- Germany was also a put under the holy roman Empire. In the beginning of the 18th century, she was made up of dozen & dozens of small Kingdoms
- They were all bound together & was a pet of holy roman empire
- With the emergence of concept of Nationalism all the german people came together
- In 1806, Napolean attacked prus & annexed it , under Napolean there were 300 state . Napolean merged them all & made 38 state.
- He gave the german equality & fraternity but not Liberty .In 1806, Napolean created the confident of Rhine were many german state were into it.
- Being a ‘protector ‘of confiderat of Rhine , Napolean dictated foreign policy of german . The french revolution ideas had tremendous impact on german .
- In 1815, with fall of Napolean , German become independent & congress of vinna decided to control germany.
- To maintain the balance of power @ europe , the 38 state were restore as german speaking nat & Austria to control policies of german .
Reasons for unification of german.
1 The congress of vienna
i) The congress of vinna did great injustice to Germany
ii) Metternich decided to divide germany under control of Austria : tiu 1848, he imposed harsh restriction on germany so gradually germans hated the congress of vinna & Metternich which had represutive of 38 states.
iii) Austria was the titular head of parliament . The parliament has to deal with all the 38 state & affairs . prussia was the lead my member of the parliament - The german had no voice decision making authority in parliament
They all decided to fight Austria.
2 The Love & their Aggressive Nationlism toward Geramny
i) The german naturally believed in unity & supremary. They always saw them superia.
ii) Some young leader began to raise slogans , create national consciences, created awareness and taught the common people to fight injustic.
iv) Flags were hoisted as a mark of unificat . Austria disike it & began suppress them.
3) Zoliverein
i) In 1818 , pusia annuced zollverein which was a customs union created to promote economic cooperat.
ii) In 1832 , prusia announced zollvereian to all the state initially 18 state become its member. it work so well that by 1848 all the state become a part of zollverein.
iii) It managed tarrif & economic pilicied within territories It was most imp institute which economically unified them
- The impact of Zollverein were.
a) All the 38 state become depended on each other.
b) It placed prusia as leader of zollverein where she merged powerful.
c) The economic unificat created by zollverein marked the political unificat.
d) For travel of goods from one state to the other , zollverein undertook infratrutral project where railways & road ways were introduced , By 1848 , almost all the german states wre connected through read , water & rail connection. Northen & Southern Germany were well connected with railway i.e Macklenburg to Saxony
East and west were completely developed: i.e from westphallia to east prussia
By 1852 , more then 16,500 km of roads have been constructed in Prussia alone . canals from Danube river to the Elbe River were constructed
When people travelled more & more it created freedom & prosperity & contact with each other , so,
Thus, zollvercin was the 1st step in german unificat
4)The Revolution @ Europe.
i)The july revolut of France in 1830 had its echo in Germany. The germans demanded a liberal constitut.
ii)In 1848 , a revolut broke @ germany against Austria. The aim of the revolunt was:
The aim of the revolut was:
a) To over throw austria & her dominant in germany
b)Germans to frame their policies without Austrian interference.
iii) But a strong resistance was given by Austria . The Austria army marched into grrmany & killed many and the revolut was suppressed.
iv) the failure of revolut of 1848 had a great impact on germans.
v) Prusssia decided to take this as a cause & fight Austria Prussia was the only power in Germany who could fight Austria.
5)Otto von Bismark # one man Army (1815-1890)
- Bismark was born in 1815 @ prussia . He belong to the Brandenburg family a family of Aristocrat . He was from military background so he was also called as ‘junker’.
- He was always aimed of unified germany.
- In 1847, he eutered the politic of Austria & become member of parliament . He always mentioned that germany to have constitution monarchy.
- In 1861, he become the PM i.e chancellor of prussia . he loved absolute power based on military . He believed the prussia could only unify germany with the method of ‘ Military Might’
- Bismark modernised prussia and introduced series of redormars like
i) Edn became compulsory for boys & girls where military training was imported.
ii) All villages were connectedwith roads.
iii) He made prussia politically strong & advised the other 37 state to support during was
iv) He believed that wall decisions would win through by ‘Blood & Iron ‘ which became his policy
- Bismark decided to unify germany so as a first step he marked all he marked all his enemies and found them to be
i) Demkard
ii) Austria
iii) France.
- The 2nd step involve to isoate all his enemies from each other & he signed secret alliance & divided them from / with each other.
- The final step was to wage war with them
In 1864 , Danish . prussian war was brought , Denmark was defeated : and the ‘ treaty of Copenhagen ‘ was sighed according to which denmark to surrender scheswig & Holstein. It was the 1st achievement towards grrman
The danish was made prussia as a great power,
In 1866, the Austro - Prussion war was brought where Austria was defeated & the ‘ treaty of prague ‘ was signed ACC to which Austria accepted for german unififat & promise to surrender & Lorraine to & Venetia to Italy.
In , 1870 the France - Prussioan was war brought where France was defected where ‘ treaty of Frankfurt ‘ where france promise to surrenderlsan & Lorraine to germany france accepted the germans unified.
In 1870, Germany was unified . Bismark become the chancellor of germany & Kaiser willian became its ruler
- Similarities b/w Italy & Germany unificat
- Both the countries were badly divided before Napolean it was he who divided it into proper state 38 grmany : 9 Italy
- Before the unificat both the nations were a geographical expressions
- Both experienced Napeleanic rule & imbide the ideas of equality & fraternity.
- Both the nations underwent the dotrines of congress of vinna & metternick system . Bothwere victims of congress of vienna .
- Both took the same effort in the process of their unificat & their movement were also alike.
- Both had same energetic leader where their PM were involved
Gazibaldi Cavour Bismark
- Both fought ware with Austria & France & competes their unificat in 1870.
The difference are Italy & Germany Unification
- Italian unificant was carried out by LIberal idea and secret societies where german unificant was with military & authorinsm
- Itay had a hurdle in side i.e the pope but germany had no such hindrance / havedu.
- The were 3 popular leader in Italy & in Germany it was
i)Bismark Mazzini
Significant of the unifications.
