Exam Centric Data for History Pre Historic Periods
GS History (6 Parts)
- Ancient - Prelims + Mains
- Medieval - Prelims + Mains
- Art & Culture - Prelims + Mains
- Modern History - Prelims + Mains
- Post Independence - Mains
- World History - Mains
Answer Writing Type & Learning
Important for Prelims this Year - Modern
Paika Rebellion - Minister Statement on 200 Years of 2017
Wahabi Movement - 200 Years in 2022
Kuka Movement - Allied with Wahabi
Santhal Uprising - President Murmur
Basic Concepts of History - Mathi Sir
What is the division of Historical Timeline by Christians ?
BC - Before Christ
AD - Anno Domini (Our Lord)
Christian Timeline was given by ?
Pope 16th Gregory
What is the Division of Historical Timeline in Secular Manner ?
BCE - Before Common Era
CE - Common Era
What is the Extent First & Second Century BC in BC/BCE ?
First Century BC - { 100-1 }
Second Cenutry BC - { 200-101 }
Common Term is Nth Century = N+1 Century, Excpet for First Century
What is the Extent First & Second Century BC in AD/BC ?
First Century AD - 1 to 100
Second Century AD - 101 to 200
Common Term is Nth Century = N-1 Century, Expcept for Last Century
Why is India Called Sub Continent or Indian Sub Continent ?
Earlier India was a combination of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Parts of Nepal, Parts of Burma and Bangladesh
It was so large that it was called a Sub Continent
How Does the Undivided Indian Map Look ?
What does Old Day Persia consists of todays countries ?
Iran + Iraq = Persia
Which Part of Turkey has Strategic Importance ? What is it also Called ?
Strategic Impotance - Constantinople ( Modern Day Istanbul )
Turkey is Also Called “Asia Minor”
Which Countries Constitute the Central Asia ?
KUT Constitute Central Asia
Map of Central Asia
Name the Countries of South East Asia ?
Southeast Asia is composed of Eleven Countries
- Brunei
- Burma (Myanmar)
- Cambodia
- Timor-Leste
- Indonesia
- Laos
- Malaysia
- the Philippines
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Vietnam
South East Asia Map
Which Part of India is Landlocked ?
Northern Part of India
Why is Indian Southern called Indian Peninsula ?
Its called Indian Peninsula because it is surrounded by water on 3 Sides.
What is the Reason for Diversity of India ?
There are many reaosons like
Geographical Location
Et Cetera
What is the Single Most Important Reason for Diversity of India ?
Single Most Important Reason for Diversity of India is its “Geographical Location”
Physical Fetures Affect Religion
Agriculture depends upon Rain, they cant control it - Indra Dev
Rivers are source of Drinking Water and Food - River Godess
Gods of Desert ( Black Skin due to Heat ) - Kaali
Rivers and Mountains of India had divided India into distinct geogrpahical Locations
Hence Different Cultures Thrived within those Geographical Distinct Limitations
Why is India Called Hindustan ?
Importance of River Indus
In Ancient Time No Ruler had Formidable Naval Power, Hence Most of the Invasions were carried by Land, generally from NWFP - North Western Frontier Province
Biggest Hurdle in Reaching India via NWFP was River Indus
Tan means Land
Land Beyond River Indus was called (Locn, People, Lifestyle)
Location : Industan ~ Hindustan
People : Indus ~ Hindus
Lifestyle ~ Hinduism
Basic Concepts in History - Kirthika Mam
- BC - Before Christ - Religious Connotation of Christianity
- BCE - Before Common Era
- AD - Anno Domini (in the Name of Lord) - Religious Connotation of Christiainity
- CE - Common Era
- Decade - 10 Years
- Century - 100 Years
- Millennium - 1000 Years
Gregorian Calendar
- We follow Gregorian Calendar ( Greek Calendar Start 1 Jan and 31 Dec )
- Solar Calendar - 365 Day Calendar
- Gregorian Calendar also called Julian Calendar
- BC Will Always Decrease
- AD will Always Increase
- Buddha - 563 BC (Born) & 483 BC (Dead)
- Alexander - 326 BC (Entered India) - 323 BC (Died)
- Azus - 1 BC - 3 AD - Ruled India
- Conclusion of Society of Later Vedic Period
- Greco Romans (Greece Turkey Parts of Italy) - Yavanas
- Yajurveda Pending
- All Vedas had Same Langauge of Chaste Sansktir
- Why did mam give example of Rams Ashvmedha in Aranyak
- Langauge of Atanayak and Upanaishad
- Upanisjad Written by ?
