It is a discipline with infinite curiosity about human beings
A discipline that studies humans in all the possible aspects like typical biological aspect cultural characteristics of various human population in all period of time and all the parts of the world
Anthropologist are not only interested about a particular society or cultural population but are also interested in comparative aspects with other population comparison in terms of both similarities and differences
Definition of Anthropology by Various Personalities
Father of Discipline - Aristotle
It is generally considered that Aristotle come in the term Anthropology and is called the father of discipline
Aristotle define Anthropology as the gossip that revolves around man an anthropologist is the gossip are talking about himself
Kroeber - Mix of Science and Humanity Emmanuel Kant - Animal Ori+SCA Dev of Man
Immanuel Kant the German philosopher said study which describes and explains the animal Origins social as well as cultural development and progress of man
E B Tylor - Study of Old Remains
Edward Burnett Tyler and English and college asset study of old remains of people and physical features races languages customs and practices of primitive people
Is also accorded to be the founder of cultural anthropology
Restricted Anthropology to historical perspective
He was criticized by Paul broker a French anatomist an anthropologist emphasizing that scope of anthropology extends even to the modern culture also
Paul Broca
Paul broker said that college is not only about payment of society and people but extends to modern societies and cultures as well
The Tripartite - Malinowski, Brown, Boas
Scholars like (Bronislaw Malinowski) (a polish but worked as an anthropologist in England)
Radcliffe Brown an English Anthropologist
France Bass (German Austrian Born American Anthropologist)
Define Anthropology during beginning of twentieth century as
Study of Men At All levels of Development
Kluckhohn - Nearest Study of Man Ruth Benedict - Safer for Differences
Scope of Anthropology
Details of Other Disciplines
Economics - Economics System Political Science - Political Organisation and System found in Different Parts of the WorldSociology - Social Relations Human Physiology or Anatomy - Deals with Various Body Mechanism & Abnormalities
Approaches of Anthropology
Broader in Scope - All aspects such as Social, Political, Economic, Biological, Religious etc Historical and Comparative Approach
All Evolution - Biological and Cultural
Studying Each way of life in Historical Perspective
To Depict Similarities and Difference amongst people considering them as unique
Comparitivity free form Ethnocentric Bias
Applied & Action Anthropology Approach Holistic and Universalistic Approach
Studying things in all times in all parts of the world
Julian Stewards of NES → Cultural Ecology → Eco & Env of Geography
their Settlements - Human Geography
Spatial Variation - Anthropology
Races & Ethnicity - Studies by Both HG & SCA
Dating Methods (Combine) Archaeological Anthro + Geology
No Research of Modern Human
Talks about Humans in all times and space
Scientific, Objective
Case Work/Participation, Subjective
Reliability and Validity
Highly Reliable
Methods & Interpretation not so reliable
6. Humanities (3)
Fredrick Maitland - Anthro is History or its Nothing
Evans Prichard - Considered SCA as historiography to a great extent
Others - History is Past Anthro & Anthro is Present History
Historical Interpretation of Socio Culture Elements
Socio Culture Interpretation of Historical Facts
Both Anthro and History Treat Humans as Stream
Connection of History with all Branches of Anthropology
Anthropology and History cannot be Separated with a Clear Line
Societies & Cultures upto 5000 Years Old
Anthro Studies Historical Context since beginning of Humans 3.5 Million Years Ago
Conscious Phenomenon, Focuses on Observable Experiences
Conscious and Unconscious Phenomenon, Focuses on Unconscious by Claude Levi Strauss
Particularistic, Idiographic & Chronological
Holistic & Universalistic Nomothetic & Random
Distribution of Resources and Production of Goods and Services
Close Proximity Between SCA & Economics evident from
Jajmani (Caste & Class Based System)c of Indian Society
Barter System of Primitive Society
Economic Anthro borrows many of its concepts from Economics
“Economic Life”←→ Interdependent ←→ “Social Life”
Both Economics & Economic Anthro are concerned with welfare of its people
Economics Problems can be handled better with pragmatic insights from Socio Cultural Anthro
Social and Financial Inclusion of Marginalised Section of Society like tribals and other vulnerable groups is a blend of Economics and Economic Anthro
Kind of Welfare
Material Welfare
Human Welfare
Primitive Societies
Doesn't focus on Economics of Primitive Societies
Focuses on Study of Primitive People
Type of Man
Studies Economic Man
Studies man in Toto