- Two nation & were born Italy & Germny.
- Rise of Nationalism was seen in these 2 countries.
- Reestablishment of Monarchy
Victor Emmanual kaisar William
- it was an inspiant to the outside world where all the divided nations automatically unified and joined together.
The First World War #1st WW (1914-1918)
a) Mutual enemity -Ni friend no face.
b) Mad race for arms
c) series of wae @ europe
d) Aggresive Nationalism
Aggresive Wounded
e) Sectet Allainces
g) Lack of International Organizat
- Introduction
- The 1st ww shooke the entire world was also addressed as the great war ar a bought to end all wars.
- It began in july 1914 & came to an end in Nov . 1818.
- It was bought for 4 yrs. 3 month & 2 weeks and it connected the whole world in its violence & suffering.
- Thought the war was bought b/w European powers but still asia and America was involved.
- Many historians also mentions it as ‘ people war .’
- For the 1st time in the world almost all the countries wither directly indirectly particular in it,
- The war witnessed for the first time.
7.1) Chemical weapons ( poisonous gases)
7.2) Gas chambers
7.3) Steel helmets
7.4)battle tanks
7.5) Submazines
7.6) Aeroplane
7.7) Aircraft carries
7.8) Aircraft carries
7.9) Machine guns
7.8) U- Boats
7.10) wireless communication was also used.
-There were multiple cause for WW and which were gradual.
- Caused for WW (1ST)
- Mutual Enemity b/w Nations,
1. Europe by 1900 witnessed list of Enemies . There was no Friend no foe nat @ Europe. Mutual jealousy , mistrust were seen among nationsand there was an International anarchy
- All major power of Europe predicted that their would be a war
2. Mad race for Arms
- Industrial Revolut ushered a new era where modern workforce mechanism wvtered.
- Nations began to build weapon numerically to strengthen their posit . Britain & Germany topped & were almost equal in the manufacture of arms.
- Germany invited newwaredare eg. submazines & u- boats / gun boats.
- Countries began to purchase from Germany . It became a threat for European peace & stablity.
3. Moroccan crisis (1905-1906)
a) Moroco wasva state of northern Africa and it was rich in minerals & agriculture wealth . she was a colony of pain & later france.
b) She became indepent & was an Islamic state.
c) Both france & Germany promised morocco that she would help her if their was an aggression.
e)France requested britain to help her to control moroccoband this created enemity b/w france and germany
f) Germany called an international conference to discuss the matter, so in 1906 al the power met @ spain and Britain declared that france & Germany would have equal trading right morocco.
Thus , Germany decided to attack france.
3.2 Bosnia crisis ( 1908 - 1909)
a) This was the 1stvcrisis in the balkan region , grece serbia , romania , montenegra, Bulgria were a part of ottoman empire.
b) After the tall of ottoman empirev in 1850’s these above mentioned state were taken by Austria Hungary
c) They wanted to become independent but Austria refused.
d) serbia demanded bosnia to be merged with her as gary Bosnia had many serbs and Bosnia is with Austria and they refused . so serbia annexed Bosnia which is called as Bosnia crisis.
e) Serbua felt offended & she remained hostail ? enemy of Austris.
f) The Balkan state were
i) Bulgazia
ii) Post of greccen
iii) Macedonia
iv) Romania
v) Serbia
vi) Montengro
vii) Bosnia - Herzegovia
3.3) Agadir crisis (1911)
a) Agadir, a post @ Morocco . France decided to control it where german disliked it, There was an internal ceisis at morocco so the french troop entered occupied ‘fes’ tp control the rebellion situal.
b) Immediately , german set a gun boat named ‘Panther’ to agadir.
c) Britain supplied arms to France . so the french troops reached braitin trade route o she supported france .
f) France feared of ,Morocco mediated with both the power , so braitain began to mediate . this brought france and Germany closer and both power accepted not to occupy french,
g) A small territory in congo was compensated to Germany Thus the agadir crisis brought them close to a war.
3.4 The first balkan was ( 1912)
- This wae began when serbia , greece , moteneground Bulgaria calling themselves as Balkan league attack turkey & occupied many of her territories.
- Britain intervened , so serbia demanded to Britain that she wanted albania which give her an outlet to the sea but austria vehemently opposed it, infact , Austria mentioned that Albania would be an independent state under Austria protection.
- It was a deliberate move by Austria to prevent serbia becoming powerful.
3.5 Second Balkan War ( 1913)
- The first balkan war was ended up in a crisis and created enemity among the balkan state.
- Bulgaria wanted Macedonia but Macedonia was with serbia so bulgaria attacked serbia and serbia won the battle.
- The outcome of this war was
i) serbia emerged powerful & she decided / tp create a big ‘slav’(race) state : Austria was against it. so serbia decided to fight Austria.
4) Nationalism
- By 1900, the concept of nationalism emerged as double-edged weapon. It unified people on one side and on the other it created rivarlry.
- Nationalism was also seen as a phisophy where nations can? could annex territories i.e they can claim territory under the sum.
- There were 2 types of Nationalism
- i) Aggressive nationalism which made nation to fight for their mother nat e.g Britain , France , Austria.
ii) Wounded Nationalism i.e some nations were defeated in a battle & decided to take revange for their lost territories e.g france with the franko - prussia was she losed alcaced
Italy decided to built a greater Italy but she could not because o Austrian dominance
Thus , Nationalism become & imp factor which caused the out break of first ww.
5) Secret Alliances.
- Bismark created a new trend @ Europe by created secretballiancebhe. was also called as ‘ father of sect alliance.’
- From 1890-1913 these were no . off alliance made b/w countries some of these alliance created enemity
e.g i. In 1890 germany - russia & Austria Hungary singed the triple alliance mainly to support each other against an aggression . by this alliance they eliminated france.
ii) In 1892 , Germany - Italy & Austria - hungarybsinged
iii) by 1900 Britain & japan singed a treaty ofbFriendship & trdev to secure a treaty of Friendship & trade to secure the interest of both the countriesb& support each other.
iv) In 1904 , , Britain & Russia singed the treaty of friendship.
v) In 1904 , France , Britain & Italy signed the triple Entente.
vi In 1905 , Austria . Hungary , Germany & Turkey singed a secret alliance,
vii) In 1907 , France Britain & Russia signed the triple Entente.