- Langaiges of LVP sources
- Doubts between Gandhar and Magadaha and How did Ajatshatru Capture Gandhara
- Is Persian Script Kharoshti
- Jain Councils
Random Extra Data
- Buddha was Kshatriya Attained Moksh
- Mahaveer was Kshatriya Attained Moksh - First Women Disciple attained Moksh
- Akbar was Asked why is he Shifting Capitals → “I want it” as simple as that
- Philosophy
- Idealistic Philosophy
- Realistic Philosophy
- Baburs - Sister Raj Mata
- Akbar - Jodha Raj Mata
- Aryabhatta Died at 33
- Vivekandan Died at 39
- Alexander Died at Age 32
Proto-Historic PeriodsHistoric Periods
Ancient History (2500 BC - 647 AD)Medieval History (647 AD - 1707 AD)Modern History (1707 AD - 1947 AD)Post Independence ( 1947 AD - 1991 AD )
World History (1750 AD - 1991 AD)Class NotesArt & Culture (2500 BC - 1991 AD)
Random Summary
Ancient History Summarise
Indus Valley Civilisation
- *Civilisation (**has 5 basic elements) → Advanced Culture Ur CP Un P&S
- Urbanisation
- Centralised Polity
- Uniformity in Public Buildings
- Should Have Peace
- Should Have Safety Measures
- Stories of IVC
- Story 1 - Charles Mason, 1837
- Story 2 - Alexander Cunningham, 1861
- Story 3 - Sir John Marshall, 1920
- Extent of IVC
- North - Manda ( Kashmir )
- South - Daimabad ( Maharashtra )
- East - Alamgirpur ( UP)
- West - Desalpur ( Gujarat )
- North West - Shortughai ( Afghanistan )
- Western Most - Suktagendor ( Pakistan)
- 6 Major - 6 Looked Alike & Unique and size of buildings (Large) HaMoCh BKL
- Harappa - Ravi (Pak)
- Mohenjodaro - Indus (Pak)
- Chanhudaro - Indus (Pak)
- Banawali - Saraswathi (Haryana)
- Kalibangan - Ghagger (Rajasthan)
- Lothal - Bogavo (Gujarat)
- 4 Minor - Somewhat Damaged and size of buildings small - { Dhola ne Surktoda aur Suktgendor ko Rakhi Bandhi } - Evidence of Citadel Found
- Rakhigarhi - Haryana
- The Biggest Indus Valley Site of all Geographically
- Dholavira - Gujarat
- Surkotada - Gujarat
- Suktagendor - Pakistan
- 6 Citadel Stops are - HMC BKL
- Harappa
- Mohenjodaro - The Biggest Citadel
- Chanhudaro - while Excavating it got damaged
- Banwari
- Kalibangan
- Lothal
- Great Bath
- Found at : Mohenjodaro
- Also Small Bath at : Dholavira
- East to West Burial
- Rakhigarhi
- Kalibangan
- Coffin Burial
- Harappa
- Lothal
- Civilisations
- Mesopotamia - Tigris & Euphrates (Iran Iraq & parts of Syria)
- Egyptian - River Nile
- Indus Valley - Indus
- Trade Proofs
- Lothal - Dockyard
- Harappa & Lothal
- Persian Button Seal
- Baked Bricks
- Egalitarian Society: Equal Opportunities for both males and females in employment
- Theocracy - Where priests rule in the name of god
- Sabianism - Nature
- Worship of Animals - Humped Bull, Rhino, Unicorn (doubtful & debatable), Deer, Elephant, Tiger Etc
- Proto Shiva - Surrounded by 4 Animals (BRET)
- Buffalo
- Rhinoceros
- Elephant
- Tiger
- Beside Feet 2 Deers