Limited in Scope, Studies Complex Societies
Universalistic in Approach, Studies Societies from Primitive to Industrial
Subject Matter
Only Economics Aspected & Associated Dynamics are Studies
Study is done in all aspects
Type of Study
Consumption Patter Study - How People Make Max Profit
Consumption Patter Study - How People Value & Respect Social Norms
Method of Study
Less of Fieldwork Tradition & Participant Observation
Fieldwork Tradition & Participant Observation are deeply Engraved in Discipline
Political Science
Evans Pritchard in his Book : African Political System - He Mentioned that even most primitive of Societies has some political systems
Power and Authorities are Studied in both
Political Science - Recent Societies
Primitive Societies - Anthropology
Both are governed by size and composition of Populations
Present Political Situations like Voting Behaviour and Patterns require background of SCA for implementation in Pol Sci
Political Science
Limited to Political Arena
Very Holistic in Nature
Basically Guided by Text - Arm Chair Approach
Field Work is Synonymous to Anthropological Methods
Unit 1.3 : Branches of Anthropology
Franz Boas’s Four Fold Classification of Anthropology
Physical/Biological Anthropology
Socio Cultural Anthropology
Archaeological Anthropology
Linguistic Anthropology
Physical/Biological Anthropology
2 Basic Agenda of Physical Anthropology
Emergence of Humans and Their Later Evolution How and Why Current Human Population Vary Biologically
Development of Physical Anthropology
Darwins Theory of Evolution Mendels Theory of Genetics Paul Broca, Bluemanbach, Alfred Wallace and Darwin Fields Needed for → Reconstruction of Evolution
Birbal Sahni - Palaeontologist
Jane Goodall - Primatologist
Washburns Classification of Physical Anthropology (based on approach)
Classical Physical Anthropology New Physical Anthropology
Conclusion of Physical AnthroApplication of Physical Anthropology
Relation Between Social Behaviour and Social Interaction Social Interactions are a part of large cultural tradition i.e social anthropologist is by default a cultural anthropologist
Various Aspects of SCA
Key Person
Father of Socio Cultural Anthropology - B Malinowski
Evolution of Socio Anthropologist → Socio Cultural AnthropologyConclusion
Archaeological Anthropology
Branches of Archaeological Anthropology
Old Archaeological Anthropology Contemporary Archaeological Anthropological Ethno Archaeology
Linguistic Anthropology
Developed as Off Shoot of Socio Linguistics
Earlier it was termed as Anthro Linguistics which was renamed as Linguistic Anthropology
E B Tylor
Del Hyme - Coined the Term Linguistic Anthropology
Task of Linguistic Anthropology
Study of Speech and Languages as a Socio Cultural Phenomenon across space & time.
How Language Influence Socio Cultural Phenomenon and Vice Versa
Scope of Linguistic Anthropology
To Study Universal & Variations in Language
SC Evolution can be helped in its Study
Psychological Linguistics
Pidgin & Creole
Modern or New Linguistics Anthropology
Branches of Anthropology
Ethno Linguistics / Socio Linguistics
Ethno Semantics
Applied and Action Anthropology
Action - The Action is taken by a Anthropologist
Elwin Ghurre Debate
To Solve Problems of Under Represented Communities
Applied - The Knowledge of Anthropology is Applied Soltax
Compared → Action Anthro - Clinical Experiments
Considered Action Anthropology as Offshoot of Applied Anthropology
Use of Anthropometric Measurements
Application of Genomic Research
Research Methods
Unit 8.0 : Research Methodology (RM)
Introduction to Research Methodology
Definition of RM
Research methodology is a science dealing with methods and ways employed for a particular research, point to complexity of human beings and human culture variation in human behaviour certain specialised methods techniques and research methodology need to be adopted and anthropology is a Holistic discipline trying to cover maximum aspects of human a well-planned scientific research becomes inevitable
In words of an apologist Philips Jasmine scientific research method is heart of science which was invented as it was already understood that human errors wish fulfillment in all dishonestly you to preconceived notions would come in with wood commonly distort research findings and hence well-defined research methodology is a prime requirement of any research
Feature used by various studies must be specified in detail so that other researchers can repeat the naxal the application of findings by other researchers at different different locations can be established and errors can be minimised subjectivity of human mind can be avoided
RM according to Philips Salzman
Definition Scientific Requirement
Parts of Research Methodology (8)
Universe of Study Agenda of Study Sampling Technique of Data Collection Data Processing Data Analysis Data Interpretation Outcome of Research