Thus , secret alliance were never secret ,.By the end countries got to know about the alliance of each other The spirit of cooperate was questioned . Francev feared the most &requested Britain to support.
so 1913 Britain & France signed the Dual alliance countries got to know their strong allies e.g for france it was Britain. By 1913 Europe was divided into 2 group called as alied power and central power dominated by Britain dominated by Germany
6) Immediate cause of WW.
-Arch Duke Ferdinand the prince of Austria along with his wife ‘sophie’ played an official visit with his wife sophie to saejevo.
-They both were assassinated by Serbian Gaveilo prince a militant nationalist . so the austrian govt . took an immediate out on serbia.
-She considered the assassinate as an open attract . A was with serbia might lead war with russia . so Austria assured that she equied German support .
-The german kaiser promised to support Austria , Having received the support , Austria sent an ultimatum to serbia.
-Sernian refused it. So Austria declared war on serbia and began to bomb Belgeade the serbian capital.
-Russia eutered and supported serbia. Germany & Austria Hungary asked russia not to involve as it was their local issue.
-Meautime , France was making prepare to attack germanyeurope was on the edge of the war.
-Germany attacked Russia & France. so France declared war on germany . Austria . Hungaryattacked russia in this moment Britain entured & declared war on Germany , TURKAY BEGAN ENTERED TO ATTACK & DECLARED France so russia attacked turkey two power of WW OTTOMAN TURKEY
allied centual belligeranuts.
1st WW ( 1914-1918)
-2 power Allied - Bri.\ Fra\ Italy ( joined 1915)\ japan \ china \ Russia\ USA
( belligarants) Central
Ger.\ (Austria- Hungary)
To versalles Germains turkey
1915- Load & assisstance.taken by allied power Bri./ France/ Italy
Central power defected seprately.
Russia left without any compensation.
Q1 Cause of 1st WW.
Q2 How far do you agree Germany as a season for I &II WW ?
- The war began & want on in multipal stages . germany joyed the battle & intro many plans. e.g sclieffen plan i.e to attack on two frons/ sides on russia & france . The main aim of this plan was to defect france before the russia entire germany,
- By 1915, france fail . Belgium declared neutrality but Germany attack Belgium.
- Till 1917 , ceutral power were on the winning side . All the countries involved their colonies.
- The turning point in the war took place in 1917. The USA president Woodrow Wilson declared that world to do safe & USA would support the power by funding them money , aid & transport.
- Most of the allied power took help form USA . Germany sought help from Mexico to built her shios.
- On Apail 1917, a german U- boat sank an US passengers ship ‘ Lousitiana’ where 275 passengers drawned . This made America to enter the war.
- It was a turning pt. of the war because.
i) Us ensured the supply of raw material, supply of food
ii) Us ensured the, troops in great nos.
iii) machine guns she used during the war supply of
So, a miranius turn was seen with the entry of USA.
- By 1918 , Austria Hungary & turkey were defected. where Germany was only the power left . Germany still gave a stiff resistance.
- Gradually the situat worsened for Germany and the factors being :
i) Shortage of ffod supply.
ii) Many military defeatness ( defeats ).
iii) War weariness / tried of war & destruet of moral in the army .
iv) The germans were forcing kaisar ii to abdicate the throme. so kaiser ran away to holland so republic was form in Germany and they concluded the war.
Nov .11, 1918 the war came to an end with the defeat of central power
Reasons for the success of allies & reasons of defeat of ceutral power.
i ) The failuar of sclieffen plan . It proved successful initially but an attack both from was practically difficult.
ii) Submazine campaign of Germany . Thought there were many advantages of Germany submazine it brought USA to enter the war Big Blundee of germany.
iii) The Naval power of the allies. It was most significant factors for allies to win The British royal Navy was an unbeatable power.
iv) The competent leadership of the allies . The allied leaders were both politically & military strong . David Lloyed George ( PM of england ) was very quick & dynamic in his deciins . He immediately organised his army into multiple regiments and sent them to the home of central powers.
Clemengceau : Rules of France immediately supported braitain after the fall of pairs.
Woodraw Wilson : POTUS ; with his forces supported allies with the joint attack.
Woodrow Wilson . president of USA with his forces supported the allies with joint attact.
These become a great system for allied powers.
v) In competent allies of Germany Kaisar field to holland. germany had to fight many battles in 1st ww by her own. had no choice & she was left alone to fight war . Further she lacked colonial support. Allied power have colonies.
vi) The entry of USA
This proved to be a turning pt. in the war . she boosted the moral confidence / value of allied powers @ crucial time.
The war came to an end with 3 treaties.
i) Treaty of Versaillesvfor germany.
ii) st. Germain Austria hungary
iii) serves turkey.
We call these treaties as peace treaties.
The Paris peace conference was convened immediately after the war in 1919 . The conference was attended by 32 states & all allied powers attended it
Germany & russia were not allowed to participate
- T.O versaille for Germany.
i) she was forced to surrender all her captured territories during war.
ii) Alsace- lorraine - to be given to France
iii)The ‘saae’ region which was cool producing area of Germany was brought under the central of league of Nations for 15 yrs
iv) All her African colonies to be surrendered.
v) submarines , aircraft tanks , u-boat , millitory took to be surrender & she has to totally disarm he totally
vi) A huge war indemnity / fine was levied.
vii) Latvia , Lithunia & Estonia to be surrendered to league of the nation.
Thus , Germany was forced to singh the treaty, she termed it as ‘Dictated Peace ‘ & ‘ humiliating one ‘. There were lots of unrest in Germany when treaty was singned.