- The Ware ( Colour ) used by them were
- Red Ware - Common Ware
- Black Ware
- RBW - Red & Black Ware
- Red Outside
- Black Inside
- Ochre Ware - Dull Orange/Red Ware
- Pinkish Ware - Red Turned Pink with Erosion
- Grey Ware - Black Turned Grey with Erosion
- PGW - Painted Grey Ware - Later Stage (1900 BC)
- Boustrophedon: was written from Right to Left - Start is Right: End is Left - James Princep
- Metals used by them were - Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin, Nickel
- Copper + Tin = Bronze
- Copper + Zinc = Brass
- Movement of Head
- Movement of Hip with Arms
- Movement of Feet
- The cow was known to IVC but they didn’t paint it
The Vedic Age
- List of Countries - Sequentially
- Central Asia
- Mesopotamia
- Afghanistan
- Iran
- Iraq
- Syria
- Jordan
- Turkey
- Aegean Sea
- Italy
- Germany
- Types of Aryans
- Aryans who Entered India - Indo Aryans ( Includes Pre Aryans + Declining Harappan Civilisation )
- Indo-European Language: Sanskrit
- Aryans who Entered Persia - Perso Aryans
- Indo-European Language: Persian
- Aryans who Entered Germany - Germany Aryans
- Indo-European Language: Latin
- Sapt Sindhu was Called
- 1 Indus - Sindhu
- 2 Ravi - Paroshini
- 3 Jhelum - Vitasta
- 4 Chenab - Asikni
- 5 Sutlej - Shutudri
- 6 Vyas - Vipas
- 7 Ghagger - Aryans mistook it as Saraswathi
- Types of Meetings
- Sabha - General Assembly by Elders
- Samiti - King Chose / Yuvarajan Declared
- Vidhata - Village Assembly Headed by Gramani
- Gana - Village Assembly Headed by Gramani
- External Trade of EVP was only with Persia
- Polyandry - God Ashwin Twins Married Goddess Usha
- Three Primary Sacrifice
- Ashvamedha Yajna - Horse Sacrifice & Battle
- Vajpeya Yajna - Chariot Race
- Rajasuy Yajna - Drinking Competition
- 2 Ashvmedha Performed By
- Samudragupta Performed - 2 Ashvamedha
- Pushymitra Tunga Performed - 2 Ashvmedh
- Anulom and Pratiloma Marriage
- Anulom - the marriage of a man in his own varna or below his varna
- Pratilom - the marriage of a woman in varna lower than her own
- Four Phases of Ashram and Life
- Brahmacharya 1-25
- Grihast 25-50
- Vanaprastha 50-75
- Sanyas 75 & Above
- Iron = Development
- Iron
- Agri Tools
- Weapon - Won Battle
- Cleared Forest
- Timber
- Vast land
- Elephant
- Built Cities
- Market
- Trade & Commerce
- Urbanisation
- Std of Living Increase
- Development
- Extensive use of Iron
- Meaning of State - State is a Political Unit which has 4 Basic Elements of
- Population
- Government
- Defined Territory - Capital
- Sovereignty
- List of 16 Mahajanpadas
- A3
- 1 Anga
- 2 Assaka
- 3 Avanthi - Ujjain (MP)
- K4
- 4 Kamboja
- 5 Kuru - Indraprastha (Delhi)
- 6 Kashi - Banaras (UP)
- 7 Kosala - Ayodhya (UP)
- M3
- 8 Matsya
- 9 Malla - Pavapuri (Bihar) & Kushinagar (UP)
- 10 Magadh - Rajgir (Bihar) & Patliputra (Bihar)
- V2
- 11 Vats
- 12 Vajji - Vaishali (Bihar)
