v/s Maratha - Mughal Win
      1. He Won Poona couldn't hold it because he was attacked by Shiva Ji in the night, Hence Shaista Khan had to run for his life
      #Clash 3 - Mughal v/s Maratha - Maratha Win
      1. Aurangzeb Appointed Raja Jai Singh in as Governor in 1663
      #Clash 4 - Mughal v/s Maratha - Mughal Win
      1. Raja Jai Singh Defeated Shivaji & Treaty of Purandar 1665”
      Treaty of Purandar
      1. Treaty of Purandar - Agreed to 3 things
        1. Surrender 23 Forts to Mughals
        2. To Pay Tribute to Mughals
        3. Pay his Respects to Aurangzeb in Mughal Court along with his Son Shambha Ji
          1. Aurangzeb had promised Raja Jai Singh that he will not kill Shiva Ji hence Shiva Ji went to Mughal Court
          2. Shiva Ji was made MANSABDAR and was made to wait in Long Queue along with others MANSABDARS, he started shouting
          3. Aurangzeb ordered Shiva Ji and his son was Imprisoned
      Shiva Ji’s Imprisonment and Escape
      1. Imprisoned in Agra Fort
      1. Made Up a Stomach Problem
      1. Mughal Doctors were sent, Aurangzeb sent Money to Shiva Ji
      1. He bought Mangoes and Gifted it to Doctor and Servants
      1. Initially Checked and then there was leniency
      1. Shivaji Hid in Mangoes Basket and Ran Away
      Shiva Ji’s Vision of Being a King
      1. Worked for 8 Years & convinced a Brahman Priest for Coronation
      1. being a Peasant he couldn't be the King
      1. due to Coronation Chhatrapati Shivaji became King of area around Poona and Maharashtra
      1. Created Navy to Counter Portuguese - Also Called Father of Indian Navy
      Shiva Ji Summarised
      1. Founder of Maratha Empire
      1. Greatest Guerrilla Warfare Expert
      1. Founder of Indian Navy
        1. Tamil Word - Navay means Naval Vessels used by Chola Kings Raja Raja 1 and Rajendra 1
      1. Council of 8 Minister - ASHTHPRADHAN
        1. Prime Minister
          1. Sub Ordinate of Chhatrapati ,
            Could Guide but Not Over Ride his Decisions
        2. Samatya
        3. Sachiv
        4. Mantri
        5. Senapati
        6. Sumant
        7. Nyaydhish
        8. Pandit Rao
      Shiva Ji Natural Death in 1680
      Shambha Ji
      1. Aurangzeb was waiting for an Opportunity
      1. Battle of Sangameshwar, 1689
        1. Shambha Ji Lost
        2. Tortured to death by Aurangzeb
          1. Didn't reveal details about a Hidden Treasure
          2. Refused converting to Islam
      1. Shambha Ji Family was Imprisoned by Aurangzeb
      Sons of Shambha Ji
      First Son - Shahu - Currently Imprisoned
      Imprisoned with Others
      Second Son - RajaRam
      1. managed to Escape to South India via Karnataka to JINJEE in 1689
      1. His Relatives were “Marathas of Thanjur”
      1. RajaRam + Tara Bai = Shiva Ji II
      1. Mughals attacked JINJEE in 1698
      Contemporary Mughal Act
      1. Aurangzeb Wanted to remove Maratha from Indian Polity and wanted to Defeat Marathas
      1. Hence He Deployed Ghazi Firoz Jung and Zulfiqar Khan to Siege Deccan, Mughals Won
      1. RajaRam had Escaped from Jinjee to a hilly area in Maharashtra called Satara and he started ruling surrounding territories
      1. RajaRam Died in 1700 AD - Chain Smoker, Travel, Bad Health
      Shiva Ji 2 - 5 Year Kid
      1. RajaRams Young Son Shivaji 2 became next Chhatrapati at the age of 5 Years
      1. Whenever There were issues with Kings like Young Age & ill health, Regents were appointed to rule on their behalf
      1. Tara Bai - Regent - Ruled over Satara for Next 7 Years (1707), in the Name of Shiva Ji 2
      Meanwhile Aurangzeb Died in 1707 - Bahadur Shah came to Power - Released Shahu
      Shahu Fought with { Shiva Ji 2 and Tara Bai }
      1. Battle of Khed 1707 - Shahu (Winner) v/s TaraBai
      1. Tara Bai Fled to Kolhapur
      1. Became Ruler of Satara & Chhattrapati (1708 - 1749)
      Shiva Ji 2 and Tara Bai Managed to Escape to Kolhapur in Maharashtra
      Marathas of Satara and Kolhapur were enemies
      Era of Greater Mughals ( 1526 - 1707 )
      Babur (1526-1530)
      Humayun (1530-1540)
      Suri Interregnum (1540-1555)
      Humayun (1555-1556)
      Akbar (1556-1605)
      Jahangir (1605-1627)
      Shahjahan (1627-1658)
      Death of Aurangzeb (1658-1707)
      Death of Aurangzeb - 1707
      Three Sons of Aurangzeb
      Muazzam - Governor of Punjab and Kabul
      Azam Shah - Governor of Gujarat
      Kambaksh - Governor of Deccan
      Battle of Jaju 1707 - Muazzam v/s Azam Shah - Azam Shah Defeated and Killed - MUAZZAM Won
      Battle of Hyderabad 1709 - Muazzam v/s Kambakhsh - Kambaksh was killed - MUAZZAM Won
      Successor of Aurangzeb was
      Original Name
      Titular Name
      Shah Alam 1
      Bahadur Shah 1
      Longest Rule was by : Aurangzeb + 401 = “AKBAR” THE WINNER
      Society Points Addition from Karthika Mam
      1. Point 20 - 510 - Sati Bhanu Gupta
      1. Point 21 - 636 - Harsha Made Sati Voluntary
      1. Point 22 - 712 - Qasim and Purdah
      1. Point 23 - 1299 - Jauhar at times of Alauddin Khilji

      Ancient & Medieval of Vision IAS (To Be Sorted)