- Treaty of st. Germaine - Austria - Hungary
i) The Hapsburg empire came to an end .
ii) Austria & Hungary tp be two separate nations.
iii) All her allied state to e independent e.g serbi , czechoslovakia.
iv) A Hung war indemnity was levied
Thus , after singing the treaty both Austria & Hungary isolated themselves from European politics & began to develop internally.
- Treaty of sevres.
i) Turkey was to be divide where syria & lebanon taken out and given to france.
ii) Palestine & Trans jorden were taken back & given to Britain as mandate.
iii) A part of Iraq was snatched away & given to Britain
iv) Adrienople was given to Britain & was made for commercial purpose.
v) Strait of Deadavelles & Bosphorus was put under the International control.
vi) A huge war indemnity levied.
vii) Turkey was included in the European family.
Thus, There 3 treaties were made to be accepted to the central powers thought they refused initially, they were forced to singh it.
these treaties began the major seasons for the war in the Eurpe.
Lect 13 WH
Impact of the Ist WW
- Birth of New Nations
the WW gave birth to many new nations Yugoslavia, serbia became bulgaria , romania, latvia, Lithvenia & esthonia from the Russian empire.
These nations were also kept under mandate system for a short period . Turkey was also born new and Britain after the war declared Ireland as a free nation after the WW(1921).
- Fall of Empirees
- Spread of Democracy
- Rise of Dictators.
- Women Emancipation
- Economic Impact
- Birth of league of Nations.
- Social Impact
- Background (1613- 1917)
- Rules & their Policies.
- Reasons for RR.
- Lenin & his Policies 1924
- stlin 1953
- Russia , austtract of land which extends from eastern Europe to the pacific ocean . To the north she had the arctic ocean and to the south bordered by china and asia . To the east japan was her neighbour.
- The country was a meeting pt. of 2 countineuts europe & sia . so it is difficult to stay where Europe ends and asia begins.
- Technically, it is said she is at eurasia.
- The russian belong to the ‘ slav’ race and accepted the orthodox Christianity. The russians rules called themselves as ‘ Tsar / czar’ . They became the head of the state & the church.
- There were many dynasities @ russia. In 1633, the ‘romov dynasty was estb, last dnasty of the ‘ tsar’
- All the russians rules were autocrats and majority of these were ineffective . Throughtout , the nineteenth ceutary there were lots of protest against ‘ Tsar
- From the times of Napolean the russians were seeking sone of the russians began to get cutered to the outside world.
- They demanded ed , proper employment and equal treat meant in services but Tsae.’s suppressed them all whoever raised an uprising or revolt were suppressed brutally.
- Further , tsare taught the people & made them to believe that the russians were superior and Tsar.
- So for few years there was neither revolt no uprising During this period Tsar strengthened the army and created secret police spies and decided to supress the people in future . This policy was called as ‘ Russificat of Russia’
- In 1855, Tsar alexander II become the rules , he was a man of reform : He intro . local self govt, contructedise the Russia. He intro local self govt, constructed roads & railways and connected all major cities and permitted the import of western goods & capital and allowed his subject tonget educated on western lines.
- Many russians stdeuts went abroad.
- The most imp achievement of alexander II was abolished serfdom. and He was called as alexander the loberator.
- He introduced press and allowed people to read journals & magazines so that compete with western world.
- Thought his minister and councils against his reforms yet he continued . Due to internal pressure , he applied censorship to the press & ed angery over this some revoltaion assassinated him 1818.
- He was successe by his son Alexander III who was efficient who managed to escape found refuse was @ unrest.
- Alexander III was succeded by his son Tsar Nicolas II .He was the rules when the russians revolut took place . He was russian revolut took place . He was despot, conservation and under the influence of his wife ‘ alexandear’ .They both had a spiritual mentor a monk called ‘ Rasputin’
- Rasputin began to influence political affairs of russia. This lead to dissatisfact among the noble and the subject . He appointed his men's to higher posit & post. corrupt become common.
- The unmindful Nicoas IIcountined the traditional way of russians autocracy . When peoples raised slogans against Rasputin , the Tsar declared him as ‘holy man
- Angered with him , some group of noles killed rasputin in 1916.
- Russia witnessed great process of industraliat b/w 1865 to 1900. Theno.of factories double and an new earning class entered russia . They work for 15 hrs . a day . There were no factory laws and reguation.
- At this same time , the socialism & teachings of karl marx entered factor of russia . It was also a period of political parties where these parties established to protect the laboures from the opera of the ownear.
- In 1895, the first party was ‘ Workmans Socialist Democratic party ‘ which aimed for the betterment of labourers gradually many parties entered. The famous being ‘ Consitutional Democratic party’, 1902
- CDP this party began trained towards democracy and western idea . In 1903 , the party had a split as Mensheviks & Bolsheviks.
- They were mainly divided on discipline & strategy.
- Lenin was the imp. leader of Bolsheviks.
- Kerensky was a leader of mensheviks. who stood for a radical view.
- These two groups gradually become opposites of each others.
- Russia in 1905 faced a revolut where father Gapon along with his followers Trostky marched to the Tsae seeking reform Gapon was killed.
- Trostkey challenged the govt. Due to an internal pressure the Tsar convened the russians parliament called Duma’ This was an achievement of Russians.
- Russia had two classes in her society the rich & poor i.e the nobles & the serfs. The nobles led a luxurious life but poor suffered.
- Even through the serfs were liberated still the condit was They were forced to pay heavy tax and 2/3 rd of populat were illiterate . The peasauts were highly disconteut.
- Gradually , due to IR a new class entered in russia called middle class i.e Bourgeoise, who were industrial owness professional & business man . They had new ideas in the mind & decided to liberate common man from the miseule.
- Russia was defeated in crimzan was by france which shattered her image of russia.
- Further the Russo japaness and its failure broke the confidence in the rules.
- So many revolvat broke out the Tsar . controlled it,
- I WW dragged to revolt against Tsar & Tsarina . The russian soldiers felt humiliated @ europe. They went hungry, did not have sufficient shoes , weapons & clothing.
- This made the russians to lose hope toward their ruler.
- This made the russians to lose hope toward the
- The year 1917 with eiots in russia.