- 13 Surasena
- 14 Gandhara - Taxila (Pak)
- 15 Chedi
- 16 Panchal
- Magadha Kingdom
- Haryanka - Brihadutta, Bimbisara, Ajatsatru, Udayin
- Shushu Naga
- Nanda
Modern History Summaries
Attlee’s Statement on Bose : it was because of bose that britishers left India
Summary of Important Battles, Wars & Treaties
First Battle of Panipat
Between - Babur v/s Ibrahim Lodhi
Second Battle of Panipat
Third Battle of Panipat
Battle of Samugarh, 1658
Aurangzeb v/s Darashiko
Treaty of Purandar 1665
Raja Jai Singh and Shiva Ji
Battle of Sangameshwar, 1689
Shambha Ji v/s Aurangzeb
Shambha Ji Killed and Family with Shahu Imprisoned
Battle of Khed 1707
Shahu v/s Shiva Ji 2 / Tara Bai
Battle of Jaju 1707
Muazzam(W) v/s Azam Shah
Battle of Hyderabad 1709
Muazzam(W) v/s Kambakhsh
Battle of Agra, 1712
Zulfi+JS v/s Saiyed Brother+Farrukh Siyar
Battle of Agra, 1722
Abdullah Khan v/s Rangeela+Asaf Jahan
Battle of Palkhed in 1728
Baji Rao 1 Winner v/s Asaf Jahan
Treaty of Warna, 1731
Marathas of Kolhapur and Satara
Battle of Bhopal, 1737
Battle of Karnal, 1739
Nadir Shah v/s Rangeela
Battle of Plassey, 1757
Battle of Buxar, 1764
Treaty of Tordesillas
Important Terms, Designations & First’s
Father of Indian Navy - Shiva Ji Rao
Founder of Ashthpradhan - Shiva Ji Rao
Guru Arjan Singh Executed in - 1606
Guru Tegh Bahadur Executed in -
Guru Gobind Singh Assassinated - 1706
Nadir Shah invasion in Delhi - 1739
Europeans Summarised + Table
First defeat of portuguese
List of All the Portuguese in India
Fracisco de Almeida
Alfonso de Albuqeruque
Nano da Kunha 1528-1538
Portuguese in India
Dutch in India
British in India
HQ of Dutch
HQ of Portuguese
Reasons for Panipat as a Geographical Location
Geography - First Major Plain for invaders
Scanty Rainfall Better Pitch
Because earlier few battles had occurred - warfare industries developed there earlier
Delhi Rulers even if loose in panipat then good in delhi
Delhi Confusion
Delhi Proposal
Delhi Manifesto
Delhi Pact
- Akbar - Married his Fathers Brothers Daughter
- Buddha - Married his Mothers Brothers Daughters
Rakhmabai Case
Important Points
Udayagiri Cave - Orissa
Udaygiri - MP
By Mathi Sir - Short Summary
Age of Rajputs (7th Century to 13th Century)
They Emerged After decline of Harsha Empire
Muslim Invasion from NWFP
Mohammad Bin Qasim - 712
He Plundered Sindh and Multan
Mahmood of Ghazni - 1000 - 1027
His Goal was to NOT establish a Islmaic Empire but to LOOT India
He was never defeated, of his invasions were successfull
Muhammad of Ghouri - 1175 - 1206
Didn't had any child, hence was surrounded by Slaves and Soldiers. One of his Slaves was Qutubuddin Aibak
Establishment of “Delhi Sultanate” (1206 - 1526)
एक SLAVE ने KHILJI को TUGHLAQI आदेश दिया की SAYYID को LODHI बना दे !
They were mainly Turkish in Origin
Slave Dynasty ( 1206 - 1290 )
First Ruler of Delhi Sultanate ?