Research Design in RM { Blue Print of Research } (EDE)
Introduction to Research Design
To Make Anthropological Research Reliable & Valid
For Proper Planning and Design in Advance
Elements of Research Design
Can Include Choice of Subjects
Technique of Data Collection
PAI ( Processing, Analysis, Interpretation) of Collected Data
Advantage of Research DesignTypes of Research Design
Same research is categorised as reliable when same outcome can be repaired it again and again therefore to make anthropological research reliable and valid researchers must have proper planning and design in advance before starting the research it can include choice of subject Universe of research techniques of Data Collection exactra also it can have it about ways in which collected data would be processed analysed and interpreted a proper Research Design not only saves time but also financial resources and manpower based on prior knowledge information of subject matter is available to the researcher
When the culture has little or no information about subject matter of study and Maxima information as to be explodes like a fresh then researcher will prepare an exploratory Research Design where all required information has to be collected without any prior knowledge.
participant observation of malinowski with proper and islanders was based on and explanatory Research Design
When anthropologist already have information about subject matter and based on that knowledge and Research Design is being prepared and further exploration is going to be conducted for example study of social stigma faced by HIV positive people can be studied to descriptive Research Design
Condition of information being available or not that is involving both exploratory and descriptive design here group of our community to be studied can be divided into number of subgroups and a study in relation to each other
Technique v/s Tools
What is Technique - Summary ?
Technique - Part of RM - for Data Collection - Using Tools
Particular Technique → Specific Tools
What is Technique ?
Technique is a part of research method used for data collection using various tools that is a particular technique requires some specific tools
Examples of Technique (ISCG)
Social Survey
Case Study
Hypotheses v/s Theory
Hypotheses -
Initial/Primitive form of Theory No Reliability and Validity, Needs to be tested for it Small and Easy to Understand
Theory -
Tested Hypotheses & Final Hypothesis Is Reliable and Valid Supported by Empirical Data
Example -
Hypotheses : Society Moved from Simpler to Complex Forms like Biological Beings Theory : Theory of Cultural Evolutionism by Tylor Morgan and Frazer
Introduction Process of Field WorkPRA & RRA Challenges in Field Work Tradition Conclusion of Fieldwork Tradition Significance and Benefits of Field Work
Research - Methodology, Methods, Techniques
Methodology - Broader Aspect & Also Includes
Research Design Choice of Subject Matter Formation of Hypotheses Selection of Research Method
Methods - Technique -
Research Methodology is an Over All Description of Research Process using some specific ResearchMethods which are dependent on various Tools and Techniques
Tools of Data Collection
Introduction Participant Observation
Introduction Example Advantages Limitations and Challenges Conclusion
Non Participant Observation
Introduction Example Limitations and Challenges
Controlled & UnControlled Observation Conclusion
Definition by Gopal SarhanaIntroduction Types of Interview
Directive - Structural Interview Non Directive - Unstructured Interview Example
Repeated Interviews Challenges
Double Dose of Subjectivity
Questionnaire & Schedule
Characteristics of Questionnaire
Interviewer Absent
Written Form
Fixed Set of Questions
Only Possible in Literate Society
Less people share intricacies on Paper
Limited Application
Types of Questionnaire
Close Ended Open Ended
Advantages of Questionnaire Disadvantages of Questionnaire Conclusion of Questionnaire
Introduction Goode and Halt Definition
Difference Between Questionnaire and Schedule Conclusion
Case Study
Definition and IntroductionExample (3)
MNS - Study of “Coorgs of Mysore”Evans Pritchard of “Nuers Tribes of South Sudan”Tepoztalan Mexican Villages by (2)
Robert Redfield → Tepoztlan : A Mexican Village Oscar Lewis → Life, History in Mexican Village ; Tepoztlan ReStudies
Advantages of Case Study Limitations of Case Study Conclusion
Defintion & Inherent LimitationGenealogy - Malinowski (User of Genealogy) Example 1Genealogy - Morgan (User of Genealogy) Example 2Genealogy in view of WHR Rivers (Potential Application)Potential Application of Genealogical Approach Conclusion of Genealogy
Life & Oral History
Life History
Its Supplementary and Not Primary
Example Case Study - NISA
Book Name : “NISA : The Life and Words of Kung Women”
Explanation : Studies by Majorie Shostak (American Anthropologist)
Can Actually Show and Evolve over a period of time.