- Meanwhile , Alexandar Kerensky decided to launch coup on the Tsae By march, he overthrewnthe Tsarand seized power by launching a famous coop and established the provisional govt.
- What they promised was not achieved.
- So lenin decided to take this as an opporturnity and reached russia and launched a cop on the provisional govt & overthrew . They called themselves as the ‘ Bolsheviks’
- By Nov lenin assumed power,
- He was born in 1870 into wealth family @ Russia.
- He was excited to siberia on changes of sedit . From there he escape to Europe and engaged in promoting Marxism .
- In 1902, he published a pamplet ‘what is to be done’ and the answer given here was ‘ overthrow monarchy and spread marxism @ russia.’
- In 1905 , he openly & criticised Tsar and assassinate of father Gapon.
- During the WW , he moved to Switzerland . in the middle of WW he took germans supported and promised to cede / given them Latvia , Estonia & Lithuenia.
- On his journey from switerzland to mascow he prepared the ‘ April thesis’ which contained 10 principles for Bolsheviks
- Lenin was welcomed at Moscow And took measured to overthrow the provisional govt.
- In Nov . 1917, He launched a coup and assumed leadership and promised ‘ peace , Land and Bred’ for russians and declared russia as ‘ Sovict Union’
- Lenin proclaimed himself as ‘ dictators of russia ‘and began to work toward its upliftment.
- To implement these decress he used military Leni Nationalised Banks, confiscated all the properties from the rich and peasauts.
- He made labour (work) compulsory for all the citizesand disbanded the Greek or thodox church.
- Women were given equal right with men . All ranked and tities were abolished . He created soviet nobles to maintain peace & order.
- The allied condemned Lenin that Russia would not be compensated
- By July 1918, The Tsarina and their 5 children were executed . Many were against this assassinate
- They were shot deed
- In 1918 russia witnessed ‘ civil war’ for nextbtwo years ( 1918-20) . landlord , peasaut & capitalistswere not happy with loss of property . Many russians were dissatisfied with the withdrawal form the war.
- A group of people gradually began to gain support and launchb’ anti - Bolshevik movement. Lenin suppressed Them all. Gradually russia witnessed peace & communication.
- In 1921 , Lenin introduced series of measure to Revitalize the soviet economy . He gave greater freedom to agriculture , industries and trade , This system was called as ‘ State Socialism ‘
- The govt controlled finances , industries & transport leaving the rest to pvt . sect.
- He created open market where demand and supply was allowed equally.
- All the industrial & faster were regulated by the govt initially his communism was a small version of capitalism.
- The war torn russians began to gain energy with NEP He introduced his 4yr plan and gave imprortant to agriculture product.
- Before the IInd WW , Russians almost emerged as a great power of asia .’
- In 1924, Lenin remained the soviet union or rusia as VSSR union of soviet socialist republics’ which had is states inside . THese states were called republic
- Every republic had a constitud and they had the right to promote their language & culture and also cessed from the union.
- The 15 state were.
- Russia
- Armenis
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus
- Estonia
- Georgia
- Kazakstan
- Karygzstan
- Latvia
- Lithnia
- Moldova
- Tajiki stan
- Turkemenistan
- Ukrain
- Uzbekistan
- Trostky ade people to belive that he would follow footsteps of the lenin but stalin declared that he would make USSR as ‘ super . power’
- Stalin was born in 1869 at georia into a poor peasaut family .
- Stalin means man of steel . He joined the Bolsheviks party inspired by Lenin.
- He was an edit of newspaper of ‘ pravda’ and began to write . articles about communism.
- Stalin intro . his 5 yr . plan and transformed russia into a great economic power . He took steps to eliminate political opponents . Many were assasinaated ; for the next four yrs (1924-28) he instituted the ‘ great perge ‘ also known as ‘ great terror’
- Great Perge ; Thousand of arrested and Killed.
- Ed become atoll for stalin to creat a new class of citizen . From nursery to university state controlled it communism and staline were taught
- and all achievement of soviet union were publicity displayed in all the cities.
- ‘ Athwism become a state sponsored programme . Many churches were demolished . Few monasteries in the eastern part were all broken .
- In 1936, stalin intro . a ‘ new constitute ‘ which had some democratic features:
- Germany was forced to sign t. of . Versallies & the weimer republic was powerless & backed by Britain.
- These were lots of problem burning @ germany & series of coup was targed on weimee republic. Thought it suppressed it but it could never win the support of people.
- Under the leadership of ‘ Gustav Stress- man ‘ the republic was able to achieve something & few economic prosperity.
- Later where the ‘ Great depression ‘ hit America , its effect was felt at / on germany.
- Further the Weimer republic failed to settle all the internal issues of Germany
- In 1923 , these was acoup organised by Dr . Ludendroff on the weimer republic. IT filed where. Ludendroff & his follower was imprisoned.
- Due to lack of evidence Hitler was released . He decided to occupy power & lead germany so he began to tour the entire germany for support.
- The economic dresion , the failure of weimer republic & the internal struggles made Hitler the leader of Germany .
- He was an Austrian born german ; educated in the military schools.
- From his childhood he disliked the jews who were money. leader & business group of Germany
- He participated in 1st WW & his experiences in the
- He was hard core disciplinarian.
- T. O Versallies hooked him. He believed in aryan supremacy and believed that the germans were stabbed in the back so he decided to take revenge on Britain
- In 1919, he organized the ‘ Germans Workers Party’ which aimed to uplift the workers . It was renamed as National Scocialist Germans Workerv Party ( NSGWP) in short called ‘ Nazi Party’
- In 1921 , he became leader of the party.
- In the prison he wrote an autobiography called ‘ Mein Kamph ‘ ; ( My struggle )
- His entire political ideology is formed in the book. In 1925 he published the book. He believed in the ‘ Living space’ for germans called as ‘ Lebensraum’
- He also mentioned how the allied power treated germany after the war
- Haitler was released . He reached Municg & began to propagate his ‘ Nazi ideology .’ In 1932, he stood in the election and they secured few seats entered the govt . No one could hold a majority.