Qutubuddin Aibak
Khilji Dynasty ( 1290 - 1320 )
Tughlaq Dynasty ( 1320 - 1413 )
Famous For Idiotic Policies - Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
Empire So Big, Lost Control of South India, South India became Independent
Shifting of Capital
Sayyid Dynasty ( 1413 - 1451 )
Lodhi Dynasty ( 1451 - 1526 )
Last Ruler of Delhi Sultanate ?
Ibrahim Lodhi
Simultaneous Establishment of “Southern Kingdoms”
Vijayangar Kingdom ( 1509 - 1529 )
Founded By ?
Harihar and Bukka
Four Parts of Vijayanagr Kingdom ?
Famous King ?
King Krishnadevray
Contemporary of ?
Gurunanak and Babur
In Between Vijaynagar and Bahmani, Exists ?
Krishna Tungbhadra Doab
Bahmani Kingdom ( 1347 - 1526 )
Founded By ?
Hasan Gangu
Founded in ?
Hasan Gangu Also Called ?
Alauddin Bahman Shah
Bahmani Kingdom was also called ?
Deccan Sulatanate
What are the Parts of Bahmani Kingdom (5) ? (Enmity Remained Between Them )
Ahmad Nagar - Nizam Shahi
Bijapur - Adil Shahi
Golkonda - Qutub Shahi
Berar - Imad Shahi
Bidar - Barid Shahi
Constant Fighting with (2) ?
With Vijayanagar
Bahmani Rulers Combined Defeated Vijaynagar Empire in ?
Battle of Jalikota or Rakshas Jugadi
Due to War Vijaynagar Empire was Disintegrated into many Small Fragments & …
One Prominet Disintegration Was of ?
Mysore was Ruled by ?
Wadiyars / Wodeyars
Now Bahmani Started Fighting with Each Other 🍿🍿
Within Bahmani ( Various Shahis ) (Berar Bidar Phusssh)
Berar was annexed by ?
Ahmed Nagar in 1574
Bidar was annexed by ?
Bijapur in 1618
Now Final Parts of Bahmani Kingdom were ? (ABG)
Ahmed Nagar
Map of Vijaynagar and Bahmani
Meanwhile Status of “Delhi Sultanate” in North India
Ibrahim Loadhi was Defated
Babur ( from Central Asia - Uzbekistan )
First Battle of Panipat
Mughals Eyes on Southern Kingdoms
ABG - Annexed in 1632 1687 1688
Ahmednagar by Shahjahan in 1632
Mumtaz Mahal Died
Aurangzeb was Appointed as Governor of Ahmednagar (Deccan) in 1632
Governor in Mughal Language - Subedar / Subadar
Bijapur by Aurangzeb in 1687
Golkonda by Aurangzeb in 1688
Aurangzeb Further Moved South and Captured Pan India in 1698
North - Cashmere
South - Jinjee
East - Arakan Mountains
West - Hindukush
Challenge to Aurangzeb - Marathas (Shivaji & Company)
Problems with Empire (Common with All Big Empires)
- was not Fast
- Means of Communication were - Pigeons and Horses
Troop Mobilisation Takes Time
Rise of Regional Local Powers - Specifically Maratha
Basics of Maratha
- Originally were Agricultural Peasants
- Used to Work in Bahamani Kingdom of Bijapur
- Good in Military Skills - Particularly Horse Riding
- Many Marathas became Military Personnel like Shah Ji Bhonsle
Shahaji Bhonsle - 2 Sons
Son 2 - Venko Ji Raje Bhonsle - Thanjur Guy
- Shah Ji other Son went on to rule territories in modern day Tamil Nadu’s Eastern Coastal Area (Thanjur)
- They are called Marathas of Thanjur
- Cultural Contribution of Marathas of Thanjur in Important for Exam
Son 1 - Shiva Ji Rao - Rebellious Guy - Part 1
Basic History
- Shah Ji + Wife Jija Bai = Shiva Ji (Born in Shivneri / Junnar )
- Because Shahjahan annexed Ahmednagar Shah Ji Bhonsle Lost Job