Oral History
Oral History can compromise of
Life Experiences
Best System for
Cross Cultural Research
Interdisciplinary Study
Example Case Study - Samuan Islands
Studies by Margret Meat
Tools for Oral History
Direct Interpretation of Narrations Audio & Video Tape
Conclusion of Life and Oral History
Secondary Source of Information
Introduction First Used by Types of Secondary Sources
Published DataUnpublished Data
Example 1 : IPCC
Example 2 : Assessment of Climate Change by MoESLimitations/Conclusion of SSD
Lack of Reliability and Validity Cant be used as only source of information Need for Complementing and Supplementing other sources of data collection
Participatory Methods
Introduction Example 1 - Joint Forest Management PRA - Method / Theory
Participatory Rural Appraisal
Various Dimensions of PRA
RRA - Application of Theory
Rapid Rural Appraisal
Principle of Optimal Ignorance
Suggestion by ChambersConclusion (2)
Unit 6.0 : Anthropological Thought ( Thinkers & Theories )
Summary of Theories (10)
Total No of Schools of Thoughts are ?
There are total 10 schools of thoughts, with Historical Particularism and Diffusionism being in the same group.
Name all the Schools of Thoughts ?
Classical Cultural Evolutionism
Diffusionism & Historical Particularism
Functionalism + Structural Functionalism
Culture & Personality School
Neo Evolutionism
Cultural Materialism*
Cognitive/New Ethnography*
Post Modernism
Add Scanned PDF of Summary from Copy Here
Classical Evolution (CCE)
Darwinism - Darwin's Evolutionary Preposition / Theory of Pangenesis
Rapid Multiplication
Stability of Population
Limited Resources
Competition between Species
Variation By Natural Selection
Gamatic & Somatic Variation Gene Therapy
Classical Cultural Evolutionism (CCE)
Socio Cultural Evolutionism (S->B->C)Basic Postulates
Unilineal Evolution
Progressive Cultural Evolution
Evolutionary Potential
Cultural Parallels / Cultural Similarities
Culture Survival
Skipping of Stages
Conclusion of Postulates Criticism of CCEConclusion of CCE
CCE by E B Tylor
Intro of E B Tylor Scheme of Evolutionism based on “Religion & Cultural Development”
CCE by L H Morgan
Introduction of L H MorganScheme of Evolutionism based on “Marriage & Family”
Example : Different Stages of Marriage ( PC PS PM )
Kinship Terminologies by Morgan
Descriptive - Sudanese StyleClassificatory Type - Hawain Type Mixed Approach - Eskimo & Iroquio Type
Socio Political Organisations by Morgan
Societus Civitus Stages of Society By Morgan
Comparison between Tylor and Morgan
Scheme -
Simple / Complex
Focus -
Religion / Marriage Family Kinship
Ethnicity -
Reference Not Given / Reference Given
Fieldwork -
No / Yes
CCE by James Frazer
IntroductionFrazers Theme of Evolution
Neo Evolution (20th Century Evolutionism)
Important Thinkers
Pioneers of Neo Evolutionism
Gordon Childe (Brit)Leslie White (US)Julian Stewards (US)
Marshal Sahlins (US)Elman Service (US)
Why did it Emerge ?