- The president Hindenburg invited Hitler to form govt. In 1933, Witlee became the chancellor of Germany where he headed the coalition govt of Nazi & Nationlist party.
- Hitler disliked the parliamentary form of govt sohe decided to eliminatory all his opponent one by one. He began to cinsolidate his opponents one by one.
- He began to consolidate his power . graduilt the Nazi party became dominate in parliament.
- many were arrested , exiciled & killed.
- Hitler followed a policy of ‘ forceable Coordinat ‘ to slibjygate all the germans . He decided to mold germany into a totalitarian state.
- Main features of german state were military state
- Germany was now identified with Nazibparty & the Nazi army. His army wore brown shirts and they were referred by the same name.
- He established a secret police called ‘ Gestapo which was the spy agent of hitler and created terror in the minds of the people.
- All his states enemics , political opponents , minorities , catholic priests , gypsis and the jews were all killed brutally , Lots of concertral camps were established from 1934 . This threatened the ethical values of the subject . Hitler created a sense of terror
- Racial nationalism was a core ideology of Hitler It was based on 2 aspects.
- He believed all the ills entered because of jews . The jews humiliated the germans @ versailles so he decided to eradicate them all.
- To eradicate the jews he took some measure
- The world condemned it but he did not hid to it, These ‘genocides’ are called as ‘Holocast’ the brutal of all crimes against Humanity
- Under Hitler, the economy of Germany was organised Food prices were controlled , trade was regulated. Self sufficiency & employment generate were two aims which was built by hilter.
- Imports were discourage & Exports were encouraged.
- Every family was asked to surrender the basic income to the state . For employment general public works were undertaken like construct of school highways hospitals.
- In 1936 , Hitler constructed ‘Olympic Stadiym’
- He also recruited the germans youth into the army.
- In industrial sector , the Nazis encouraged pvt. owner ships. Gradually , Hitler built a new germany people accepted his rule & continued to support him people accepted his rule & continued to support him.
- He aimed to recover all the lost provinces particularly aimed to recoverball the lost provinces particularly the germans at czechoslovakiand polland alsace 7 Lorrain , he decided to fight france to recover it.
- Lebonseaum:
- T.O : versailles disarmed so hitler decided to rearmed germany so bunkers were created where germans were asked to wark for their ‘ Volk’ (people) The germans were experts in automobiles so their scientist & technicians & began to built war weapons.
- Hitler also decided to remove inequalities of the versailles treaty. In 1936, he stopped the payment of the war indemnity to the allied power. The allies did not ask him so he was portrayed as a default. Countries were threatened and no leader took an initiative to ask hitler so his policy of terrorising europe was achived.
- Disappointment with Paris peace conference ( PPC)
- Economic effect of the 1 st WW
- Filure of Govts.
- Fear of Revolutions.
- Benito Mussolini ( 1883- 1945)
- Mussolini was born @ Romagna @ Italy . He was a son of Blacksmith.
- Initially . he was inclined towards socialism but gradually he declared himself as Anti - communistdually he declared himself as Anti- communist.
- He participated in the 1 WW & declared the allied power had cheated them
- In 1919, he founded fascist party @ milian, with the support of 200 member
- A bundle of rods connected with strong rope and protruding axe because the symbol of party. He adopted a black uniform as a symbol of strength
- Mussolini aimed at strong leadership for Italy under him . He believed in dictatorship form of govt.
- He dreant of modern Risorgimento by uniting the all Itals and fight the allied power . He decided to eliminate all the social group out of Italy
- In 1923 , he won the elect & become the Dictator of Italy.
- He dreamt of new Italy so initiated & introduced some reform.
- In 1929 , he signed the Lateran Treaty with Pope Pius XIth , to settle the Roman Quist . Pope initially refused to vacate Rome but later he agreed and the state of Vatican city was created with pope as its head & gureated full sovereignty . In return , pope has to accept rome as a capital of Italy. Mussolini accept to catholic faith as a state religion & catholic songs would be sung in a school for seconds.
- Thus , by Lateran treaty he ( Mussolini) used religion as a to secure his pol. interest.
- In 1923 , he invaded the greek island called the corfu island.
- In 1924, he annexed the fiume state from yugoslavia
- In 1935 , he attacked Ethiopia , when the league condemned , mussolini withdrew from the league.
- In 1936 , he signed the part of stell with Hitler whicg meant we would support each other during crucial time with military assistance.
- In 1936, he signed Rome - Berlin - Tokyo axis . with japan & germany.
- Thus . Mussolini made Italy ready for war ; with azi suuport he entered the war . Initially Italy reformed well in the war but the war deainedtaly & her resources . Italy couldn’t annex provices in the war.
- A leader of new govt / part piedro Bodaglio ( new party leader) prisoned mussolini so fascist party began to its control over the war.
- It was major cause for germany . After the 1st WW there was a major . crisis at germany.
- It weakened her economic system & germans took the treaty as revenge . Germany was regiected in internaltional affairs.
- Her problems were neve heared . The germans populat were competely dissatisfacied
- - Hitler emerged as a psycological force for them solace ; under him the germans vowed to take a revenge on the allied powers particulary Britain and France.
- The league failed in its bacic principles & objectives . It cound’t stop the aggressions of nations Instead to settle
- There was no collective decisions , no army , lack of financial support made the leagye to fail.
- The emergence of Hitler & Mussolini created insecurity at europe.
- Hitler openly declared that he would engaged in war and annex territories.
- Europe was closer to war when they became leader? rules
The end of WW also witnessed the coapsed of 3 empires, Romonav - Russia
Ottomon- Turkey
Hapsburg - Austria - Hungary
With the fall of empire democracy entered certain nations . some of them established democracy.
The war also intensified the demand of democracy in the colonies.
The WW - 1 and the treaties associations with the war created the emergence of dictators . some countries failed to solve the multitude of problems so people fixed their faith of on dictator & supported them.