- Shah Ji Shifted to Bijapur → and then to → Modern Day Bangalore
- Meanwhile Shivaji and Jija Bai Lived in Poona
- Dadoji Kondadeo was appointed by Shah Ji Bhonsle for their
- Safety
- Tutoring and Mentoring
Military Skills of Shiva Ji Rao
- Dadoji Kondadeo taught Warfare to Shiva Ji - Especially Guerrilla Warfare
- Guerrilla Warfare - Irregular Warfare System
- Primary Deploy Hit and Run Mobility
- Hide and Attack Tactics,
- Including Ambushes, Sabotages, Raids
- Petty Warfare
- But Shiva Ji wasn't allowed to use his skills for his safety by Dadoji
- but Dadoji Kondadeo Died in 1664
Goals of Shivaji
- Defeat Muslim Empires in North India and Mughal Emperors
- Establish Hindu Empire
Couldn't Establish His Goals becasye
- Aurangzeb was Governor of Ahmed Nagar
- Luck Favoured Shiva Ji
- Aurangzeb was forced to go to North India, because Shahjahan Fell ill
Background of Mughal Empire CONTEMPORARY to MARATHAS
- Shahjahan Most Favourite Son was Darashiko, he wanted him to be the next ruler
- Historic Battle - Battle of Samugarh, 1658 - Aurangzeb v/s Darashiko
- Aurangzeb Imprisoned Shahjahan in Under House Arrest in 1658 for 8 Years, Died in 1666 → Aurangzeb became Emperor of Mughal Emperor
Rule of Primogeniture - Eldest Son of a King Succeeds his father (Fratricidal Wars)
- Mughals Didn't follow the rule of Primogeniture
Son 1 - Shiva Ji Rao - Rebellious Guy - Part 2 (Afzal Shaista Shaista Raja Jai Singh)
- Now that Aurangzeb is in North India Until 1666
- Shiva Ji got Options of Implementing his Goals
- Afzal Khan - Military Commander of Bijapur Died 1659 Killed by Shiva Ji ( Weapon : Baghnag) #Clash 1 - Mughal v/s Maratha - Maratha Win
- Bijapur paid Tribute to Shiva Ji, Bijapur was Now with Marathas
- Aurangzeb now appointed Shaista Khan as Governor in South
#Clash 2 - Mughal v/s Maratha - Mughal Win
- He Won Poona couldn't hold it because he was attacked by Shiva Ji in the night, Hence Shaista Khan had to run for his life
#Clash 3 - Mughal v/s Maratha - Maratha Win
- Aurangzeb Appointed Raja Jai Singh in as Governor in 1663
#Clash 4 - Mughal v/s Maratha - Mughal Win
- Raja Jai Singh Defeated Shivaji & “Treaty of Purandar 1665”
Treaty of Purandar
- Treaty of Purandar - Agreed to 3 things
- Surrender 23 Forts to Mughals
- To Pay Tribute to Mughals
- Pay his Respects to Aurangzeb in Mughal Court along with his Son Shambha Ji
- Aurangzeb had promised Raja Jai Singh that he will not kill Shiva Ji hence Shiva Ji went to Mughal Court
- Shiva Ji was made MANSABDAR and was made to wait in Long Queue along with others MANSABDARS, he started shouting
- Aurangzeb ordered Shiva Ji and his son was Imprisoned
Shiva Ji’s Imprisonment and Escape
- Imprisoned in Agra Fort
- Made Up a Stomach Problem
- Mughal Doctors were sent, Aurangzeb sent Money to Shiva Ji
- He bought Mangoes and Gifted it to Doctor and Servants
- Initially Checked and then there was leniency
- Shivaji Hid in Mangoes Basket and Ran Away
Shiva Ji’s Vision of Being a King
- Worked for 8 Years & convinced a Brahman Priest for Coronation
- being a Peasant he couldn't be the King