Rectify Short Comings of CCE Against the Criticism “of Diffusionist on CCE” { ED, Uni, Psy}
Absence of Empirical Data Unilneal Evolution NA Psychic Unity Rejected
Parabolic Curve by Neo Evolutionist School
DiagramExample of
Original Form
Primitive Communism
Development (2)
Private Property Ownership Building of Trust on Ruling Sector
Modified Form (S&A, PRI, ULB)
Owenership by State and Authorites / Panchayati Raj Institutio / Urban Local Body
Newly Developed Form
Broad Themes of Neo Evolutionist School { Multi, Univ, Techi, G&Speci}
There is No one line of Evolutionis, There are many lines of Evolutionism
Blah Blah -
It is based on Local Environment and Environmental Factors Hence Env is a Active Factor rather Passive One Existecne of Cultural Parallels
Methodology of Multi-lineal Evolutionism ( ||, XRe, RC)
Cross Cultural Research
Causality (Reciprocal Causality)
Development of Cultural Ecology to Study MLEExample of 5 Complex Civilisation for MLE
Northern Peru Meso America Mesopotamia (Origin of Wheat)Egypt China
Illustration of MLE Conclusion of MLE
Universal Evolution - Gordon Childe (UE - GC) (1892-1957)
Man Makes Himself
What Happened In History
Basic Theme
Evolution of Man Kind is based on Archaeology Cultural Dev / Evolutonary Advance →
Inc in Human Potential → Can Extract More Energy & Resources →Socio Cultural Development
Tech Efficacy and Genetic Efficacy Conclusion of UE
Technological Theory of Evolution / Energy Theory - Leslie White (ET - LW) (1900-1975)
Science of Culture 1949
Evolution of Culture 1989
Basic Themes of White’s Theory
Higher Form of Energy Energy & Technology - Universal Standards of Measurement Cultural Sub System (3) { Tech, Socio, Ideo}
Technical Advancement
Tools of Production
Ins/Eqp used for Var Activities
Materials used for Shelter
Marriage, Family, Kinship, Religion, Et Cetera
Collection of Ideas and Beliefs
Mythology, Theology
Literature, Philosophy
Common Sensical Knowledge
They Dont Equally Contribute
Energy -
Amt of energy hrnessed on per capita bsias in a year
Technology -
Efficiency of Technoques ans Tools USED to control & DIRECT Energy
Culture -
Degree of Cultural Adavcnement
Variation in Technology
(H)E * (H)T = (H)C(H)E * (L)T = (L)C(L)E * (H)T = (L)CRelations E && T == H ~ C(H)
Savagery - M
Muscular Energy
Barbaric - MFA 💪🔥🐂
Muscular + Fire + Animal Based
Civilisation -
Energy of Fuel, Running Water, Tides, Winds and Sun
General & Specific Evolution - Sahlin’s and Service
Introduction Dual Character of Evolution
General Evolution
Specific Evolution
Conclusion of Dual Character
Bio Social and Bio Cultural Approach
General Evolution
Bio Social
Origin of Specific Population
Conclusion of General & Specific Approach
Criticism of Neo Evolutionary School
Rift of Ideology
Environmental Factor - Passive - White Tech Theory Environmental Factor - Active - Stewards MLE
MLE & CE - Confusing & Spurious - Marvin Harris MLE - Direction of MLE not specified by StewardsCE - Stewards - Neglect of Diffusion - Ignoring Relationship between Socio Cultural Factors One Size Fit All Approach of Tech - Criticised by Rapaport
Comparison between Cultural Evolutionism & Neo Evolutionism
Classical Cultural Evolutionism
Neo Cultural Evolutionism
Multi Lineal and Universal
Psychic Unity
Factors of Social Change
Empirical Data
Not Applicable
Comparative Data
Concept of Survival
Proposed as Necessary
Temporal and Spatial
All Societies
In All Times
at All Parts of the World
Talked About
Specific Societies
in Specific Times
of Specific Times
Diffusionism and Historical Particularism
Introduction - D & HP
British School (Pan Egyptian School)
WHR Rivers Smithen Perry
German School (Kulterkriez School
RatzelFrabenius Graebner Schmidt
American School
Clark Wissler Alfred Kroeber Led by Boas (HP)
In Response to
CCE → Unilinear Theory CCE → Psychic Unity of Mankind
Definition of
Diffusionism Historical Particularism
Diffusionism - Theory & Schools (3)
Conditions and Characteristics of Cultural Diffusion