These dictatorship form of govt. called by diff name
Nazism - Germany
Fascism - Italy
Bolsheviks / Bolshevism - Russia
These dictator were one of the reasons for IInd WW They were extremely into Aggresive Nationalism & opposed democracy.
Durning the WW - I , women played an important role by replacing men in factories & offices. These ability to work together with men created genderv equality so many women began to work inlargebno after then 1st WW
The condit of Europe gradually changed
In 1918, Britain grauted voting right women above 30 yrs of age . United states geauted it in 1920: gradually other countries began to adopt it, And the role of women in the work in the work place became important / prominent.
The warcreated a big ecomoc quos & destruct throughout the world . Many loss their lives , become , physically & Visually handicapped , lost their jobs , lost their ieat
Europe became debtor to the unitedvststesb Europe lost her supremacy on economic terms . Th colonies suffered the most to supply raw material to their mother countries.
The next 10 yrs of war full of economic hardship.
Woodraw wilson carved an idea to establish an organization which would prevent future , so in 1920 the league of Nations was born with its headquarters @ paris.
It was a league for all nations but Germany & Russia were not given its membership. USA did join the league mentioning it as European Affais.
Yet the league had few success of its own.
The society of Europe drastically changed after the war
Mnay people lost there identities & familitiesb. A man displacement was seen through out the europe.
Demorolizat & loss of ethics seen through out europe. thus, the WW an impact of its own.
Russian Revolut ( 1917)
died 45 days only ( small storm)
Octomber 7 Half Nov
1 - Intro / Background
2 -Rules & their policies
wre ‘ divine ageuts & inclucated faith.
Eventually . Rasputin was a real power behind the throne.
3 Reasons / causes of Russian Revolut
There were multiple reasons for RR and it was a certain old grudge which was widespread throughoutnineteen century.
i) Tsae Nicolas II & his autocratic rule.
ii) Emergence of political parties.
The Bolsheviks were majority now , they were professional and revolutiaries . They opposed the Tsar.
Lect 14- WH
iii) Impact of 1905 Revolutions
iv) socio economic conditions
v)Failure in Wars
The Revolut
A group of men and women marked toward st. Petersburg or pettrograd and began to attack the army.
Unrest was seen everywhere and this local protest was called as ,’ March Revolut of 1917.’
This govt was quit liberal and the main aim of this was to establish a constitutional monarchy . unfortunately, they were not able cope up with economic crisis and WW I.
He occupied st. Petersburg and called themselves as the ‘ Red Guard’ Kerensky fled away & lenin declared himself to be the ‘ Leader of Russia’
From his early his life he was inspired by karlmar and often turned a revolutions was against the Tsar.
He took series of measures to impliment the slogan of Bolsheviks . He passed lots of on doinancecs and gradually took russia under his control.
3 Decress passed
i) Decre vof peace.
ii) on Land.
iii) on Workers control.
As per the deal he surrendered latvia, Estonia & Lithveni to the germans . He signed the ‘ Trety of Bret litovsk and he withdrew from the war.
So the End Romonov Dynasty was seen.
The civil war in the way created faith on the Bolsheviks.
Lenin gradually become the ‘Hero of the Russians.’
Lenin and his New Economic Policy ( NEP) ( 1921- 24)
After the death pf Lenin 2 leader emerged powerful
i) Trostky
ii) Joesphstalin ( 1924-53)
Thus in 1924 . stalin become the dictator of russia.
Joseph Stalin
He became the minister Information & Broadcasting under Lenin
He had travelled throughout the russia & imparted communism.
After the death of Lenin , he decided to occupy power . stalin was an great orator. He promised people that he would was an great orator . He promised people , won the elect and become the dictator of VSSR . ( 1924)
The total no. of perges was in millions.
Stalin revived the russians army called the ‘ Red Army ‘ And important strict training . The army would suppress even a small form of violation . All sorts of commicat & info like newspaper , movies, radio were put under strict censorshio . They should only glorify communism and stalin.
Students organisation was made created in all school and collages . Writers , artists , novelists, actors were all to portray comunism in there work . Anyone against it would be killed.
i) Freedom of speech & expression.
ii) Religion is an illusion.
iii) Secret Ballet.
iv ) universal suffrage .
Thus stalin made russia a single great unity of asia He participate in IInd WW supporting the allies He thought against fascism & mazism and earned a good name in asia.
He fought the cold war with USA and in b/w and 1953 he died He was succeed by Nikta kheuscev who continued the cold war till 1964. he was succeeded by breznev who continued the wat till cold 1982.
Brazney was succeeded by Mikhail Gorbachev 1991 and it was during dissiutegrant of USSR took place .
The Inter War Period (1919- 1939 )
a) The Rise of dictators
@ Italy and Germany
Rascism Nazism
Mussolini Hitlee
b) Economic Reconstruction.
Nazism and Germany ( Nacism & Adolf Hitler )
under Adolf Hitler (1919- 1945 )
Lect. 15 : WH
Adof Hitler ( 1889- 1945 )
war created german patriotism.
In 1923 , he dead on coup on welmer republic & was arrested & seutenced to 5 yrs . of imprisonment.
The book is anti-social - comunist , anti - democeatic anti - marxist & auti - British
In 1934, president Hindenburg died. So hitler merged in 1934, president & chancellor together and assumed the title ‘ Fuhrer . Thus Hitler in a year of his advent became the ‘ single leader of germany’.
Nazi Programme & Nazi Germany ( 1934- 1945 )
He devices the prag & plan act for the germans.
i) He declared germany as a leader state & all its citizens to work for ‘ Futher’ Another expression for the leader state was , Hities developed a cult personality around him. ( workshop like god ). Hitler immediately when he assmmed power created the slogan i.e ‘ Fuher is always eight . whoever violate it were executed in a purge’
ii) One party state & a police state
iii) He was more towards racism
i) Germany racial superiority i.e attachment to the aryan race.
ii) Hatred towards the jews. According to Hitler the Nordic People of Germany arevthe purestbstock of the aryansn. The jews were consideredinferior & Low.
i) In 1935, he passed the Nuremburg laws. Acc. to which deprived of german citizenship.
ii) They could never vote any public office nor join any public service.
iii) There marriage with the germans would say illegal
iv) Sexual relationship was forbidden with jews.
v) The jews were compelled to wear ‘ yellowstar of David’ as a mark of identity in public star of devid
vi) The jews were not allowed to travel to other countries yet many jews immigrated to the US , UK & Palestine
vii) The jews were to be sent to the concentrate camps . Hitler , his anti- Jew hatredness was very signed. In german occupied countries like Czechoslovakia , holland , Russia more than 6 mn jews were put to death in gas chambers such as sobibor and Triblinka.
