Paika Rebellion - Minister Statement on 200 Years of 2017
Wahabi Movement - 200 Years in 2022
Kuka Movement - Allied with Wahabi
Santhal Uprising - President Murmur
Basic Concepts of History - Mathi Sir
What is the division of Historical Timeline by Christians ?
BC - Before Christ AD - Anno Domini (Our Lord)
Christian Timeline was given by ?
Pope 16th Gregory
What is the Division of Historical Timeline in Secular Manner ?
BCE - Before Common Era CE - Common Era
What is the Extent First & Second Century BC in BC/BCE ?
First Century BC - { 100-1 }Second Cenutry BC - { 200-101 }Common Term is Nth Century = N+1 Century, Excpet for First Century
What is the Extent First & Second Century BC in AD/BC ?
First Century AD - 1 to 100 Second Century AD - 101 to 200 Common Term is Nth Century = N-1 Century, Expcept for Last Century
Why is India Called Sub Continent or Indian Sub Continent ?
Earlier India was a combination of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Parts of Nepal, Parts of Burma and Bangladesh It was so large that it was called a Sub Continent How Does the Undivided Indian Map Look ?
What does Old Day Persia consists of todays countries ?
Iran + Iraq = Persia
Which Part of Turkey has Strategic Importance ? What is it also Called ?
Strategic Impotance - Constantinople ( Modern Day Istanbul ) Turkey is Also Called “Asia Minor”
Which Countries Constitute the Central Asia ?
KUT Constitute Central Asia
KazakhstanKyrgyztanUzbekistan Turkmenistan Tajikistan
Map of Central Asia
Name the Countries of South East Asia ?
Southeast Asia is composed of Eleven Countries
Burma (Myanmar)
the Philippines
South East Asia Map
Which Part of India is Landlocked ?
Northern Part of India
Why is Indian Southern called Indian Peninsula ?
Its called Indian Peninsula because it is surrounded by water on 3 Sides.
What is the Reason for Diversity of India ?
There are many reaosons like
Language Culture Religion Geographical Location Et Cetera
What is the Single Most Important Reason for Diversity of India ?
Single Most Important Reason for Diversity of India is its “Geographical Location”
Physical Fetures Affect Religion
Agriculture depends upon Rain, they cant control it - Indra Dev Rivers are source of Drinking Water and Food - River Godess Gods of Desert ( Black Skin due to Heat ) - Kaali
Rivers and Mountains of India had divided India into distinct geogrpahical Locations Hence Different Cultures Thrived within those Geographical Distinct Limitations
Why is India Called Hindustan ?
Importance of River Indus
In Ancient Time No Ruler had Formidable Naval Power, Hence Most of the Invasions were carried by Land, generally from NWFP - North Western Frontier Province Biggest Hurdle in Reaching India via NWFP was River Indus
Tan means Land Land Beyond River Indus was called (Locn, People, Lifestyle)
Attlee’s Statement on Bose : it was because of bose that britishers left IndiaSummary of Important Battles, Wars & Treaties
First Battle of Panipat
Between - Babur v/s Ibrahim Lodhi
Second Battle of Panipat Third Battle of Panipat Battle of Samugarh, 1658
Aurangzeb v/s Darashiko
Treaty of Purandar 1665
Raja Jai Singh and Shiva Ji
Battle of Sangameshwar, 1689
Shambha Ji v/s AurangzebShambha Ji Killed and Family with Shahu Imprisoned
Battle of Khed 1707
Shahu v/s Shiva Ji 2 / Tara Bai
Battle of Jaju 1707
Muazzam(W) v/s Azam Shah
Battle of Hyderabad 1709
Muazzam(W) v/s Kambakhsh
Battle of Agra, 1712
Zulfi+JS v/s Saiyed Brother+Farrukh Siyar
Battle of Agra, 1722
Abdullah Khan v/s Rangeela+Asaf Jahan
Battle of Palkhed in 1728
Baji Rao 1 Winner v/s Asaf Jahan
Treaty of Warna, 1731
Marathas of Kolhapur and Satara
Battle of Bhopal, 1737Battle of Karnal, 1739
Nadir Shah v/s Rangeela
Battle of Plassey, 1757 Battle of Buxar, 1764 Treaty of Tordesillas
Important Terms, Designations & First’s
Father of Indian Navy - Shiva Ji Rao Founder of Ashthpradhan - Shiva Ji Rao Guru Arjan Singh Executed in - 1606Guru Tegh Bahadur Executed in - Guru Gobind Singh Assassinated - 1706 Nadir Shah invasion in Delhi - 1739
Europeans Summarised + Table
First defeat of portuguese
List of All the Portuguese in India
Fracisco de Almeida Alfonso de Albuqeruque Nano da Kunha 1528-1538
Portuguese in India Dutch in India British in India HQ of Dutch HQ of Portuguese
Reasons for Panipat as a Geographical Location
Geography - First Major Plain for invaders Scanty Rainfall Better Pitch Because earlier few battles had occurred - warfare industries developed there earlier Delhi Rulers even if loose in panipat then good in delhi
Delhi Confusion
Delhi Proposal Delhi Manifesto Delhi Pact
Akbar - Married his Fathers Brothers Daughter
Buddha - Married his Mothers Brothers Daughters
Rakhmabai Case
Important Points
Udayagiri Cave - Orissa Udaygiri - MP
By Mathi Sir - Short Summary
Age of Rajputs(7th Century to 13th Century)
They Emerged After decline of Harsha Empire
Muslim Invasion from NWFP
Mohammad Bin Qasim - 712
He Plundered Sindh and Multan
Mahmood of Ghazni - 1000 - 1027
His Goal was to NOT establish a Islmaic Empire but to LOOT India He was never defeated, of his invasions were successfull
Muhammad of Ghouri - 1175 - 1206
Didn't had any child, hence was surrounded by Slaves and Soldiers. One of his Slaves was Qutubuddin Aibak
Establishment of “Delhi Sultanate” (1206 - 1526)
एक SLAVE ने KHILJI को TUGHLAQI आदेश दिया की SAYYID को LODHI बना दे !
Muazzam - Governor of Punjab and Kabul Azam Shah - Governor of Gujarat Kambaksh - Governor of Deccan
Battle of Jaju 1707 - Muazzam v/s Azam Shah - Azam Shah Defeated and Killed - MUAZZAM WonBattle of Hyderabad 1709 - Muazzam v/s Kambakhsh - Kambaksh was killed - MUAZZAM WonSuccessor of Aurangzeb was
Original Name
Titular Name
Shah Alam 1 Bahadur Shah 1
Longest Rule was by : Aurangzeb + 401 = “AKBAR” THE WINNER
Society Points Addition from Karthika Mam
Point 20 - 510 - Sati Bhanu Gupta
Point 21 - 636 - Harsha Made Sati Voluntary
Point 22 - 712 - Qasim and Purdah
Point 23 - 1299 - Jauhar at times of Alauddin Khilji