Cultural Trait only Adopted by Society when found Meaningful Cultural Traits - May Change → Migration, Env & Geo Factors Directional ←→ Dev to Under Dev ; Movement UD → Dev → Only Minor Features Bottlenecks against Diffusion - Geographical Barriers, Ethnocentrism, Lack of Transport“Diffusion & Acceptability” IS DP TO “Distance from Origin of Culture”
Three Different Concepts used by Diffusionist's
Cultural Trait
Simplest & Most Basic Specific Entity within a Culture Example : Dome Shaped Acrhitecture of Mughals
Cultural Complex
Connected Parts → Different Cultural Traits → In a Large Area = Cultural ComplexExample : Use of
Red StoneSpecial Adhesive Megalith ( Big Stone) on Dome Shaped Mughal Architecture
Cultural Area
Broader Region → having Multiple Cultural Complexes Relatively Similar → Having Matching + Uniform Customs
British School of Diffusion (Extreme Diffusionist’s)
Also Called
Pan Egyptian - Starting Pointing Will Always be Egypt Helio Centric - Sun God is Worshipped by Everyone
Thinkers and Books
Books By Smith
Origin of Civilisation
Diffusion of Culture
Books By Perry
The Children of Sun
Books By Rivers
History of Melanesian Society
Introduction of British School
Egypt -
Centre of Cultural Development
Cradle of Civilisation
Diffusion -
From Egypt Cultural Elements Diffused to Other Parts of the World
Advanced Egypt -
Early development of Sceintific Agriculture
Common Bond -
All Cultures and Civilisation - Origin is Egypt
Diffusionism by SmithDiffusionism by PerryDiffusionism by RiversConclusion and Criticism of British School
German School of Diffusion
Thinkers Involved
Proposed By : Graebner and Schmidt
Supported By : Ratzel and Frabenius
Also Called
Cultural Circle School Culture District School Kulterkriez School
Theory of Cultural Circle Criteria of Quality & Quantity Inference Criticism of German School
American School of Diffusion
Started By : Boas Followed By : Wissler and Kroeber
Cultural Area ApproachAge Area Approach
Wissler - Typology of Diffusion
Natural Diffusion
Organised Diffusion
Kroeber - Cultural Acculturation
Concept of Cultural AcculturationSanskritisation and Elite Emulation
Conclusion of American School Criticism of American School
Historical Particularism by Franz Boas
Books by Boas
The Mind of Primitive Man The Central Eskimos
Definition of HP HP Criticised CCE
Uni Linear Evolution Evolutionary SurvivalsCultural Parallels
No Scientific Methodology No Empirical Data No Field Work
HP Criticised Parallel Evolutionism
Same Level of Cultural Development → Can be Reached by Diff Trajectories
Boas 3 Factors for Various Cultural Traits and Customs of Society
Environmental Historical Connection (Most Important to Boas) Psychological
Criticism of Boas
Functionalism & Structural Functionalism
Functionalism By Brainslow Malinowski
Emerged as Critique To
CCE and Diffusionism
Emerged with Sociology (Pioneer Functionalist)
Comparing Human Body with Social Components
{ Societal Structure + Societal Function } +
Various [ Elements & Institutions & Components ] → Working Together → Functional Society
Herbert Spencer Emile Durkheim
Basic Premise/Tenets/Postulates of Functionalism
Written Postulates
Evolution is an Integrated Whole
Each Element of Culture has a
Additional Function
Combining Specific and Additional Function Make a Functional Society
Problem with any elements in society may affect healthy functioning of society
Propositions by Malinowski
Books by Malinowski
Argonauts of Western Pacific 1922
Scientific Theory of Culture & Other Essays
Dynamics of Cultural Change
Work of Malinowski
Trobriand Islandus Near Papua New Guiniea Region
Introduction of Functionalism into Anthropology by Malinowski Structure of Institution by Malinowski
Charter Norms Personnel Material Apparatus Activities Functional Outcome
Approach to Bio Cultural Functionalism by Malinowski Analysis of “Needs by Malinowski”
Intro to Needs by Malinowski
Categories of Needs
Primary - Basic Secondary - Instrumental