- due to Coronation Chhatrapati Shivaji became King of area around Poona and Maharashtra
- Created Navy to Counter Portuguese - Also Called Father of Indian Navy
Shiva Ji Summarised
- Founder of Maratha Empire
- Greatest Guerrilla Warfare Expert
- Founder of Indian Navy
Tamil Word - Navay means Naval Vessels used by Chola Kings Raja Raja 1 and Rajendra 1
- Council of 8 Minister - ASHTHPRADHAN
- Prime Minister
- Samatya
- Sachiv
- Mantri
- Senapati
- Sumant
- Nyaydhish
- Pandit Rao
Sub Ordinate of Chhatrapati ,
Could Guide but Not Over Ride his Decisions
Shiva Ji Natural Death in 1680
Shambha Ji
- Aurangzeb was waiting for an Opportunity
- Battle of Sangameshwar, 1689
- Shambha Ji Lost
- Tortured to death by Aurangzeb
- Didn't reveal details about a Hidden Treasure
- Refused converting to Islam
- Shambha Ji Family was Imprisoned by Aurangzeb
Sons of Shambha Ji
First Son - Shahu - Currently Imprisoned
Imprisoned with Others
Second Son - RajaRam
- managed to Escape to South India via Karnataka to JINJEE in 1689
- His Relatives were “Marathas of Thanjur”
- RajaRam + Tara Bai = Shiva Ji II
- Mughals attacked JINJEE in 1698
Contemporary Mughal Act
- Aurangzeb Wanted to remove Maratha from Indian Polity and wanted to Defeat Marathas
- Hence He Deployed Ghazi Firoz Jung and Zulfiqar Khan to Siege Deccan, Mughals Won
- RajaRam had Escaped from Jinjee to a hilly area in Maharashtra called Satara and he started ruling surrounding territories
- RajaRam Died in 1700 AD - Chain Smoker, Travel, Bad Health
Shiva Ji 2 - 5 Year Kid
- RajaRams Young Son Shivaji 2 became next Chhatrapati at the age of 5 Years
- Whenever There were issues with Kings like Young Age & ill health, Regents were appointed to rule on their behalf
- Tara Bai - Regent - Ruled over Satara for Next 7 Years (1707), in the Name of Shiva Ji 2
Meanwhile Aurangzeb Died in 1707 - Bahadur Shah came to Power - Released Shahu
Shahu Fought with { Shiva Ji 2 and Tara Bai }
- Battle of Khed 1707 - Shahu (Winner) v/s TaraBai
- Tara Bai Fled to Kolhapur
- Became Ruler of Satara & Chhattrapati (1708 - 1749)
Shiva Ji 2 and Tara Bai Managed to Escape to Kolhapur in Maharashtra
Marathas of Satara and Kolhapur were enemies
Era of Greater Mughals ( 1526 - 1707 )
Babur (1526-1530)
Humayun (1530-1540)
Suri Interregnum (1540-1555)
Humayun (1555-1556)
Akbar (1556-1605)
Jahangir (1605-1627)
Shahjahan (1627-1658)
Death of Aurangzeb (1658-1707)
Death of Aurangzeb - 1707
Three Sons of Aurangzeb
Muazzam - Governor of Punjab and Kabul
Azam Shah - Governor of Gujarat
Kambaksh - Governor of Deccan
Battle of Jaju 1707 - Muazzam v/s Azam Shah - Azam Shah Defeated and Killed - MUAZZAM Won
Battle of Hyderabad 1709 - Muazzam v/s Kambakhsh - Kambaksh was killed - MUAZZAM Won
Successor of Aurangzeb was
Original Name
Titular Name
Shah Alam 1
Bahadur Shah 1
Longest Rule was by : Aurangzeb + 401 = “AKBAR” THE WINNER
Society Points Addition from Karthika Mam
- Point 20 - 510 - Sati Bhanu Gupta
- Point 21 - 636 - Harsha Made Sati Voluntary
- Point 22 - 712 - Qasim and Purdah
- Point 23 - 1299 - Jauhar at times of Alauddin Khilji
Ancient & Medieval of Vision IAS (To Be Sorted)