(names and conc. camo)
v) Nazi Economy
Raw material was all rational All the mills , factories & industrial reduced for independent . Farmers were subsided to produce more which resulted in food exports.
Hitlers Foreign Policy
Hitler drafted a simple foreign policy for germany.
He decided to create living space for the germans .He also decided that eastern Europe had natural field which would / will provide food for germans so as master race he decided to occupy the slav race countries such as ukraine , Azarbiajan , Western polland & other slav states. Acc . to Hitler they were all racially inferior and should serve the Germany : The Master.
Thus , to achieve all the objective / policies hitler initiated series of measure which turned out brilliantly successful.
eg i) to vii) pts.
i) In 1933 , he walked out/ off/ away from the world disarmament conference Apr 18, 2023eneva.
i) In 1934 (January, Hitler signed 10 yr . non- aggression pact with Poland . By which both Germany and Poland pledged to reframe from aggresion.
ii )In 1935, Hitler conducted a plebiscite where 90 % of german where opting for Alsace - Lorraine which threatened france.
iii)In 1935, Britain & Germany signed an agreement ‘Anglo Naval German agreement ( AGNA) ‘ by which germany can built 35 % of her navy.
iv) In 1936 , he signed the Rome- Berlin - Tokyo axis and got support from japan and Italy.
v) In 1936 , Hitler declared that czechoslovkia a port of Germany & he annexed it, Europe was sileut . so britain convened a meeting @ Munich where Hitler that ‘ father had occupied the son’ and ‘ mother had nothing to do ‘
vi) On sept 01 , 1939 Hitler attacked polamd and occupied the Danzing/ Danzing ( coastal town / port ). Russia condemned it and he became the reason for II nd WW .
Lect 16 WH
Fascism and Mussolini
Reasons for its emergence
estb. party ‘Fascist party’ in 1919 @ Milan
editor of the newspaper ‘ Avanthi’
Italy was with the allied power in WW . she performed well & was on the winning side . Immediately after the war never consulted when treatiesnwere made The war brought the economic traunma with italy.
1) Disappointment with Paris Peace Confrence (PPC)
i) Italy contributed herself to the allied power . she almost sacrificed closed to 7 lakh soldiers and lakhs wounded.
ii) During the war, the allied power promised to give her Dalmatia , Treutino , Adalia and some parts of Agean sea. She demanded the proctectectorate of Africa which was refused. This inflamed the Italians , so they all decided to fight the allied power . felt cheated & fooled.
2) Economic Effects of the 1 st WW
i) Italy was mediocre country . During the war borrowed huge sum of money from US and now these debts to be prepared . She had no eco. resourced post war
ii) War had already created some problem like
a) unemployment
b) Cost of living increased 5 times
c) loss of men the war which led to breaking up in the families.
d) huges , poverty , etc
The govt . couldn’t control the problems so they requested the allied power for help but they refused
3) Failure of Govts
i) Italy lacked a strong govt . Her parliamentary system after the unificant of Italy was a failure model further the pope didn’t support it. Unstable shaky gov became common .
ii) Huge parliament entered frequqntly . There was no bold a leader political party . It created confusion & quos. The lack of govt made the crime rate high.
4) Feas of Revolution
i) Italy feared a revout . The fear was form communist and the socialist. The middle class was very apprehensive hands & began to create parties.
5) Benito Mussolini
Mussolini as the Dictator (1923-45)
i) He asked all the Italians to engage in Agri & produce more
ii) All the factorless & industries were nationalised and abolished all the trade union & organised corporations . These corporate would be responsible for industrial growth.
iii) Confiscated all the properties & redistributed it to the desarving.
iv) He was a editor of newspaper Avanthi and now it was fascist paper . The paper to contain all fascist programmes . He intro . a strict all fascist programmes. He into a strict censorship on radio , press & flims. All anti - fascist paper were banned.
v) Ed was monitored by the state. Boys & girls had separate schools n. Textbooks were rewritten to golarify fascist system party. children & youth hard to study fascism and after grade 10th they had to take compulsory military training.
Motto for children was ‘ Belif, obey and fight (BOF) Teacher & professor have to swear an allegians to fascist party
vi) Religion to be separated form politics .and declared Italy as a military state.
Mussolini decided to annex colonies.
Mussolini was captured in 1945 by allied powers and he was shot dead.
II nd WW ( 1939-1945 )
The II nd WW broke out in 1939 where all the countries either directly or indirectly particular . In a way it is the continuation of the 1st WW
It is also calle as ‘ Global war ‘ fought b/w group
Allied power Axix powers
Britain Gemany
France Italy
Belgium and their colonies japan
USSR provterates
USA- entered in 1941
The war was brought across the globe i.e on the coas of western europe , plains of russia, deserts of africa roughed terrains of china & the waters of pacific.
The battle were all brought @ diffrent places created immense bloodshade. It is also called as ‘ Total war ‘ where all resources were channelised to the war.
Reasons / causes of II nd WW
i) 1 st WW , paris peace conference & Treaty of Versailles
2) Failure of League of Nation.
She could’t stop countries when they marched towards Weaker nations.
e.g 1) Mussoli attacked Ehipia ; the League couldn’t stop it. when it was questioned she ( Italy) withdrew her membership
b) In 1931, japan occupied Manchuria the chinease proviance The league couldn’t stop it.
3) Rise of Dictators ( Hitler and Mussolini)
They both in a way disturbed The balance of power @ europe .
4) Aggressive Nationalism