Economic Educational Political Organisation Social Control
Integrative - Synthetic
Criticism (with Merits) of Functionalism - Malinowski
Merits De Merits
Structural Functionalism By Radcliffe Brown
Structure and Functions of Primitive Society
Andaman Islandus (1922)
Introduction to BrownIntroduction to Structural Functionalism 3 Aspects of Social System by Brown
Conclusion - Trying to Demonstrate Inter Relationship btw Culture and Personality
Three Different Approaches Used by CPS
PersonalityBuilds and Impacts the Culture - Ruth Benedict
CultureInfluencesPersonality Forms - Margret Mead BothInfluence each other and are InSeparable -
Prominent Thinkers
Ruth Benedict - Impact of Personality on Culture (Arm Chair)(3)
Book : Pattern of Culture Study : Culture PatternTribes Studied
Zunis - South West State + Mexico
Kwakiutals - North West Canada
Dobus - Melanesia
Keywords - Culture Pattern, Central Axis/Soul, Guardian Spirit, Umbrella Concept, Culture Pattern(Varna System), Functioning Unit, Cultural Traits, Common Point of Reference, Cultural Complex, Culture Pattern, Integration of Society, Special Genius
Special Genius
Apollonian - Zunis Dynosian - Kwakiutals
Conclusion of Ruth Benedict
Margret Mead - Impact of Culture on Personality (2)
Study - Samoan Islands + Tribes of Papua New Guinea Tribes
Coming of Age in Samoa
Sec and Temperament in Three Primitive Socities
Samoan Study - Coming of Age in Samoan Islands
No Stress Related to Puberty
Transition from Puberty to Sexual Maturity is Normal
Pre Marital Sex was considered Normal
Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies and Gender Personality by Mead
Free from Attack
Prone to Attack(Outside/Inside)
No Resource Crunch
MF Nature
Gentle to Each Other
Aggressive & Competent
Family Time
Wasn't Prominent
Society / Kids
Co Existence
Disliked & Punished Kids
Gender Roles
No Division, Equal
No Division, Equal
Clear Division, Male Submissive, Female Angry
Study of National Character by Mead
Initially Proposed by Sapir and Later Taken by Ruth Benedict
Study : “Keep your Powder Dry : an Anthropologist Looks at America”
Study Parameter - Not to CPT
National Character of America
Study of Culture at a Distance
Conclusion & Criticism of National Character by Mead
BothInfluence each other and are InSeparable
Abraham Kardiner - Basic Personality Type
Freuds Influence of KardinerPrimary and Secondary Institutions Marquenesian of French Polynesia Island-us
Female Infanticide
Poly Andry
Maternal Neglect of Children
Basic Personality Types / Structures by Kardiner (6)
Id Efo Super Ego Ideal Constellation Security Systems Attitude Towards Supernatural Things and Beings
Ralph Linton - Total Personality Type
Three Types of Behaviour
Real Culture
Ideal Culture
Cultural Construct
Total Personality Type - Extension of BPT Stimulus Response Principle Conclusion
Cora Du Bois - Modal Personality Type
Extension BPT to MPT
MPT = Inc Empirical Data + Inc Sceintific Research + Scientific Data Test ( Ink Blot, TAT)Place of Study - Alore Islands, East Indies of Indonesia Explanation to Variation in Personality - Extension to BPTEssay : “The People of Allore : a Social Psychological Study of East Indian Islands”Inferences from Allore Islands
Conclusion of CPS
Criticism of CPS
Derec Freeman
Kawakiutals and Zunese
Morris Opler 1 - Narrow in Approach
Morris Opler 2 - Mid way in Male Female Relationship
Extra Focus on Infancy
No Complex Society Studies
Influence of Secondary on Primary Institutions
Symbolic & Interpretive School
Victor Turner Scottish
Clifford Geertz American
D Schneider American
Basic Theme of Symbolic Anthropology
Interpretive School of Symbolic Anthropology SIA and Social Action Summary of SIA School
Geertzian/Interpretive Anthropology
Verstehen - Hermeneutics - Symbols
Operation of Culture
Historically Transmitted Pattern of Meaning Embodied in Symbols
Imp Works of Clifford Geertz
Thick Description
Javanese Funeral
Balinese Cockfight “Deep Play : Notes on Balinese Cock Fight”